Chapter 131 Before the Prison
"Don't talk nonsense, I'll take her to see her father!"

Ling Tian is too lazy to talk nonsense, this guy's eyes are always lustful.

Thinking back to when I was backstage that day, why did I leave in such a hurry.

If it was found that he was still breathing, he must have punched him a few more times.

There will be no such guy who dares to challenge himself now.

"Do you think this is still an isolated island? Ya, let me tell you, the rules here must have the consent of the head of the prison!"

After returning, the news of Dali being beaten spread throughout the village.

Everyone was laughing behind their backs.

Although Dali has a savage personality and a bad temper, he is definitely not stupid. After being beaten up, he can't just let it go.

"I don't care if you are in charge or not, get out of the way!"

In the past few days, this guy has been deliberately looking for trouble, and he has deliberately avoided it.

But this time, there was no turning back.

Ling Tian frowned, looking at Dali who was still wrapped in gauze viciously.

He doesn't mind hitting him again.

"You want to force your way!"

Seeing Ling Tian walking forward, Dali pulled out the pistol from his waist and pointed it at Ling Tian.

"I hate people pointing guns at my head!"

Ling Tian looked at the cold muzzle of the gun, still without fear, and said word by word.

"My family can't do it, but if you violate the family rules, you can't blame me. You can try again!"

Dali snorted coldly, but the muzzle of the gun in his hand did not move. The soldiers behind him looked at the scene in front of them and didn't know what to do.

Ling Tian made a name for himself in the first battle, and no one wanted to offend someone who could defeat Dali.

Now two people are fighting here again, one side is the VIP, the other is the Nine Masters, they really don't know what to do.

"Shishi, you go and sit aside first!"

Ling Tian made up his mind to let Shi Shi meet his father no matter what.

And he and Dali's Qiu should also have a chance to get to know each other.

"Are you going to fight him?"

Shishi grabs Ling Tian, ​​although she believes that he is a bad person in her heart, but Shishi is still so kind.

The strong man on the opposite side was tall and burly, like a giant bear.

His swollen face was still wrapped in gauze, which made his ferocious face even more frightening.

If Ling Tian fought with him, it was courting death. His arms were almost as thick as Ling Tian's legs.

"Are you concerned about me?"

Seeing Shishi's worried look, Ling Tian felt sweet in his heart.

Like a kite floating outside, he is still very useful.

"I just... just... want to see my father!"

Of course Shishi refuses to admit that she still loves this devil.

He hesitated and didn't know how to explain, but he still held Ling Tian's arm tightly.

"Don't worry, I broke his head. Today I will unscrew him and kick him like a ball!"

Ling Tian sneered, patted Shishi's little hand and said.

Hearing Ling Tian's words, Dali immediately felt a burst of shame.

"Tooth, I wanted to kill you eight years ago, and today I finally have the chance!"

Gritting his teeth vigorously, he directly put down the pistol in his hand, and looked at Ling Tian with an angry face.

"I still don't know who killed whom!"

The backstage contest last time did not tell the winner, today Ling Tian wants to see if he is stronger or he is stronger.

Ling Tian, ​​who helped Shishi aside, took off his coat, revealing his solid muscles.

"Don't worry, I will treat your woman well after you die, and let her know how good a man is!"

Dali sneered and wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth, Shishi, this woman, is definitely a superb one.

"You pissed me off very well!"

Ling Tian's face turned serious, his eyes showed Xiao Sha's indifference, this time he wanted to fight this guy.

And he also hoped that he could draw out the living Zhuge who had been missing by fighting Dali.

He didn't know where he was hiding, and he didn't know what he was plotting.


Seeing that there will be another fierce battle between the two, it is still unclear who will win the hegemony.

But at this critical moment, a voice came over.

When the sword was on the verge of breaking out, this voice made both of them stop.

Following Master Liu, he walked over quickly.

He was wearing a white undershirt, holding a fan in his hand, wearing sunglasses and slippers, looking so relaxed.

"What's the matter, why are your own people beating your own people?"

Master Liu walked quickly between the two of them, and said with a smile on his face.

"Master, it's he who wants to break into the cell, of course I have to do my duty!"

Dali looked at Ling Tian with disdain, the muscle bumps all over his body were like explosives.

"Master, I just want to see my woman's father. He keeps claiming that he is one of his own. Why don't you even help with this matter?"

Ling Tian's expression darkened, this person is really his own.

Throwing myself here and not asking, completely ignoring my own people really makes people feel at home.

"It turned out to be such a trivial matter. I thought something was wrong. It's all right. Let's go and have a look."

After listening to the master, he immediately nodded with a smile and said.

"Master, but this rule!"

Originally thought that Master would blame Ling Tian, ​​but he did not expect him to agree.

This made Dali very unhappy.

"Rules are rules, everyone is their own person, everything is easy to discuss!"

The master smiled and said to Dali, this is a trivial matter, why bother making trouble.

"But this cell is very important!"

It was very uncomfortable to be deflated vigorously, and immediately opened his mouth to argue with the master.

"It's fine if you make things difficult for Master!"

Ling Tian rolled his eyes and said coldly.

"What's the matter? Don't you even give me face?"

The master's face turned serious, don't look at him as bookish, but when he got angry, Dali immediately lost his temper.

"That's not true, I know, let people go!"

Dali hastily waved to the subordinates behind him.

He did not dare to offend the master, after all, although he is not ranked here, the master trusts him.

"Okay, don't be angry anymore, Dali is just a little impatient, everyone is his own, don't hurt your peace."

Seeing the vigorous retreat, the master smiled and said to Ling Tian.

"Then thank you, Master!"

Ling Tian nodded his head as a thank you to Master.

After walking aside to help Shishi up, the two walked into the dark cell.

It was already hot here, and there were not many windows in the cell, so there was a musty smell.

Supporting Shishi step by step on the bluestone road, the two of them came to the inner compartment led by the jailer.

There was no light in the dim room, even in the daytime, it was full of darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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