Chapter 123 Burning in anger (let's smash the ticket)

And the so-called internal strength does not exist in real life. A martial arts practitioner develops explosive power in one breath.

Although the continuous whip kick resisted the opponent's onslaught, on the contrary, Ling Tian's physical fitness was rapidly declining.

Several attacks were blocked by the opponent's defense, and Ling Tian, ​​who was covered in sweat, could no longer support his feet and slowed down.

"Finally stopped, right?"

The big black man kept his arms in front of him, and he was not in a hurry when Ling Tian pressed and beat him.

Seeing that Ling Tian's speed slowed down, he rushed up immediately, punched Ling Tian's right foot away, raised his right foot at the same time, and kicked Ling Tian's waist directly.

Ling Tian, ​​who was already exhausted, flew out like a kite with a broken string.

After hitting the row of vanity mirrors heavily, he fell down and couldn't move.

The scorching pain made Ling Tian frowned, but he kept silent for fear of attracting attention from the outside.

"Boy, you don't seem to be as good as others say, you are really wasting my time!"

The big black man sneered and took off his coat, revealing his muscles like dynamite.

Blue veins popped out, blood vessels were tight, and his inverted triangle shape was stronger than a bear.

"Bastard, you are really resistant!"

Ling Tian tried hard to get up, but the pain in his waist made him unable to move for a while.

Seeing the big black man approaching step by step, Ling Tian clenched his teeth.

The pain from the cold sweat made Ling Tian almost faint, but he absolutely couldn't just let it go, otherwise he would surely die.

Standing up with strong support, Ling Tian's right leg was still a little numb due to the heavy blow.

"Okay boy, I'm not interested in you anymore, it's time to end!"

The black man had a sneer on his face, which was so ugly.

But the strong hands are really a headache.

This kind of guy must be a ten thousand year virgin, otherwise how could he have such strong arm muscles.


But when the big black man approached Ling Tian step by step.

Suddenly there was a muffled sound, and a fire extinguisher hit the back of the big black man's head heavily.

The one holding the fire extinguisher was the female model who was tortured by the big black man just now.

With a bruised nose and swollen face, she took advantage of his unpreparedness and gave him a heavy blow on the back of the head.

However, the big black man just staggered, touching the back of his head with his bloody left hand.

With his teeth bared, he was not headshot, let alone beaten, but the distorted expression on his face must be very painful.

"Come on!"

This moment immediately enraged this guy, and when he turned around, he went straight to the female model who was still there in a daze.

Ling Tian saw that it was not good, and immediately roared, and at the same time, using his left leg, he rushed towards the big black man quickly.

Obviously, this guy has murderous intentions, if he catches her, the woman will definitely die.

Following Ling Tian's roar, the injured female model finally came to her senses.

Throwing away the fire extinguisher in her hand, she hurried to escape.

But it was too late, the ground was full of broken glass, so how could she escape with bare feet.

The big black man quickly caught up and grabbed the woman's long hair.

"Go away!"

At this moment, there was a gust of wind behind him, and the big black man turned around and slammed the woman in his hand backwards.

Ling Tian, ​​who punched the opponent's neck with his right fist, saw the woman whose hair was being thrown at him, so he could only forcibly withdraw his forward momentum.

Although he avoided the woman, the kick raised by the big man hit Ling Tian's chest again.

As if hit by a car, Ling Tian flew out again.

When he fell to the ground, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

This guy's foot strength is really too strong.


Struggling to get up, Ling Tian watched the big black man helplessly, and lifted the woman high.

He grabbed the woman's neck with one hand and her leg with the other, and she was so injured that she couldn't even struggle.

Blood continued to flow down the woman's mouth and hair.

The dying woman's eyes were full of despair, and she instinctively stretched out a hand, as if she wanted Ling Tian to help her.

"Why do you order me!"

The big black man sneered, and at the same time threw the woman down hard to the ground.

And the outstretched knee became the guillotine for the woman.

Under the tremendous pressure, the vertebrae broke immediately and pierced into her internal organs.

"Kill him……"

Blood spurted out from the woman's mouth and nose, and the woman shouted at Ling Tian with the last bit of strength.

However, as the arm fell limply on the ground, she didn't close her eyes until she died.

"Bastard! I'm going to kill you!"

Seeing the woman's tragic death, Ling Tian's eyes were bloodshot.

That sense of powerlessness is simply a shame to Ling Tian.

Gritting his teeth and standing up, Ling Tian rushed forward like a lunatic.

"You are so distressed about this kind of goods, so let's give it to you to play!"

Big Hei sneered and threw the woman towards Ling Tian.

At the same time, he rushed over and attacked Ling Tian under the cover of the corpse.

But just when he thought that Ling Tian had to catch it or counterattack, Ling Tian suddenly swooped down and slipped under his crotch.

The movement was as fast as a shooting star, and the big black man who hadn't reacted hurriedly stopped the castration.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ling Tian rolled over on the spot, and the big black man also turned around, and rushed towards Ling Tian again.

He is like a hungry tiger pouncing on his food, and his open arms are like a giant crab, otherwise he wouldn't have the nickname Dali.

But when he came close, Ling Tian squatted on the ground and then turned around.

Seeing the big black man rushing close, he pressed the switch in his hand.

"Puff puff puff..."

A burst of cold white foam instantly rushed towards the big black man.

It was too late to dodge him, so he hurriedly used his arms to cover his face.

But with the inhalation of the foam, he immediately instinctively coughed loudly.

At this moment, Ling Tian turned the fire extinguisher in his hand and hit him hard on the crotch.

A burst of pain made him instinctively cover the lower part with his hands, but his mouth, which was just about to yell, was immediately covered by white foam.

Ling Tian picked up the fire extinguisher again and smashed it hard on his head.

The shock caused Ling Tian's wrist to go crazy, and the fire extinguisher was dented.

The big black man who couldn't shout out immediately fell heavily on the ground, he never expected that Ling Tian would still have this move.

He was obviously in a state of madness, but he managed to win by surprise. As the big black man fell to the ground, Ling Tian rushed up again.

The fire extinguisher in his hand hit his head continuously, and soon his head was stained red with blood.

And the big black man who was no longer struggling made Ling Tian stop.

(End of this chapter)

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