Chapter 132
Perhaps this is the atmosphere created on purpose.

As soon as she entered the cell, Shishi's tears flowed down her cheeks.

I lived in an attic with air conditioning, but my father was locked up in this kind of place.

As a daughter, her heart was about to break.

Although it is not a luxury since childhood, life is definitely much better than ordinary people.

Now that it has suddenly become like this, I really don't know if my father can bear it.

"Wait here, I'll bring you over right away."

The jailer was very polite to Ling Tian, ​​and spoke to Ling Tian in his half-baked Chinese.

This Golden Triangle is very complicated. During the few days of staying here, Ling Tian also found some books from Master Liu.

There are a total of more than 130 ethnic groups in the gathering area, and the languages ​​are even more varied.

As for Chinese, it is naturally one of the most commonly used languages ​​here.

"Shishi, don't cry, you will see your father soon!"

Ling Tian helped Shi Shi sit down, he could only sigh in this dark place.

"But my father lives here, and I..."

Shishi couldn't hold back the tears, but just now Ling Tian was at loggerheads with the other party for himself.

This made her feel warm in her heart, but at the root of it, Ling Tian was still in the same group as them.

"Don't worry, even though they live in a bad place, they won't hurt your father's life. In the final analysis, they are all for money."

Ling Tian hurriedly comforted Shishi, actually speaking of it, he was imprisoned.

In addition to living well and well, he also has no freedom.

With Ling Tian's words, Shishi's tears also stopped, but she was also drowsy with pear blossoms and rain.

Her wound hadn't healed yet, she tried her best, but at this time the door was pushed open again.


Looking at her father who walked in, Shishi tried to stand up, but she was still staggered and supported by Ling Tian.


Chu Jianxiong, who finally saw his daughter, walked over quickly.

Although he had lost some weight in the past few days, he had not received any abuse.

So the spirit is still relatively good.

"Dad, are you alright!"

Seeing his father's poems, tears flowed down again. I didn't expect the two father and daughter to meet in this kind of place.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. How's your injury?"

Chu Jianxiong supported his daughter, and looked at her pale face with concern.

"I'm fine, it's good to have him take care of me!"

Shishi hurriedly shook her head, and at the same time said to her father in embarrassment.

"Thank you for taking care of my daughter!"

Looking at his daughter with complicated eyes, Chu Jianxiong could only sigh.

He raised his head and said to Ling Tian who was standing beside him.

As the president of an international company, in the past, he wouldn't even pay attention to a young man like Ling Tian.

But now, people have to bow their heads under the eaves, even if he is a robber, he has to be grateful.

"It's okay, let's talk first!"

Ling Tian also felt a little embarrassed, so he turned and walked out.

There were only two father and daughter left in the room, and Shishi was crying in her father's arms.

"Shishi, did he do anything to you?"

Chu Jianxiong patted his daughter's head and said distressedly.

"No, he treats me very well!"

Shishi shook her head, if it wasn't for Ling Tian, ​​she might be dead by now.

"I mean did he... sleep with you!"

As a father, Chu Jianxiong really didn't know how to say this.

But he has to say it, because his daughter is now in the jaws of a tiger.


Shishi still shook her head, she had been in a coma, and was brought here by Ling Tian just after she woke up.

"Then you must...sleep with him!"

When Chu Jianxiong said these words, he really felt like a knife was twisting his heart.

It is very cruel for a father to let his daughter sleep with other men.


Shishi never thought her father would say such a thing.

With her eyes wide open, she looked at her father in disbelief.

"Because of the den of thieves here, and the other party doesn't know how to deal with us."

Chu Jianxiong sighed, these guys have ignored them until now.

I thought they would ask for ransom, but now it seems that it is definitely not that simple.

I'm afraid there is no conspiracy in this gourd.

"You are a woman, if you don't catch one person, I'm afraid you will be underestimated by many people."

Chu Jianxiong sighed helplessly, perhaps this is the sorrow of women.

Here, these men are like wolves and tigers. Without Ling Tian's protection, Shi Shi's fate will be extremely dangerous.

If you put it this way, it would be better to grab Ling Tian by himself.

Chu Jianxiong is different from Shishi, the dialogue on the stage made him see that these people have extra respect for Ling Tian.

As long as Ling Tian protects Shishi, then Shishi is safe, even if she is killed, Shishi at least has a chance to live.

"But he's a bad guy!"

Shishi dare not imagine what it would be like if she fell into the hands of those lustful men.

But Ling Tian is also a part of them now, he is a bad person.

"There are so many bad guys now, at least this bad guy can protect you, daughter, don't worry, Dad will find a way to take you away!"

Chu Jianxiong hugged his daughter, but he really couldn't help it now, they were all locked up, and no one paid attention to them until now.

"As long as you leave here, you will forget this nightmare, and no one will know!"

Caressing his daughter's beautiful hair, Chu Jianxiong has gone through the business war with big waves washing the sand, of course he knows how to eliminate the previous evidence.

As long as Shishi was alive, as his daughter, what kind of man would she not be able to find.

"I see!"

Shishi has always been very obedient, even if it is something she doesn't understand, she will do it according to her father's wishes.

After nodding, she chatted with her father for a while, and Chu Jianxiong asked her to leave first.

"Dad, I want to be with you!"

Shishi held her father's hand reluctantly, her father's thin face made her feel very painful.

"Don't worry, your father will be fine, take care of yourself!"

Of course Chu Jianxiong would not let Shishi stay, as a girl, if he did not have Ling Tian's protection, he would be devoured by those wolf-thirsty guys in minutes.

So Chu Jianxiong stood up, opened the door and went out, leaving only Shishi sitting in the room.

Ling Tian, ​​who was standing at the door and had a relationship with the guard, was also taken aback when he saw Chu Jianxiong come out.

"I will trouble you to take care of my daughter!"

Chu Jianxiong didn't know how to address Ling Tian, ​​so he could only sigh, turned around and walked towards his cell.

(End of this chapter)

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