Chapter 159 Continue Training

Ling Tian's words made Shishi nod her head involuntarily. She was a simple person before she left the society.

In her world before, there were only good people and bad people, but after all these things, Ling Tian was right.

Just like Ling Tian, ​​maybe he is a drug dealer, but he is so kind to himself.

From other people's point of view, he is a bad person, but from her point of view, he is her own protector.

Now she can't even imagine what it would be like without Ling Tian's protection.

After simply clearing the dining table, Shishi cleaned up the tableware in the kitchen.

Being so virtuous really surprised Ling Tian.

After all, Shishi is the daughter of the president of the group, so she is very familiar with how to do these things.

"Actually, we have to learn these things in school. Cooking is also one of our courses."

Seeing Ling Tian's puzzled look, Shi Shi brought a cup of tea with a smile.

In the lady's school, not only to learn knowledge and etiquette, but also to learn cooking skills.

Because, what the lady school wants to build is aristocratic ladies who can go up to the kitchen under the hall.

Not only can help her husband attend the banquet in the future, but also can create some surprises when the two of them are together.

For men, in addition to beauty, food is definitely a temptation.

Whether it's western pastry or Chinese food, in fact, they have dabbled in both.

"Wow, I didn't expect you to have such things in school, so besides these, what else?"

Ling Tian looked curiously at Shishi who was sitting next to him, it turned out that this is still the case in foreign ladies' academies.

"Etiquette, body shape, female celebrity, tea ceremony, these are all things we have to learn, including... that kind of thing."

When Shishi said the last one, she immediately lowered her head with a pink face.

Harmonious living and that kind of thing are naturally inseparable.

Counting the details of her college, Shishi recalled it to herself.

Especially the course that makes people blush and heartbeat is vivid in my memory.

However, when she turned around, Ling Tian was leaning on the sofa and fast asleep.

He was so exhausted that he didn't finish listening to Shishi's words at all. He was really too tired.

Looking at the sleeping Ling Tian, ​​Shishi certainly knew how hard he had put in.

He hurried upstairs, fetched a basin of water, and gently wiped Ling Tian's body.

Ling Tian, ​​who was extremely exhausted, fell asleep soundly without knowing it, letting Shishi help him clean up the bruises on his body.

Shishi wiped it carefully, sometimes Ling Tian would hum when she was not paying attention.

But even so, he still didn't wake up because he was really tired.

Carefully cleaned up Ling Tian's cheeks and upper body, and found ointment to help Ling Tian apply the wound.

When purchasing this time, she specially bought some emergency medicines.

Although there are not very good medicines for sale here, it is better than nothing.

After packing everything up, it was late at night.

Seeing Ling Tian sleeping soundly, Shishi couldn't bear to wake him up to sleep.

So he found a thin blanket and gently covered him.

Seeing Ling Tian sleeping soundly, Shishi was reluctant to go upstairs to sleep by herself.

Moving a chair to sit opposite Ling Tian, ​​she just looked at Ling Tian like this.

Perhaps now Ling Tian has a bruised nose and a swollen face, which is inhumane.

His body was even more bruised and purple.

But in Shishi's eyes, he is so handsome.

Because the wounds on this body were all left to protect her.

Recalling last night, how he protected himself like that, even for his own sake, he didn't hesitate to fight with others desperately.

Poems that are not deeply involved in the world feel that everything is so beautiful.

Anyway, it doesn't matter whether he's a good guy or a bad guy.

The important thing is that he is his own protector.

Only by hiding by his side, the world will not be so dangerous.

If her father was not still in prison, she would really like to live here with Ling Tian for the rest of her life.

Marry a chicken as a chicken, marry a dog as a dog, marry him and be a thief.

With a sweet smile hanging on the corner of her mouth, Shishi fell asleep without knowing when.

With her ignorant campus, Ling Tian's handsome back is always in her sleep.

With him, the sky is there.

The morning sun shines in the room.

Ling Tian, ​​who had slept soundly all night, slowly opened his eyes.

The pain all over his body made him groan, and Shishi on the opposite side immediately opened his eyes.

"You slept here?"

Looking at Shishi lying on the back of the chair, there are traces of sleeping on her face.

Ling Tian hurriedly propped himself up and sat up, looking at Shishi who was sleepy.

"I fell asleep before I knew it!"

Her hands were numb and unconscious, but Shishi had a sweet smile on her face.

Ling Tian hastily pulled her arm lovingly, and helped her push the Gonghuo acupuncture point.

This silent love immediately made Shishi feel that everything is so beautiful.

"You wash up first, I'll prepare breakfast!"

Shishi, who gradually felt her arms, stood up immediately.

Like a little swallow, it bounced and ran into the kitchen.

Looking at that beautiful back, Ling Tian really wanted to hug her.

Tell her that he is a soldier and not a thief, but he still holds back.

Stepping upstairs, after a simple wash, he walked down again.

Looking at the brand new bandage on her body, it was all made by Shishi's skillful hands.


With Shishi's delicious food, Ling Tian felt himself alive again.

After repeated praises, Shishi's little face was still so red.

"Master, what are you going to do today?"

After breakfast, Shishi looked at Ling Tian.

There is no entertainment here, so she asked curiously.

And the title of master is her favorite.

"Keep training!"

Ling Tian patted Shi Shi's head lovingly.

In the days of waiting, he needs to strengthen himself even more.

The only way to improve your physical fitness in a short period of time is to train desperately.

He will never forget how embarrassed he was when he fought Dali.

If he really faced a more powerful leopard head, he might be even more embarrassed.

"Your body is like this, do you want to take a rest?"

Seeing Ling Tian's firm gaze, Shi Shi said with some distress.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, if you need anything, go to me!"

The phone was confiscated, and there is no communication equipment here, so Ling Tian did not forget to say this before leaving.

Fortunately, in Houzhai here, even if he is alive vigorously, he cannot enter the harassment.

Now that Ling Tian cut off Dali's head with his own hands, no one is willing to touch this brow.

"Well, then be careful!"

Shishi nodded, someone had already delivered fresh ingredients early in the morning.

It was obviously arranged by Sha Letian. Shishi knew that Ling Tian had worked hard in training, so she prepared to make soup for Ling Tian.

(End of this chapter)

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