Chapter 128 Mysterious Evacuation
He just said it casually just now, but he didn't expect that he wanted to kill himself before.

In particular, it was also mentioned that everyone wants to kill Ling Tian now. This kind of dialogue really makes Ling Tian speechless.

To be precise, he wanted to kill the tooth that Ling Tian took over as.

"I'm afraid you will never have that chance in your life!"

Ling Tian gave Dali a hard look, this face is really not ordinary ugly.

Ling Tian didn't speak any more, just turned around and walked towards Shishi.

Holding her in his arms again, he strode towards the helicopter.

Dali didn't speak, but grinned loudly.

Back then, he was severely beaten by teeth, and this kind of pain stimulated him even more, giving him a chance to try his best.

"There must be! There must be!"

He pulled a soldier over and took off his clothes.

Wiping the blood all over his face with his clothes, Dali still gritted his teeth.

The actions of this kind of psychologically distorted guy are absolutely incomprehensible.

But I have to say, he is a monster.


Just when Ling Tian was about to board the plane with Shishi in his arms.

Suddenly a voice came from the crowd.

Ling Tian looked up and saw that it was Shi Shi's father, and he was looking at Ling Tian worriedly.

Although a little angry, this guy forced Shishi to marry that man.

But now the matter has passed, and Shishi is also very concerned about her father.

After thinking for a while, Ling Tian turned around and walked towards his father with Shishi in his arms.

"I can give you how much money you want, please let my daughter go!"

At the venue just now, he saw the conversation between Ling Tian and Shishi. He really didn't know when his daughter had a boyfriend.

And this boyfriend, now turning around gorgeously, actually stood at the head of the kidnappers, especially since it was obvious that his level was still very high.

This made Chu Jianxiong panic. His daughter is now being held in the arms of a kidnapper.

This is definitely a very, very dangerous thing, after all, these people are ruthless.

"She has a gunshot wound and needs someone to treat her. Don't worry, I won't do anything to her!"

Ling Tian could see that Chu Jianxiong was worried about him, but he couldn't return Shishi to him now.

He doesn't have the ability to take everyone away, and Shishi also needs treatment, the only way now is to go back with them.

"Then...then please take good care of her, and I will definitely repay you!"

Looking at Shishi's right calf wrapped in gauze, Chu Jianxiong knew that what Ling Tian said was true.

I am in deep trouble now, and I don't know where I will fly to when I get on the helicopter.

Unable to protect himself, he could only grit his teeth, looked at his unconscious daughter, and hoped that she would persevere.

"I will, don't worry!"

Ling Tian nodded, and walked towards the helicopter with Shishi in his arms again.

Now being recognized as a bad person in front of everyone, although Ling Tian is angry in his heart, this is also his choice.

Ling Tian, ​​who got on the helicopter, held the unconscious Shishi in his arms, watching the smaller and smaller cruise ship finally disappear without a trace.

In the sky, under the cover of night, the helicopter flew towards the distance.

There is still an endless sea at the foot.

Ling Tian, ​​who does not have a positioning system, can only rely on the heat in the air to determine that they are in the tropics.

The sun was slowly rising in the distance, and they finally saw land.

After the helicopter landed on the ground, they stepped on the solid ground.

But the journey is not over, on the contrary, it is just the beginning.

Sitting on the back seat of the jeep, Ling Tian watched the helicopters and convoys going back and forth.

It looked like they were going to keep going further inland.

Holding Shishi who started to have a fever, Ling Tian could only keep feeding her water.

The real lurking has only just begun, and no one knows what will happen next.

But Ling Tian knew that he was in a lot of trouble this time, especially that living Zhuge, which made him a little afraid.

The Golden Triangle refers to a triangular area located in the border areas of Thailand, Myanmar and Laos in Southeast Asia.

Because this area has been rich in opium and other drugs for a long time and is the main drug producing area in the world, the "Golden Triangle" is famous all over the world.

The scope roughly includes Shan State and Kachin State in northern Myanmar, Chiang Rai Province in Thailand, and northern Chiang Mai Province.

And Luang Namtha, Phongsari, and Oudomxay provinces in Laos.

There are also more than 3000 villages and towns in the west of Luang Prabang Province.

At that time, the Thai government erected an archway engraved with the words "Golden Triangle" at the junction of the three countries, so the Golden Triangle got its name.

The traffic here is blocked, the mountains are overlapping, and the undulating mountains form a three-dimensional climate.

People at the foot of the mountain are extremely hot. At that time, people on the top of the mountain may have to surround the fire to resist the cold. Relatively speaking, the natural conditions in high-altitude areas are relatively poor, and people's lives are more difficult.

Having said that, the soil here is fertile and the climate is warm and humid.

Especially the poppies everywhere are very beautiful.

Looking from a distance, the fiery red flowers are so beautiful and coquettish, but they are also necessary tools for refining drugs.

Ling Tian was sitting in the car, looking at the surrounding scene, he couldn't help but heaved a long sigh.

Zhuge actually let him go around more than half of China and came to the Golden Triangle.

It was unbearably hot in the tattered jeep, but Shishi in her arms still hugged herself tightly.

She was hot all over and had a persistent high fever, but Ling Tian, ​​who had no medicine, could only give her as much water as possible.

"How long will it be?"

The sun rose and the moon set, three whole days had passed, seeing Shi Shi getting more and more serious day by day, Ling Tian couldn't hold his breath anymore.

He grabbed the driver and asked angrily.

"We'll be there soon, the mountain ahead is here!"

The driver heard how powerful this man was, and beat him vigorously until his head was bleeding.

Who dared to offend him, and hurriedly pointed to a mountain in front of him and said.

"Hurry up!"

Ling Tian doesn't care about here or there now, what he wants is to find the medicine as soon as possible.

Before they entered the mountain, they even passed a small town, Ling Tian was really surprised to see the town with people coming and going on the streets.

But he didn't have time to observe anything, Shishi's body temperature is getting hotter and hotter now, and it is very dangerous for her to continue to be in a coma.

Along a valley, they headed for the mountain ahead.

The road passing by is not wide, and two big mountains stand there like mountain gates.

Ling Tian just glanced around and found that the security here is indeed heavy.

The highlands on the left and right sides are all guarded by militants, all of which are American-made M16A1 equipment with strong firepower.

And every few steps you will see a machine gun mounted there.

Not only that, as they went deeper, Ling Tian actually saw the anti-aircraft missiles of the former Soviet Union.

(End of this chapter)

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