Chapter 158 Between black and white
Ling Tian knew very well that if two people fought again, only one of them would survive.

"What are you doing with the lunatic, this guy never kills with a gun!"

Of course Sha Letian knew about this terrifying guy, he beat people to death every time.

Where did Ling Tian lean on and didn't speak, just panted heavily.

The feeling of boiling blood in his body was not something he could control just because he said he could control it.

While not talking, he looked at Sha Letian's worried look, this guy is really a good friend.

"Don't worry, I won't have trouble with him! At least until I think I can beat him."

Heaving a sigh of relief, Ling Tian supported his trembling body and stood up.

Said to Sha Letian with a slight smile.

"Sometimes I think you're normal, but sometimes I think you're crazy!"

Sha Letian shook his head helplessly, when this guy went crazy, he was indeed scarier than a lunatic.

Let's just talk about what happened last night, it could be done with one shot, so he insisted on fighting Dali with all his might.

"Isn't it nice to be crazy, otherwise how would I know you?"

Ling Tian smiled wryly, sometimes solving things with fists is far more satisfying than using guns.

If this is a lunatic, then he also admits it.

"Don't you know that there is a thing called a gun in this world?"

Sha Letian looked at Ling Tian who was still shaking, and hurriedly supported him.

But no matter what he said, even if Ling Tian laughed, he could only sigh.

"Master, are you alright?"

In the distance, Shishi was standing at the door, wearing an apron, like a little daughter-in-law waiting for her husband to get off work.

Seeing that Ling Tian was being helped back by Sha Letian, she immediately ran over.

Looking at Ling Tian's appearance in a constant state of anxiety, she couldn't help but feel distressed.

I was already injured when I left, why did I get more injured when I came back?

"I'm fine, I'm hungry, do you have food?"

Seeing Shishi's concerned expression, Ling Tian's heart warmed up.

He hurriedly spoke to her.

"Yes, come in, I'm ready!"

Shishi hurried to the other side, supporting Ling Tian who was covered in injuries.

Together with Sha Letian, they helped him into the room.

Ling Tian, ​​who was sitting in front of the dining table, stretched out his hand to grab the chopsticks.

But the trembling fingers didn't listen at all.

This time he was really too tired.

I was so tired that I didn't even have the strength to hold the bowl.

"Let me feed you!"

Looking at Ling Tian's appearance, Shi Shi's heart really hurts.

Hastily took his rice bowl, and fed Ling Tian one bite at a time.

"It's delicious! It's so delicious!"

Ling Tian, ​​who now feels pain even when chewing, still doesn't forget to comment.

"You can eat more if it's delicious!"

Being praised by her sweetheart, Shishi blushed even more.

A pair of big watery eyes looked at Ling Tian with waves.

"Damn, can we have a meal without showing affection, it's so sour!"

Sha Letian on the side immediately spoke.

"Why don't you find someone to feed you too."

Ling Tian rolled his eyes at him, this kind of single dog's jealousy is really speechless.

"I don't want it, I want to live freely."

Sha Letian said without hesitation, but when he said these words, his eyes suddenly showed a trace of sadness.

This can't escape Ling Tian's eyes, but since he doesn't say anything, it's not easy for him to ask.

"By the way, young master, please do me a favor."

After taking another bite of the meal, Ling Tian turned to Sha Letian and said.

"You are suddenly so polite, there must be nothing good. Talk, what are you going to do?"

Sha Letian looked at Ling Tian, ​​this guy never regarded himself as a young master.

So he definitely thinks it's a trap.

"Shishi is very worried about his father's diet. Can you send someone to deliver the meals Shishi cooks to her father every day?"

Ling Tian's words stunned Shishi, who didn't expect him to still think about his father.

This kind of touch made her feel that her choice was right.

"It's a small matter, as long as you don't provoke that lunatic!"

Sha Letian nodded, it was just a matter of one sentence.

He agreed with all his mouth, and ate the delicious braised pork with big mouthfuls.

"Thank you young master, I will cook braised pork for you every day from now on!"

Shishi hurriedly said to Sha Letian with a grateful face.

"Don't call me young master, I can't even release your father, hey."

Sha Letian sighed, probably no one in this world understands his current embarrassing situation.

This so-called young master, I'm afraid he will be nothing in a few days.

Looking at Sha Letian's sad face, Ling Tian also knew that the matter was absolutely complicated.

For a meal, Sha Letian had an incomparably enjoyable meal.

Because Houzhai was a little far from the prison, Sha Letian sent someone directly to deliver the dishes prepared by Shishi.

This is one of the few things he can do.

But he also said that if Shishi wants to see his father, he can go directly.

"As long as it's not too much, it's not good to let others make excuses. After all, your father is also locked up with others."

Sha Letian's words are not unreasonable. If you always make minor mistakes, it will inevitably arouse criticism from others.

Although I don't know why the living Zhuge arrested them, he has not asked for money or transferred them.

But these are famous rich people.

One day, they will be blackmailed and released.

At that time, if others say that Chu Jianxiong has always enjoyed privileges in prison, they may be criticized.

I'm afraid it's not just hard to argue, but it will be investigated and the like.

"Thank you, young master, I understand!"

Shishi nodded hurriedly, she really didn't think of this because she cared about her father wholeheartedly.

"I don't see it, are you very careful?"

Ling Tian looked at Sha Letian, he was definitely a thoughtful person.

It's just that under his cheerful appearance, even Ling Tian is a little uncertain about what is hidden in his true face.

"You think this braised pork is free, but my teeth are going to be sour."

Sha Letian put down his chopsticks contentedly, he was too full from this meal.

"The teeth are sour and you still eat so much?"

Seeing that half of the plate of braised pork was swept away by him, Ling Tian rolled his eyes at him and said.

"It's unreasonable to be despised by others in my own home after I've gone away!"

Sha Letian shook his head helplessly, stood up and waved to the two of them.

With the door closed, only Ling Tian and Shi Shi are left in this sweet hut.

"Young master is a good man!"

Shishi looked at the closed door, and said involuntarily.

Yesterday by the window, she also saw that Sha Letian was going to help Ling Tian.

And as the young master here, not only is he not arrogant, but he treats them so kindly.

"This world is like this, there is no absolute good person, and there is no absolute bad person, everything is relative."

Ling Tian smiled, even though his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, his smile was ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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