Chapter 145 The fog is heavy
"Wow, braised pork, I like it the most. The cooks here don't taste good. I haven't eaten it for a long time."

Looking at the braised pork in the bamboo basket, Sha Letian said happily, the aroma is not what those cooks can make.

"It's not for you here, but if you can let her father go, I can do it for you every day."

Ling Tian said to Sha Letian calmly.

And this sentence made Shishi nod her head even more, if he could let her father go, she would stay here and cook braised pork for the rest of her life.

"Brother, please don't make trouble, it's not up to me, and there are other things involved."

Sha Letian stuck out his tongue. They didn't want to arrest the people in this cell, so don't mention him, even his father couldn't let him go.

Sha Letian's words stunned Ling Tian, ​​who didn't expect such inside information to exist.

In the dim room, Shishi watched her father eat the meals she cooked.

This feeling is really good.

"Dad, eat slowly, there are more!"

Shishi said to her father with distress, that he hadn't seen his father eat so deliciously for a long time.

"As soon as I eat braised pork, I think of your mother. I'm sorry for her for not taking good care of you."

Chu Jianxiong sighed, and when he thought of Shishi's mother, he felt ashamed.

"Father, I'm fine now, and Ling Tian is taking good care of me. I'm fine, so don't worry."

Shi Shi hurriedly shook her head and said.

"That's good, you have to be patient for a while, hey, it's my father who is incompetent. He promised you a marriage before, but he didn't expect that guy to be a waste, and now you..."

Chu Jianxiong really regretted it now, if he hadn't married Wells, how could they have gotten on that boat.

If I hadn't boarded the ship, I wouldn't have this thing now.

It is useless to say these now, so Chu Jianxiong can only sigh long.

"Dad, don't blame yourself, but I'm afraid I won't be able to see you often in the future."

Shishi hurriedly comforted her father and said.

"Oh? What's wrong?"

Chu Jianxiong was taken aback for a moment, of course he didn't know what happened outside.

"Because the guards here don't get along with Ling Tian, ​​they almost got into fights these two times, so I don't want to make things difficult for him."

Shishi lowered her head and said helplessly.

These two times, she could see that Ling Tian was willing to pay for her.

But every time she has to confront that scary guy, Shishi is really afraid that he will fight Dali.

"Oh, it's okay, I'm fine here, don't worry, give them the money when the time comes, and we can go home."

Chu Jianxiong hastily comforted Shishi, except that he hardly ate and slept here, and had no free space, but it was good.

Especially after they came last time, the jailer even changed them to a single room.

So Ling Tian still played a role.

The two father and daughter chatted in the room, while Ling Tian and Sha Letian stood outside.

Through Sha Letian's words, Ling Tian knew the general situation.

These people were not kidnapped by Qilin Village. It can be said that Qilin Village doesn't bother to do kidnapping, so it has nothing to do with them.

It's just that the living Zhuge is temporarily settled here, and they don't know when they will ask for someone.

"Then that means there is no way to let him go, right?"

Ling Tian, ​​who was leaning against the wall, took a deep breath and said.

"There is really nothing that can be done about this matter. Unless Huo Zhuge speaks, my father will probably not be willing to offend this person. Besides, you were introduced by Huo Zhuge?"

Suddenly, Sha Letian looked at Ling Tian curiously, wasn't he the one introduced by Huo Zhuge?

"Would you believe me if I said I knew nothing about him?"

Ling Tian shrugged helplessly, but he was not familiar with the person who brought him out of the country.

And it can be said that they don't know him at all.

"Of course I believed it. When Dali came, the situation was similar."

Sha Letian nodded, this is not a strange thing.

Huo Zhuge also introduced many people, and Dali was naturally one of them.

"Oh? Is there anyone else?"

Needless to ask, I am afraid there are other people besides Dali.

"Then I don't know. I haven't seen that mysterious guy, but every time my father mentions him, I feel a little jealous."

Sha Letian shook his head, that living Zhuge was quite mysterious, even though he was the young master, he didn't know what was going on.

For more than a year, he never showed his face, and he only heard his father mention it.

"Who is this mysterious guy?"

Ling Tian shook his head, could it be said that Huo Zhuge is Toutuo?

At this moment, he was really dizzy.

"By the way, why did you come to me all of a sudden?"

Only then did Ling Tian realize that Sha Letian met by chance, otherwise it would be too coincidental.

"That's right, I almost forgot about such a short trip. My father asked me to come and inform you that we are going to have a meeting tonight. You are a meritorious minister."

Sha Letian patted Ling Tian on the shoulder with a smile and said.

"Minister of merit? I think I'm just a monkey being played around by monkey people."

Ling Tian looked at Sha Letian with a sneer, he was so desperate that it was still the game he had arranged.

"Please, when did I fool you, and I said a lot of good things about you in front of my dad, remember to treat you."

Sha Letian said proudly, no matter what, it is definitely a big event to unplug the foundation of the red wolf this time.

Mr. Liu is rushing back with a few family members, so I believe it will be very lively at night.

"Pull it down, I'm a penniless diner, and you are the one who wants to treat me."

Ling Tian shrugged, he gave all the money Master Liu gave to the jailer.

Now he is penniless.

"Don't worry, there will be at night, don't exercise too much."

Shishi pushed the door and walked out, Sha Letian immediately walked out with a smirk.

They are close in age and can speak Chinese, so they are rare friends.

"Stop talking for a while?"

Seeing Sha Letian go out, Ling Tian turned and said to Shishi.

"Stop talking, sooner or later we have to go back."

Shishi lowered her head and said with red eyes.

"I'm sorry, my ability is limited, and I can't let your father leave for the time being, but I promise you, I will find a chance to do it."

Looking at Shishi's pitiful appearance, Ling Tian really couldn't do it now.

But he believed that he would be able to capture Thutuo and rescue these people.

"Don't promise me, I will take it seriously."

Shishi bit her lip, she tried her best not to listen to Ling Tian's promise.

This has always been her habit, she doesn't promise others easily, and she doesn't want others to promise herself easily.

Because promises are faith, and faith is the foundation of foundation, if Ling Tian can't keep it, she will really be sad.

(End of this chapter)

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