Chapter 124 Lobby Crisis
Ling Tian, ​​who sat down on the ground, panted heavily exhausted.

Sweat drenched his clothes, but Ling Tian still supported himself and stood up, after all, it's not the time for him to rest yet.

Reaching out to pick up the big black man's clothes, Ling Tian immediately put them on.

Although it was a bit fat, it couldn't be seen clearly, but Ling Tian found that there were four stars on the armband.

I didn't expect this guy to have such a high position, but Ling Tian didn't have time to worry about it. After putting on the mask and tactical vest, he walked towards the front desk.

Touching the pistol on his waist, Ling Tian gently unbuttoned the gun bag, so that he could draw the gun immediately.

Life and death are uncertain, but for the sake of poetry and conscience, he must do this.

Everyone under the catwalk is now very uneasy, whether it is the hostages squatting on the ground over there, or the rich people from another area.

At this time, they all looked dazed, because they were just imprisoned here.

So far, the other party has not made any requests.

However, because this disappointment is Wells, the entire ship is now under control.

The crew has also been taken over and is now tied up here.

The man sitting on the stage just kept tapping on Erlang's leg, didn't say a word, and didn't talk to anyone.

"What exactly do you need? If it's money, we can give it to you. This ship is insured. Please let me contact the insurance company."

Old Wells stood up. As the chairman, he must shoulder the responsibility of negotiating.

And this kind of cruise ship that often travels on the high seas must have a huge insurance premium.

Once an accident occurs, the insurance company will naturally be responsible for the aftermath, which is also the best choice just in case.

After all, this time it was a tour group organized by him, and many of his guests and business partners were on board.

If anything happens to them, it's definitely not money that can make it up.

Especially this time, his unlucky son would take the initiative to help the other party control the cabin.

Even if he resolved the crisis this time, he would have no face to meet these friends.

"Don't worry, the money will naturally not be less, but we have to wait!"

The masked man looked at Old Wells who stood up with a sneer.

At this time the captain was already in a pool of blood, who told him not to take them to control the cabin just now.

"Heroes, I have turned my back on the dark and turned to the bright just now, can you let me go?"

Wells stood up hurriedly, and said to the masked man with an apologetic smile.

In any case, he was considered a meritorious service just now, allowing the crew to hand over control of the ship to others without anyone noticing.

"Oh? What you said makes sense, then throw him out!"

The masked man turned around and said to Wells with a sneer on his face.

If this vast sea is thrown out, wouldn't it be feeding the sharks?

"No, no, I'm not leaving! I think it's better to be with you!"

As he spoke, two men wearing masks walked up to him and clasped his shoulders from left to right.

Wells was so frightened that he hurriedly shook his head, that's not how he said to let go.

Now the vast sea, throwing it down can only lead to death.

"It's because you don't want to go, don't say I didn't let you go!"

The masked man waved his hands with a sneer on his face, and the two let go of Wells who seemed to be carrying a chicken.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! I don't want to go!"

Wells nodded quickly, and said to the masked man flatteringly.

"How can I have a son like you!"

Everything is wrong with this son, and now Old Wells can't wait to strangle this unfilial son to death with his own hands.

"Although you are asking for money, there is no problem. You can pay as much as you want, but please let those wounded get medical treatment. They are innocent."

Shishi's father, Chu Jianxiong, stood up, but his head was blocked by a guy with an automatic rifle at the side.

"I didn't expect you rich people to care about the lives of those people?"

The masked man turned his face and looked at Chu Jianxiong with a disdainful voice.

"Life is precious, you can't just deprive others of their lives, after all they have family members!"

Chu Jianxiong's expression was dignified, and he was considered a man who had seen strong winds and waves even after being a soldier.

The mighty and unyielding spiritual head really has a sense of majesty.

"Don't we have no family? Damn people can't live, and people who don't deserve to die can't die either!"

The masked man was still sitting there, looking at a few guys covered in blood in the distance.

They tried to escape and resist in vain, that's why they ended up like this.

And let these dying guys lie here to die, just to give others some warnings.

This is what happens when you run away, and no one can hide from it.

"Then what are you going to do now? Are you just sitting like this?"

Old Wells looked at the masked man, who had been sitting there since he took control of the entire ship.

He didn't ask any conditions or questions, just arranged for his subordinates to separate them.

"Isn't this very good, do you want me to kill someone every minute for you to see?"

The masked man's rhetorical question brought the negotiation to an impasse.

When these business war predators faced the barrel of a gun, their eloquence was gone.

The gun is in the hands of others, and your life is also in the hands of others.

They are completely controlled and can't do anything at all, they can only follow the orders of others.

In the hall, it was quiet again, only the seriously injured hostages were still screaming.

That feeble but heart-piercing cry made one's scalp tingle.

The lifeless air felt even more suffocating.

"I don't want to die!"

Suddenly, in the crowd, a man was pulling his hair frantically.

The oppressive atmosphere caused him, whose mental endurance was extremely low, to collapse immediately.

Regardless of standing up, there was only one word in his mind, and that was to escape.

He was desperately thinking about running to the gate, completely crazy.

"Da da da……"

The bullet passed through his body without hesitation.

He was directly knocked to the ground, with blood all over his body.

The constant twitching of the body made everyone terrified.

On the stage, the masked man looked at everything in front of him coldly.

"It's fun, is there anything else to run?"

To him, these people are just abandoned sons, so he doesn't care at all.

Let alone one, even if there are ten or one hundred, so what.

No one spoke, and many people were crying silently.

They are considered good, and many of them don't even have the chance to be hostages.

Especially girls, at this time is simply a disaster.

Just now they watched the previous models with their own eyes and were dragged behind.

(End of this chapter)

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