Chapter 147 On the Rewards for Deeds
As I said last night, we have to see how Ling Tian's real strength is before making a decision.

Now that the dust is falling, everyone can see Ling Tian's contribution from Sha Letian's smile.

"Second Uncle, what do you think should be done now?"

Everyone was silent, but the head of the family turned his head and looked at the second head who was sitting there.

As an elder, of course he should care a little bit about his opinions.

"Let me tell you, this young man is indeed very skilled. It is a credit to be able to rescue the young master from the chaos."

Erdangjia squinted his eyes and paused for a moment, but his sharp gaze swept across Ling Tian's face.

Cunning and treacherous, perhaps this is the word Ling Tian can use to describe this gaze.

Don't look at the second leader who doesn't talk much at ordinary times, but when he speaks, he has no flaws.

But everyone can tell that this one credit and great credit definitely don't mean the same thing.

"However, after all, he just came here and didn't know the situation in the village, and there are so many brothers who died in this battle."

However, the two words made the situation change suddenly. Although his words didn't say anything, they carried a bad omen.

"Second master, one size equals one size. I have seen his skills. He is definitely a powerful character."

Seeing that it was not good, Sha Letian couldn't hold his breath, and said directly.

"Eldest young master, redeem the old man and say it bluntly, how can the courage of a man enter this door of gathering righteousness?"

Maitreya had been prepared for a long time, smiled slightly, and said in an unhurried tone.

"He didn't have a chance to show off the wind of a general?"

Sha Letian had a good meal with his father just now and praised Ling Tian.

I thought that he would be given the position of Seventh Master when he came up.

But he didn't expect that Maitreya would actually get in the way, which made him very upset.

"So, it's better to wait and see the effect. When he makes contributions, there will be room for improvement."

Maitreya still had the same tone, neither rushing nor retreating, he deflected Sha Letian's intention with four or two strokes.

Sha Letian didn't know what to say for a while, so he could only ask Master Liu for help.

But Master Liu still looked at Ling Tian with a smile on his face, without saying a word.

"What does the second master mean?"

The leopard couldn't bear it anymore, so he asked directly.

"What I mean is to follow the previous rules, the top rank, the last one is eliminated, and the position of the nine masters will be given up."

Mitreya changed the subject, and everyone was taken aback by his words.

Ling Tian standing in the middle didn't change his face, but he couldn't help admiring this guy in his heart.

He said a lot of high-sounding words, but he went around to provoke him and Dali again.

What is the top row, the last one is eliminated, this guy is obviously trying to challenge his strength.

"Leopard head, do you have any comments?"

Before anyone else could speak, Maitreya preemptively asked the leopard head standing behind the pillar.

"No comment!"

Originally ranked tenth, if Ling Tian became the ninth master, the leopard head would become eleventh.

But he who was silent said without hesitation, but Ling Tian could feel the eyes behind the pillar staring at him.

"Then Dali, do you have any objections?"

Mitreya squinted his eyes and looked at Dali who was sitting on the chair on the other side.

At this time, everyone also looked towards him.

"No comment!"

Originally, everyone thought he would jump out angrily.

Unexpectedly, he replied without hesitation.

There was no displeasure on his face, but an incomprehensible smile on the contrary.

"Master, what do you think of my handling?"

Maitreya nodded, and turned his head to look at the leader on the tiger throne.

"Since Second Uncle thinks it's appropriate and there is no objection, then let's do it according to that."

Looking around, no one said anything more, so after the head of the family nodded, it was a complete announcement.

Obviously, this matter made Sha Letian very unhappy, and Master Liu didn't express his position from the beginning to the end.

"From today onwards, Ling Tian will be our Qilin village's nine masters, and we will swear an oath by blood."

Master Liu stood up and shouted to everyone.

Following a few women outside, they walked in with a few bowls.

"Water Margin is really fascinating!"

Seeing that there was a sharp knife in each tray, Ling Tian couldn't help laughing.

This matter of making blood for an alliance, didn't it only appear in Water Margin.

But he can't say much now, since it is the rule here, he must abide by it.

He picked up the knife and cut his finger, dripping a drop of blood into the big white bowl.

Several family members were the same, dripping blood into the bowl.

The wine in the bowls is then mixed together and redistributed among several large bowls.

"Come on, after drinking this bowl of wine, Brother Wu will be his family from now on."

The head of the family picked up the big bowl and drank it down, and the others also drank the wine in the bowl one after another.

Master Liu and Sha Letian naturally watched with cold eyes. After the ceremony was over, Ling Tian finally sat down on the chair.

"Then next, let's reward based on merit. Qinglongzhai and Baihuzhai. If you have meritorious service this time, I will send someone to send your rewards."

The head of the family began to distribute the things that the red wolf had robbed this time.

As for Ling Tian, ​​a tray was brought over.

Looking at the piles of US dollars on it, Ling Tian finally understood what Sha Letian meant by the treat.

As the tables moved up one by one, barbecue and wine were naturally indispensable.

And there were also special singers who came to add to the fun, and everyone chatted and drank excitedly.

It's not just them, it's also full of joy and laughter outside.

On the night of rewarding the three armies, all three villages are celebrating this victory.

Pushing the cups for a change, the leopard and the golden head carving also came over with wine to congratulate Ling Tian.

As for Yin Zhihu, Cyclops and Dali, of course Ling Tian would not be bothered.

The silent leopard head was just leaning against the pillar and eating barbecue.

After a few glasses of wine, Ling Tian watched Sha Letian walk over with the wine glass.

"Do you want to go out for a walk?"

Sha Letian was obviously very upset, and the reason was because Maitreya blocked his desire to promote Ling Tian.

"You're not going to split the money with me, are you?"

Ling Tian stood up smiling and said to Sha Letian.

But to be honest, this guy is really nice to him, and he also knows that Sha Letian's displeasure is because of him.

"Fuck off, this village will be mine from now on, and you will be under my control!"

Sha Letian rolled his eyes at Ling Tian, ​​turned around and walked out of Juyi Hall.

Ling Tian was only joking, of course, and walked out immediately afterward.

But before going out, he didn't forget to take a look at Dali sitting there.

Why didn't this guy go into a rage tonight?

It's simply not in his character.

(End of this chapter)

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