Chapter 121
Wearing sneakers, he rushed into the passage quickly, taking advantage of the chaos on the other side, and ran towards the top quickly.

Running wildly all the way, Ling Tian finally came to the ninth floor. After wiping off his sweat, he stopped and looked around, and quickly found a place.

It was an air outlet in the house, and no one was guarding it, so Ling Tian hurriedly stepped on the box next to him, using his hands hard, and hung upside down on the iron pole above his head.

Take out the sailor knife, and gently loosen the screws at the air outlet bit by bit.

He took off the baffle again, and then quietly slipped into the chilly air vent.

Not daring to say anything, he could only crawl a little bit, looking down from each small hole.

At this time, the hall that originally accommodated more than a thousand people was overcrowded.

However, there are a small number of people who are separated separately.

They are different from those hostages who crouched on the ground with their heads in their hands.

Those who can sit on chairs are taken care of.

Ling Tian looked at that group of people, there was another old acquaintance, that was Wells who almost became Shi Shi's husband.

But at this moment, he drooped his head, looking listless.

Especially since he was far away from his father's position, sitting in the corner at the very edge.

He who didn't even dare to lift his head seemed to be sobbing softly.

Ling Tian was among the group of people soon, and saw Shi Shi's father.

Originally on the catwalk, he just glanced at them casually, because they were all wearing suits and leather shoes, and they didn't come out very often.

But the reason why Ling Tian was able to judge was because that sissy girlfriend was also standing in the crowd at this time.

Trembling, he was still leaning on the shoulder of the man beside him, and the man's eyes were somewhat similar to Shi Shi's.

After confirming the target, Ling Tian took a rough look. In the venue in front of him, there were more than 30 guards holding M16A1 automatic rifles.

The uniform black hoods prove that they are the group of guys who came later, and they are definitely not small in combat power in the helicopter.

If he forced his way in, let alone saving someone, he might become a prisoner too.

But time waits for no one, and the time of 10 minutes is up in a blink of an eye.

"I can't go!"

Seeing that time was running out, Ling Tian gritted his teeth.

Giving up the idea of ​​knocking Shishi unconscious and taking her away, he now has no choice but to fight desperately.

If it is possible to take Shishi and her daughter out, they should be found even if they are floating in the sea.

So Ling Tian immediately crawled towards the back.

From another angle, Ling Tian saw a person sitting alone in the middle of the stage, wearing a mask.

But from his unusual way of sitting, Ling Tian can judge that the other party must have a lot of background.

Approaching the air vent a little bit, Ling Tian finally confirmed his identity, because there are five stars on his armband.

According to the previous judgment, one star is a soldier, three stars is a captain, then five stars is probably a commander.

So as long as you catch him and coerce the other party to release him, it is basically okay.

But now, the auditorium is more than ten meters high, and it is almost impossible to jump down rashly.

Moreover, there are guards all around, and if there is a chaos, it may be difficult to make it happen.

After thinking about it, Ling Tian immediately crawled towards the back, maybe entering from the backstage could shorten the distance between them.

The backstage is full of dressing rooms and preparation areas, so there shouldn't be too many people there.

After making up his mind, Ling Tian immediately crawled towards the other side. With a general direction, Ling Tian quickly found an exit.

However, at this time, the 10 minutes stipulated with You Yu had already passed, Ling Tian, ​​who couldn't turn back, could only give it a go.

Outside the window, it was still screwed to death, Ling Tian took out a sailor knife and pried open the gap little by little.

In order not to make too much noise, Ling Tian could only slow down his movements, but at this moment, there was a sudden noise from the background.

"Help! Help! Don't!"

Ling Tian was taken aback by a woman's cry, and along with the cry for help, there was the sound of things collapsing.

Although he didn't know what happened, the sound gave Ling Tian a good cover.

Ling Tian hurriedly curled up in the air vent, and pointed his feet at the air outlet.


The sound of beating outside became louder.

Ling Tian also took this opportunity to kick open the baffle of the air outlet.

The passage was opened, and Ling Tian immediately stepped in and landed on the ground.

The air outlet was three meters high from the ground, but Ling Tian fell on the ground, but there was no sound.

At this time, the cries for help outside became louder and louder, and the woman's screams were mixed with a man's lewd smile.

Ling Tian looked around, this is a separate dressing room, about the same size as the room where Ling Tian met Shishi before.

There is only a simple sofa, clothes rack and dressing table in the room, nothing else.

Leaning against the door, Ling Tian gently pushed the door open a gap, and looked outside.

Outside the door is a hall, and the rows of dressing tables should be prepared for ordinary actors and models.

But at this time there was a mess.

The glass shattered, the tables and chairs were overturned, and the clothes were scattered on the ground. A woman with disheveled hair was still running.

Covered in blood, she kept asking for help and pleading, but the man following her had a lewd smile on his face.

Obviously, the woman's screams stimulated his excitement, and now he is not in a hurry to catch the woman.

Enjoying the thrill of hunting, he kicked the woman, and the tall woman fell to the ground immediately.

The broken glass all over the floor added a few more scars to her body.

"Please, don't hit me! I dare not!"

The clothes all over her body were torn, and the woman fell to the ground, unable to move in pain.

This perverted guy just likes to beat up women, which made the original model unable to handle it at all.

She was curled up on the ground, really powerless to run, panting, she looked at the man walking beside her.

"You are running, how can I be excited if you don't run!"

The man walked up to the woman with a sneer on his face, and kicked her belly again.

The strong military boots made the woman scream and couldn't move.

"Please, you can do whatever you want, don't hit me!"

The woman's anger was like a thread, and she kept begging, but at this moment the man picked up her hair and dragged her to the distance.

"Okay, let me satisfy you!"

Putting the woman directly on the dressing table, the man said with a mean smile.

But just when he was about to act presumptuously, he suddenly froze.

A thin chain was locked around his neck.

Before he could dodge in time, he hastily stretched out his hand and stuck it to his throat.

The sharp barbs on the dragon rope pierced directly into his palm.

(End of this chapter)

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