Chapter 122 Fighting against the Big Man

Ling Tian, ​​who was sneaking up behind him, pushed his hands back hard, but he didn't expect the opponent to block it with his hands abruptly.

At the same time, he raised his hind legs and kicked backwards, forcing Ling Tian to let go and retreat.

The dragon rope left a deep gash on the man's hand, but he didn't care at all.

Turning around, he looked at Ling Tian who was rushing forward again, and even sneered.

The sneak attack failed, which really exceeded Ling Tian's expectations, so that means, this guy is definitely a master.

Although he didn't have a gun on him, if he yelled, he would definitely attract others, and he would never give him a chance.

With a flick of his right fist, he hit the opponent's front door directly, and the man raised his hand to push Ling Tian's attack away from the middle.

However, this was just a false move, Ling Tian's left fist quickly hit his throat.

The man still showed his white teeth, and his injured right hand directly blocked his chin.

Ling Tian's fist hit his palm precisely, and with this cushion, he was not knocked unconscious.

This guy was about two meters tall, and his big hands held Ling Tian's fist even more.

"What a great force!"

Relying on his stature, the opponent's injured right hand could hold Ling Tian's left arm.

If it is controlled by him, it will be troublesome.

Ling Tian hurriedly raised his foot and kicked towards his chest, trying to distance the two of them.

But this guy didn't avoid much, and directly bounced Ling Tian's foot back with his chest.

Although Ling Tian broke free from the other party's hand, the distance between the two suddenly opened.

"not good!"

This tall guy is definitely not that easy to deal with.

Now Ling Tian didn't dare to say anything, seeing that he missed consecutive sneak attacks, he was afraid that the other party would call him out.

"You are that mysterious master, right?"

Unexpectedly, the strong man just patted the dust off his chest and looked at Ling Tian with a sneer.

The big eyes like copper bells are full of excitement.

"Is this guy crazy?"

Not only did he not ask for help, but he was so excited. Looking at the other party, Ling Tian couldn't help but feel helpless.

But no matter what, he didn't want to attract others to come over and it fell into Ling Tianxia's arms.

After moving his shoulders, Ling Tian had to look seriously at the guy in front of him.

Since he finished his studies, he has never encountered such a strong opponent.

"Boy, what's your name? A nameless soul will never die under my fist!"

After licking the blood on his right hand, the guy's eyes became even more excited.

As soon as he reached out to untie the tactical vest on his body, he also took off the hood.

He was a young child with a bald head, a fleshy face, and a long scar on his eyes.

"If you die, just ask Hades!"

Seeing him bouncing up and down, it was obvious that he was going to compete with himself.

Ling Tian's eyes were fixed on the opponent's movements, this guy was stronger than himself no matter in terms of absolute strength or combat experience.

Ling Tian was also hesitant about how to defeat such a master.

"I seem to have seen you before, your appearance makes me hate it!"

The man shook his neck, looked at Ling Tian with a cold face, and his words also made Ling Tian stunned.

Because the moment he took off the mask just now, Ling Tian also had the illusion that he had seen it before, but he had long forgotten where he saw it.

"I don't like your appearance very much!"

The enemy can't move and I can't move, the two of them stood there with each other, neither of them dared to act rashly.

Obviously, the other party was also a little afraid of the dragon rope in Ling Tian's hand, and he couldn't stand for a while, so he suddenly sneered.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, he directly grabbed the woman lying on the table.

With a sneer on his face, he threw the woman towards Ling Tian without hesitation.


Looking at the woman who was thrown over, Ling Tian frowned, the broken glass on the ground could kill this woman at any time.

If he didn't care, she would really die in front of his eyes. Ling Tian gritted his teeth, stepped forward, and pulled the woman into his arms.
But at this time, the opponent's fist blasted towards the woman's back.

Although Ling Tian despises such a despicable method and uses a weak woman as a shield, he can't stop it at all.

This tortured woman, who was about to faint, tightly hugged Ling Tian's neck.

The exposed back was about to be hit hard by the opponent.

He was already bruised, and if he was punched again, he would probably die.

Ling Tian hurriedly turned around, hugged her in his arms, and punched her hard with his back.


With a muffled sound, Ling Tian quickly took three steps forward with the power of this punch.

At the same time, he turned around, endured the pain in his back and kicked out, forcing back the opponent's combo.

Putting the woman on the ground, Ling Tian slowly stood up straight, the pain in his back made his eyes bloodshot.

"Hey, I still want to be a hero, I will send you on your way today!"

Big Hei had a lewd smile on his face, and once again rushed towards Ling Tian, ​​swinging his fists like a whirlwind.

The raging winds made Ling Tian's face ache.

Ling Tian couldn't fight recklessly, he could only back away continuously, his hands kept calling the opponent's arm, taking all the fist wind away.

Continuously dodging, Ling Tian's absolute strength is not comparable to the opponent, but the relative flexibility is far higher than the opponent.

The fist of the big black man kept hitting the surrounding tables and chairs, and there was a mess in the background for a while.

Fists are no match, Ling Tian can only use his feet, as the saying goes that his arms can't twist his thighs, so if he wants to win, he can only use his legs.

Kicking the opponent's wrist with one kick, Ling Tian kicked in circles, while supporting the ground with both hands, giving him more space to perform.

This leg skill was specially trained by Qiu Yutong, especially when doing Lajin, it was extremely painful.

But now he can reach the state of the splits, and those legs are extremely flexible.

Whip legs sweeping wildly, the secret kill attack in the middle and lower three ways is also launched.

Secret Killing is based on one-hit killing, so in this three-way kung fu, it is used less.

After all, the vital organs of the human body are generally concentrated in the upper body.

Choking the throat, heart, abdomen and head, these are the main positions of the secret killer.

But on Xiasan road, there is no dead spot to speak of.

Therefore, the three-way attack is mainly based on sweeping, chopping, kicking, and blocking.

Every move, every move, Ling Tian has already used it very flexibly.

The opponent relied on brute force to defend his upper body, only kicking and kicking.

For a while, Ling Tian, ​​who was caught in a hard fight, definitely couldn't take advantage of it.

On the contrary, as time went by, Ling Tian's physical energy was depleted very quickly.

Swinging a fist is a very energy-consuming thing, and only in martial arts novels will there be a battle for three days and three nights.

(End of this chapter)

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