Chapter 157 Ling Tian Defeated

The distance opened up again, Ling Tian immediately raised his right foot, whipped his leg across his cheek, and kicked with his left leg repeatedly.

Although the chain leg is not a killer move, it is very dangerous once hit.

But just when Ling Tian's serial pushes swept past Leopard's head, he suddenly took a step forward, bumping his shoulder against Ling Tian's waist.

Ling Tian hastily rolled on the ground, got up, removed the external force from his body, Ling Tian rushed up again.

The most terrifying thing in muay thai is the eight-arm attack, that is, fist, porridge, knee, and leg, so Ling Tian paid special attention to it.

After several attacks in a row, Ling Tian failed to succeed. Looking at the leopard's head that had been retreating, Ling Tian realized it.

This guy's strength is higher than what he estimated, that is to say, he is definitely stronger than himself.

If it is an ordinary person, if there is a prediction in advance, I am afraid they will stop.

But Ling Tian couldn't, the joy of meeting a master made him tremble uncontrollably.

With a roar, he rushed over again, and the fighting intent shot out of those eyes became stronger and stronger.

Both fists are like a dragon, roaring around the front and back of the leopard head.

His legs were like whips, constantly attacking the leopard's waist.

Under a series of strong attacks, the leopard head kept blocking and retreating.

Except for those sharp eyes, he didn't have any intention of fighting back.

But that pair of eyes carried a light like sharp knives.

Greedy like a wolf, shining with the luster of blood.

The sound of heavy breathing, as well as the crackling sound of fighting, kept coming from this small practice room.

"It looks like that's all you have?"

Suddenly, the leopard head jumped out of the circle again, and said with a cold face.

"Then what do you have?"

Ling Tian looked at the leopard's head, panting and attacking for so long, yet he was able to defend.

"Ten moves, ten moves and you will lose!"

Leopard's blunt Chinese, with obvious provocation.

But he never attacked, definitely not bragging.

"Okay, then I want to see if you have the ability."

Ling Tian wiped the sweat off his brow, and said to Leopard's head.

"it is good!"

The leopard head agreed, and rushed over suddenly.

Like a gust of wind, it has come to Ling Tian.

With one punch and one swing, he went straight to Ling Tian's face.

Ling Tian turned his head to avoid it, but his left foot swept towards his waist.

Before he could dodge in time, Ling Tian hastily raised his left leg.

This kick was sweeping on his thigh, and it was burning and painful.

Quickly change legs, and the right leg of the leopard head kicks directly.

The target was Ling Tian's lower abdomen.

Feeling the strong wind coming, Ling Tian hurriedly spun like a spinning top.

After letting go of the opponent's blow, he came to the side of the leopard's head.

You can't blindly defend, otherwise you will only fall into passivity.

Ling Tian swung his right fist and hit the temple of the leopard's head.

Leopard's head was already prepared, and with a cat waist, it avoided Ling Tian's fist.

At the same time, with a sweep of his right leg, he kicked towards Ling Tian's calf.

The opponent's speed was too fast, Ling Tian couldn't dodge in time, and this kick directly knocked Ling Tian to the ground.

Ignoring the sore calf, he hurriedly rolled over.

Pushing the ground hard with both arms, Ling Tian knew that he couldn't fall down.

Seeing Ling Tian fleeing, Leopard stepped forward.

The moment Ling Tian got up, he raised his foot and kicked Ling Tian directly on the chest.

This blow was so powerful that Ling Tian retreated three steps with a muffled snort.

But at this moment, Ling Tian, ​​whose neck was cold, instinctively stretched out his hand to block the throat.

"you lose!"

At this time, the feet of the leopard's head stopped in front of Ling Tian's face.

If that strong foot kicked Ling Tian's throat, he would definitely die.

Fortunately, the leopard head didn't do any harm, he said coldly to Ling Tian while holding back his feet.

"Come again!"

Sure enough, it was the tenth move, and Ling Tian still hadn't escaped the leopard's head.

But he refused to admit defeat, and said to the leopard head who turned to leave.

"You have wounds on your body, and I won't win by force. When your wounds heal, we will do it again, but I'm afraid I will kill you!"

The leopard head stopped, and he said coldly without turning his head.

When Ling Tian attacked just now, he was obviously much slower.

In the battle with Dali yesterday, there were a lot of external injuries, not to mention internal injuries.

So he disdained to compete with Ling Tian, ​​because even if he killed him now, he would not be able to win by force.

"Are you sure you won't die by my hands?"

Listening to Leopard Head's words, Ling Tian asked coldly.

With pain all over his body, he admitted that he is indeed not his opponent now.

"If you can kill me, take it!"

Leopard head still did not turn around, took off the glove and threw it aside, reached out and grabbed his coat.

He walked out without hesitation, like a lunatic.

Ling Tian didn't say anything more, because it was just like his premonition.

There is bound to be a battle between the two, and this battle may be a matter of life and death.

But when exactly, Ling Tian doesn't know, but he must not relax.

As the leopard head walked out of the practice room, the door closed with a bang.

Ling Tian sat on the ground with his buttocks on the ground, his whole body was in excruciating pain, and he couldn't hold it any longer.

Panting, looking at the ceiling with spider webs, Ling Tian felt a sense of loss of strength.

But he will never forget the pair of cold eyes on the leopard's head.

"I will become stronger!"

Ling Tian gritted his teeth silently, and said to himself that his body really couldn't withstand stronger battles, so he wanted to change.

"what's the situation?"

At this moment, the door was pushed open again.

Sha Letian walked in with a puzzled expression.

It was getting dark now, Sha Letian naturally ran excitedly to find something to eat.

But was told by Shishi that Ling Tian hadn't come back yet.

So Sha Letian walked towards the practice room, but saw the leopard's head going out from here from a distance.

Shocked, he was worried that something might happen to Ling Tian, ​​so he hurried over.

But he didn't expect that Ling Tian was really lying on the ground, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, obviously he had just finished exercising.

Could it be that he and the leopard started fighting, Sha Letian immediately stepped forward.

"It's okay, exercise your muscles."

Ling Tian gritted his teeth and sat up, he said lightly as he was completely weak.

"Don't tell me, did you fight that pervert?"

Sha Letian hurriedly squatted down and looked at Ling Tian who was covered in sweat.

"It's moving, what's wrong?"

Wiping the sweat off his brow, Ling Tian tried to stand up, but he was really tired after being completely exhausted.

"It's a blessing that you're still alive!"

Seeing Ling Tian's exhausted appearance, Sha Letian hurriedly helped Ling Tian up.

After pulling him out of the practice room with three steps, he was allowed to sit down again.

There is no air-conditioning in the practice room, and a smell of sweat permeates the whole room.

After going outside for a while, Ling Tian also felt much better.

"Maybe it won't work next time!"

Ling Tian shrugged his shoulders, he also said everything just now.

(End of this chapter)

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