Chapter 144

"I still haven't taken care of my father."

Having said this, Shishi has already sobbed in a low voice.

She still didn't do well in her mother's dying entrustment.

"Shishi, this is not something you can resist."

Looking at Shishi who was shedding tears, Ling Tian could only put down the bowl and chopsticks and said.

"But my father is locked up like this, and I feel uncomfortable."

Shishi tries hard to control, but how can she control it.

His father was not far away but he was in deep trouble.

As a daughter, she can't do anything.

"Well, how about we go and bring him food?"

Ling Tian sighed, Shishi was kind-hearted, so she naturally felt uncomfortable with her father doing this.

"But that man is so fierce, will you have an argument with him?"

Ling Tian's words immediately made Shishi look up.

But thinking about the last time Ling Tian almost got into a fight with Master Jiu, she also felt scared.

"Don't be afraid, it's fine, let's go."

Ling Tian patted Shishi on the head, he could not do much, but for Shishi, he could only try his best.


Shishi nodded immediately, found a bamboo basket, packed the food, and the two pushed the door out.

It was already dark, and the Qilin village was not very bright.

Shishi held Ling Tian's arm, Ling Tian carried the bamboo basket, and the two of them walked forward stepping on the bluestone slab.

Soon, they came to the location of the prison, and the jailers with guns and ammunition saw Ling Tian approaching from a distance, turned around and ran away.

"He did his job well."

No need to ask, I must have gone to Dali, who is in charge of this place.

Ling Tian shook his head, this guy is really a loyal dog, biting this broken prison to death.

Sure enough, soon, Dali came out of the room.

With a burly figure, he looked at Ling Tian with a cold face.

"What to look at, good dogs don't get in the way."

Ling Tian gave him a cold look, this guy is always blocking the road, it's like shit.

"Why are you so arrogant? It was the master who spoke last time. I'll see who else you can find this time."

He didn't dare to embarrass him the last time his master came forward, but he didn't expect this guy to come again today.

He hadn't had the chance to settle the score with Ling Tian about the matter in the Juyi Hall, and now he hit his own gun again.

"I'm not looking for anyone, I'm going in today."

Ling Tian snorted coldly, looking at Dali's appearance, the two of them will have a battle sooner or later, so hurry up sooner rather than later.

"If you dare to break in, then you just try, I won't take your skin off."

Dali couldn't wait to find an opportunity to fight with Ling Tian. Since he came, he didn't have to look for trouble.

Squinting his eyes, he took off his coat directly.

Today Master Liu has not come back after going out, so he wants to see who can support him.

"Okay, I have been wanting to beat you for a day or two, and today I will let you know who has the hardest fist."

As Ling Tian spoke, he directly helped Shishi aside.

"Or let's go back."

Looking at the posture, Ling Tian was about to fight again, Shi Shi immediately pulled Ling Tian's arm worriedly.

This guy is tall, like a bear.

If Ling Tian fought with him, he would definitely suffer.

"It's not for you, this fight is going to happen too, don't worry, I'll take you in later."

Ling Tian patted Shishi's head and said lovingly.

This Dali wanted to kill himself when he was a child, how could he let him go now.

Sooner or later, there is no way to avoid a battle. If he doesn't stand up in front of everyone, he doesn't know that he will walk around himself in the future.

Ling Tian was talking, turned around, and walked towards Dali step by step.

On the other hand, Dali had a fierce look in his eyes, fighting and killing people was his favorite thing.

Those jailers didn't dare to speak now, they could only stand and watch from a distance.

The fight failed last time, but this time it seemed inevitable.

But many people are also looking forward to it, expecting Ling Tian to teach this guy who likes to hit people on weekdays a good lesson.

After he came, many soldiers in the village were beaten by him.

"Brighten the light for me, I will let you see today, what will happen if you don't obey the mountain rules."

Sneering vigorously, he, who was full of strength, finally found a chance to make a move.


Several jailers hurriedly shone the projection lights over, and the courtyard was suddenly brightly lit.

Ling Tian walked towards Dali step by step, and Dali also clenched his fists, waiting for him to attack first.


But just when the two were about to start, a voice suddenly came.

"That bastard yelled!"

Dali was already concentrating on preparing to fight, but he didn't expect someone to open his mouth to stop him.

Angry, he cursed without hesitation, Master Liu was not there, it was that bastard who spoke.

"Dali, can you say it again?"

While speaking, someone had already run over, Sha Letian looked gloomy, looking at Dali.

"He said you are a bastard, that is to say, the boss is a bastard, can't you hear me?"

Unexpectedly, Sha Letian appeared at this time, Ling Tian sneered and fanned the flames.

"Master, no, no, I didn't know it was you, I was wrong, I was wrong."

Dali finally realized it when he saw Sha Letian.

Especially Ling Tian's fanning the flames made him break out in cold sweat.

"I can hear, but I'm not deaf."

Sha Letian gave Ling Tian a blank look, he was already very upset at being scolded, and this guy was gloating beside him.

"what happened?"

Sha Letian turned his face again and asked Dali.

"He was going to break into the prison, so I stopped him."

Dali hastily said, the young master is deeply liked by the head of the family, especially the pampered and indulgent him who is lawless.

But the big master didn't pay any attention to this, just pretended he didn't see it, of course Dali didn't dare to offend him.

"What did you go to jail for?"

Sha Letian turned his head, looked at Ling Tian, ​​and said with a puzzled expression.

"Lao Tzu and the woman's father are still locked up inside. I'll give him some food. Isn't it against the law?"

Ling Tian said angrily.

He tried to teach Dali a lesson twice, but was stopped by someone, which made him very upset.

"Oh, what's going on, let's go in, what a big deal."

When Sha Letian heard it, it turned out that this was the matter, so he spoke.

"It's useless, people have said it, only the head of the family can speak, what you say doesn't count."

Ling Tian sneered, how could a blunt-tongued guy like Dali beat him.

"Strongly, is it?"

Without waiting for a vigorous explanation, Sha Letian turned his head and asked.

"No, no! Forget it, of course it does, get out of the way quickly."

Dali was deflated again, but he didn't even dare to fart.

He gave Ling Tian a hard look, of course he couldn't fight Ling Tian with his mouth.

"Shishi, let's go."

Looking at the deflated Dali, Ling Tian sneered and helped Shishi up, while Sha Letian walked up curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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