Chapter 148
In the stockade, there were bonfires and spirits everywhere, and the soldiers sat there in groups of three and four.

Eating barbecue and drinking wine, this is their happy life.

Following Sha Letian all the way backward, they came to an earthen building.

This earth building has no connection with the surrounding buildings at all, and the three-story building is obviously dilapidated.

Pushing open the dusty door, Sha Letian walked in with a wine bottle.

Without saying a word, he stepped on the stairs to the third floor.

Pushing open a skylight, Sha Letian climbed up.

Ling Tian, ​​who followed Sha Letian, naturally also climbed up.

The view here is good, overlooking most of the village, beside the piles of bonfires, every face is so clear.

This earth building was built by Sha Letian's grandfather, Kun Sha, and it still stands here decades later.

When Sha Letian was a child, he also liked to sit here and watch the stars.

In that age of information occlusion, this may be his fond memory of childhood.

The moonlight is good, illuminating the earth.

Sha Letian, who was lying on the blue tiles, took a sip of wine.

"I said, young master, when you are so good, why don't you go to find a woman, what are you doing here?"

Ling Tian sat beside Sha Letian, looking at the sad face.

He doesn't care about ranking himself, so why should Sha Letian care so much.

"Can I talk to you a little bit?"

Sha Letian suddenly became silent, not like his usual hippie smiling face.

"It's okay to say, but I refuse to do things like this. I treat you as a friend, so don't try to sleep with me."

Ling Tian looked at Sha Letian, his current appearance reminded him of the state when he was in the car.

Don't look at this guy with a hippie smile on weekdays, but he is very sophisticated in his bones.

Suddenly getting serious, Ling Tian was still not used to it.

"Fuck off, the devil wants to sleep with you."

Sha Letian gave Ling Tian a hard look, but he didn't want to joke anymore because he was in a bad mood.

This matter weighed on his heart, it was really uncomfortable, but no one told it.

Meeting Ling Tian suddenly, the feeling of being similar in age made him not want to keep it in his heart.

"Don't you think the second master is very disrespectful to me?"

Sha Letian sighed and said with a downcast expression.

"Aren't you angry because of what happened today? Is ranking that important?"

Ling Tian looked at Sha Letian, he didn't seem like a narrow-minded person, otherwise how could he hide it so well.

"Do you really think I care about this ranking?"

Sha Letian shook his head, many things are far from being as simple as they seem.

"Anyway, I don't care. Now that I'm on a wanted warrant, as long as I have a place where I can sleep peacefully, that's fine."

Ling Tian said indifferently, anyway, he didn't come here to enjoy, but to catch Tutuo.

As long as Toutuo is caught, he will not keep him if he is the head of the family.

"Actually, this time I won the territory of the wolf's den. After discussing with my father, I want you to sit in the position of the seventh master and then go to guard it."

Sha Letian wasn't angry because of one rank, but because it affected the entire layout.

The place where the red wolf is entrenched is called Green Peak, which translates to a mountain with nine bends and eighteen bends in Chinese.

It is a hub of traffic arteries, and it is easy to control the roads in and out of Qilin Village in case of trouble.

Otherwise, the big masters would not put a long line to catch big fish. The reason why they killed this weed is precisely for this reason.

After finally destroying it, naturally it cannot be discarded.

And Qinglongzhai and Baihuzhai also have their own positions to defend.

Therefore, Green Peak must reorganize a stockade, which can be regarded as a lookout point.

After much deliberation, Master Liu recommended Ling Tian, ​​which was also in line with Sha Letian's thinking.

Use newcomers, divide the power of Qinglongzhai and Baihuzhai, and establish a new system at the same time.

This is too important for killing the sky.

Because the third and fifth masters of Qinglongzhai are obviously based on the orders of the second master, Maitreya.

Sometimes it is difficult for the big masters to mobilize their troops, which is also the foundation of the second master.

As for the opposing Baihu Village, although it is obvious that they are not against Qinglong Village.

But there are still doubts in private, and this is what Sha Letian is most worried about now.

But unexpectedly, the position of the seventh head was stripped away by the second head in a few words.

In this way, it would be very troublesome to reuse Ling Tian.

After all, there was a huge disparity in status, and it was impossible for someone ranked ninth to guard such an important place.

Then the one who will be guarding there next is probably the one-eyed tiger of Qinglongzhai. Who makes him the top five.

"Counting it all together, all three sides are now blocked. Once there is a mutiny, I will be alone and helpless."

Sha Letian shook his head, the second head is now more and more powerful, it is impossible for him not to worry.

"I think you are just worrying about it. Do you really think your father can only play wrist games?"

Ling Tian looked at the worried Sha Letian, the master is not a free master.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have sat in this position and suppressed the second leader.

"The reason why my father can still hold on is entirely because some of the people in the two villages are still my grandfather's troops."

Sha Letian sighed, his father's capital came from his grandfather.

These old people are also the backbone of the village now, and it is precisely because of this that the balance can be maintained.

Even if the second master had his heart turned against him, he was not sure how to do things, so he stood still.

Coupled with the fact that he is cunning and scheming, if he doesn't give any excuse, even if he wants to get rid of him, it will not work, otherwise the morale of the army will be in chaos.

"Now that Master Liu is helping me, it can be regarded as winning over the power of Baihuzhai for the time being, but I don't know how much he can win."

Sha Letian's series of words really made the situation even more chaotic.

"Don't worry, I don't think the second master will survive for a few years, it will be fine when he dies."

Ling Tian said with a smile, the second masters are at least over 70 years old, and I'm afraid they don't have a few years to live.

As long as he dies, the tree falls and the sun disperses, everything will be solved easily.

"He won't live for a few years, but my father may not wait for him to die."

Sha Letian's words immediately stunned Ling Tian, ​​and he looked at Sha Letian with a puzzled expression.

"Actually, my father is already in the terminal stage of cancer, and the doctor said that he might not last half a year."

Originally, Sha Letian didn't need to worry about these things.

But it's different now, the head of the family has terminal cancer, and he will pass away at any time.

And don't get angry now, otherwise it will only accelerate the disease, and this matter may also become the fuse.

Most of the soldiers in Qinglongzhai and Baihuzhai were gathered from small forces in the past.

Otherwise, Yin Zhihu and Golden Leopard would not sit in this position.

(End of this chapter)

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