Chapter 125 Letting You Release Someone
All the jewelry was removed, their faces were full of panic, and with the screams from the background, they all knew that these girls were finished.

Time passed by every minute and every second, but for them, the days seemed like years.

And at this moment, a figure in the background walked quickly towards the masked man sitting in the middle.

Wearing a black camouflage uniform and a black hood over his face, no one will see his face and no one will notice it.

Ling Tian, ​​who was wearing a hood, strode forward in stride, and within a distance of more than ten meters, he arrived in just a blink of an eye.

"what's up?"

Sensing someone behind him, the masked man turned his face, but at this moment a gun was directly pointed at his head.

This action made all the guards startled, they turned their guns one after another, and looked at everything in front of them in surprise.

Not only them, but also the hostages and the rich people in the audience were stunned. They didn't expect that their own people would hold the masked man with guns.

"Let you let go!"

Ling Tian looked at the masked man in front of him with a cold face. The five stars on his armband proved that he was the boss here.

"You killed Dali?"

The masked man was taken aback, and looked at the four-star logo on the armband in surprise.

"That guy? It's pretty irresistible. I wonder if you can take a few more bullets?"

Ling Tian looked at the masked man coldly, facing other guns, he was not afraid.

The pistol in his hand was pointed at the head of the guy opposite, and he said word by word.

"Do you think you can let me release everyone with just your gun?"

The masked man sneered, sitting there still motionless.

"I didn't say everyone, I just want a few!"

The four eyes met, and no one gave in. Since he dared to come, he was not prepared to be afraid.

"Who did you let go?"

Suddenly, the masked man smiled, and the corner of his mouth under the half-mask was playful.


When Ling Tian named this name, everyone was taken aback.

Even Wells didn't know why Shen Sheng wanted to save him.

"I'm here! Here!"

Not being able to control that much, Wells stood up directly and waved vigorously at Ling Tian, ​​for fear that he would not see him.

"kill him!"

Before everyone could react, the masked man suddenly gave an order.

Following closely behind Wells, the guard pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"Da da da……"

The bullet passed through Wells' body and instantly disrupted his internal organs.

Before he understood what happened, Wells fell heavily on the ground.

He was bleeding profusely, and his eyes were wide open until he died. He didn't understand why he died.


Old Wells only felt that his eyes were darkened, and he almost passed out.

Although he was still calling him a rebellious son just now, after all, he is also his own son who has supported him for more than 30 years.

Seeing him die tragically in front of him, as a father, how could he not feel distressed.

"How is it? Satisfied?"

The masked man smiled happily, he was not afraid of Ling Tian's gun at all.

He has thousands of hostages in his hands, and hundreds of subordinates.

If Ling Tian killed himself, he wouldn't even have the chance to leave the stage.

"I am very satisfied!"

But the actions of the masked man did not make Ling Tian feel angry at all.

With just a twist of his wrist, the pistol came to the side of the masked man.

With the pull of the trigger, the bullet roared out, passed through his ear, and directly sank into the eyebrow of a soldier standing not far away.


The masked man let out a scream, and instinctively wanted to reach out to cover his shattered ear.

But suddenly his neck tightened, and then the barbed dragon rope clasped his neck.

"How is it? Satisfied?"

Ling Tian stretched out his hand and pulled the masked man into his arms. With a sneer on his face, he guessed that this guy was going to play dirty tricks.

That's why he deliberately revealed a name to let him do it. I didn't expect him to be very obedient and complete his plan to kill with a borrowed knife.

"who are you?"

The masked man felt a pain in his neck and had difficulty breathing, and there was no surprise in Ling Tian's tone.

This is definitely far beyond his expectations, who the hell is this guy.

"The devil who came back from hell!"

Ling Tian whispered next to the masked man's ear, that voice was like a haunting song from hell.

The sudden change in the hall made it difficult for everyone to understand.

Who is this guy who suddenly held the masked man hostage?

As for the guards, they were also a bit of a stickler at this time.

Ling Tian used the masked man's body to block himself, preventing them from doing anything at all.

"I'll give you another chance. If you don't let me go, I don't mind making a few more blood holes on your body!"

With every word and every word, Ling Tian's murderous aura was completely permeated at this moment.

"I know, the bullet passed there, and I guarantee that you will not die suddenly and be tortured by pain."

What Ling Tian said was definitely not joking, that shot just now represented his determination.

"Who do you want me to let go!"

The masked man kept bleeding from his ears, but he didn't dare to move.

The sharp barbs were locked on his neck, and if he was pulled, he would be decapitated.

"The chairman of Taishan Group, and the person next to him, you can let someone shoot you!"

Ling Tian sneered, and whispered in his ear, word by word, cold and heartless.

"Okay, isn't it time for the farce to end?"

Just when Ling Tian said these words, suddenly, a voice spread throughout the venue.

Ling Tian raised his head instinctively and looked towards the place where the sound came from, only to see a person sitting on the stand on the second floor.

However, the lights there were dim, and the other party's face could not be seen at all.

"If you think it's a farce, you can try it!"

Ling Tian looked at the guys there suspiciously, why did someone pop up again all of a sudden.

"Bring people up!"

Before Ling Tian could finish speaking, the voice sounded again.

Immediately afterwards, the door of the lobby was suddenly pushed open, and two militants walked in with a man on their backs.


The one being held up was none other than Shishi who was hidden by Ling Tian.

At this time, her face was pale, and she was almost dragged in.

Ling Tian looked at Shishi in surprise, how could she be kidnapped, no one should know her hiding place.

Shishi didn't respond to Ling Tian's call, and after the anesthetic passed, she was completely powerless.

Shishi was thrown on the stage, and several guards pointed their guns at Shishi.

At this time, Shishi also opened her eyes, trying to find her father.

"Let me go now!"

The guy on the second floor spoke loudly again.

(End of this chapter)

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