Chapter 129 Golden Triangle

The only entrance was indeed well-defended, and the stockade in front of him also occupied most of the hillside.

All the way up the winding mountain road, at the corner, Ling Tian saw part of the back of the mountain.

It turned out to be a steep cliff, no wonder the driver told him that this place is called Falling Tiger Cliff.

However, this stockade is not surrounded by wooden fences like before, but is completely composed of reinforced concrete.

Ling Tian didn't know what was written on the big gate of the village. As the car stopped, someone was already waiting for him.

"You should be the new tooth, welcome!"

A guy who spoke fluent Chinese came over immediately and said to Ling Tian with a smile on his face.

Ling Tian looked at the person in front of him suspiciously. His appearance should be Chinese.

He stood there in a gentle manner, smiling very kindly, and wearing glasses, he still had a bit of a polite feeling.

"Is there a sound here? My woman's wound is festering!"

Ling Tian didn't have time to ask about his identity, Shishi in his arms was the most important thing.

"Of course, of course, we have been notified and are ready, take her to the infirmary quickly!"

The man nodded and said to the women standing behind him.

But when talking to them, he used words that Ling Tian couldn't understand.


The women agreed, and immediately took Shishi from Ling Tian's arms.

"Don't worry, they are all nurses who have gone to medical school, and I promise there will be no problems."

Seeing that Ling Tian was about to follow, the man stopped him immediately, and said with a smile at the same time.

"Well, it's best not to have anything!"

Ling Tian didn't say the second half of the sentence, but everyone knew that if something happened, no one would have to live.

"Look, I haven't introduced myself yet. My surname is Liu. Everyone likes to call me Master Liu. I'm the teacher in the village."

Master Liu smiled and stretched out his hand, which was his self-introduction.


Ling Tian just nodded and didn't say anything else.

The more you talk, the more exposed you might as well not talk, besides Ling Tian is not a talkative person.

However, Master Liu didn't care about anything, and hurriedly led Ling Tian inside.

In the stockade, there are still intricate passages, turn left and right, and come to an attic.

Backed by the mountains, the scenery is beautiful, and the front is unobstructed, and you can see the small town in the distance.

The downstairs is the kitchen, and the upstairs is the bedroom. Although it is not big, it is also a detached house.

"This is the house arranged for you by the head of the house. You will live here from now on, and food will be delivered every day!"

Master Liu said to Ling Tian with a smile on his face.

"Oh, then thank Master Liu for taking care of me!"

Ling Tian nodded and still didn't say much, but at this moment there was a commotion in the yard.

Because when entering the mountain, Ling Tian's speed increased, so they arrived one step ahead.

The subsequent brigade returned to the heavily guarded stockade one after another.

Ling Tian pushed open the window of the attic and looked towards the open space in front of him.

The trucks carrying those rich men had stopped, and the soldiers were pulling them out of the car.

After three days of running around, these rich people are no longer so chic.

Under the disheveled faces, they were in a state of embarrassment, like animals being driven away, escorted to the distance,

And Ling Tian also noticed that he didn't seem to see Zhuge live again in the past few days.

The contacts are all directed by the strong man wrapped in gauze, and this guy is still relatively polite to himself.

It's just that I peek at Shishi from time to time, but I dare not take any action.

"Okay, after driving for so long, you should rest for a while, and I won't disturb your rest for now."

Master Liu said something to Ling Tian and turned to leave, but Ling Tian stopped him.

"Master Liu, I'm not familiar with the place where I live, so please take care of me and get to know you casually, where is this?"

Ling Tian came to the Golden Triangle in such a dizzy state, completely unaware of why he came here.

So he hurriedly said to Mr. Liu that he had been taking care of Shishi all along the way, and he didn't pay too much attention to the surrounding things.

Especially since so many people spoke different languages, he couldn't understand what they were saying.

"No problem, if you're not tired, you can come to my house and let's chat over tea!"

Ling Tian was relatively cold all the way, and finally said, Master Liu is of course happy.

So he hurriedly led Ling Tian down the wooden stairs, turned around and walked towards the other side of the village.

Along the way, he roughly introduced the whole village to Ling Tian.

The name of this village is Qilin Village, because the No.1 village owner who founded the village was a Chinese, so it was named after this.

Later, the village was built bigger and bigger, and branch villages were established on both sides, named Qinglong Village and Baihu Village.

The village at the foot of the mountain was called Manxingdie Town, and Ling Tian couldn't help being taken aback when he said the name of this town.

"I don't know what the relationship between here and Kunsha is?"

Ling Tian doesn't know much, but he still remembers this Golden Triangle area, this Starry Town.

The reason for this is precisely because Kunsha, the largest in the world in the last century, had such an army.

Kun Sha, who controlled the production and distribution of drugs in the "Golden Triangle" from the 60s to the early 90s, was called "the world's number one man with an army of [-] people, and he lived a legendary life.

He has half Chinese blood and has fought countless battles in his life.

The Burmese government, the Thai government, the Communist Party's fugitive troops, the Communist Party of Burma, the Wa guerrillas, the international anti-drug organization, and the opium general Luo Xinghan.

It can be said that these are his enemies. From a force of 200, nearly [-] people were defeated. The huge armed force made the government have no way to deal with him.

Ling Tian had seen reports about him before, and his whole life was truly wonderful.

In particular, as the biggest drug addict in his territory, he will be shot.

A resolute professional soldier acts like a pie, but the road he chose has killed many people.

However, at the end of the 90s, didn't he surrender and disband his troops.

Could it be that after he left, someone occupied the place again?

"That's right, this place was indeed Kunsha's territory before, and the current master is Kunsha's fourth son."

Master Liu smiled slightly, it seemed that Ling Tian still knew the history of this place very well.

"I see!"

Only then did Ling Tian nodded, and followed Master Liu all the way to his home.

The antique room was decorated with calligraphy and paintings. The two sat in front of Kung Fu Tea and watched as they made a pot of fragrant tea.

(End of this chapter)

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