Chapter 166

"I'm going to make him some hangover soup."

Shishi hurried back to the kitchen, saving Tang was definitely a piece of cake for Shishi who came out of Lady School.

Soon, the sound of boiling water came from the kitchen.
"Have a cup of tea."

Ling Tian poured a cup of strong tea and handed it to Sha Letian.

But Sha Letian pushed him away.

"No, I want to wait for the hangover soup."

Sha Letian smiled silly, but this kind of smile only appeared in front of friends.

Ling Tian put the teacup aside indifferently.

"By the way, it's my birthday the day after tomorrow. You must go. Let's have fun together then, don't bring your siblings."

Sha Letian leaned on the sofa and said to Ling Tian.

At the same time, with that smirk all over his face, anyone could guess what he was going to say.

"Understood, sleep less with women at a young age!"

Ling Tian gave Sha Letian a white look.

"Are you embarrassed to say me? I'm sleeping alone now, how about you?"

Seeing Shishi coming with sober soup, Sha Letian couldn't forget to wink at Ling Tian.

The meaning of those words was already clear, but Shishi looked at Ling Tian blankly, not knowing what the two of them were talking about.

Ling Tian also sighed helplessly, this beauty is in his arms, he sleeps every day, but it is better not to sleep.

After Sha Letian finished his soup, he staggered away.

The room is filled with the smell of alcohol, which has not dissipated for a long time.

"It's getting late, why don't you go to bed earlier?"

Shishi looked at Ling Tian and said shyly.

During this period of time, the two have more and more intimate actions, and no one knows when they will cross the threshold.

"Go to bed first, I'll wait!"

Looking at the delicate and tender Shishi, Ling Tian shook his head.

Now that she is beautiful, perhaps he would have hugged her already on weekdays.

But now, he is really not in the mood.

He was more and more worried about the complicated situation.

"Oh, then I'll go to bed first!"

Shishi bit her lip and nodded, then stepped on the stairs and walked upstairs.

Ling Tian has been sitting on the sofa.

He is not a man of gods. It was his first time to perform such a special task, and he had no idea where to start.

Originally, he thought that the secret meeting tonight had something to do with Sha Letian.

But now it seems that he has no idea.

Master Liu, Second Master and Sha Letian now seem to belong to different camps.

This small stockade is intricate and complex, and everything is unpredictable.

How on earth can he capture Master Liu back in this complicated situation.

How can we guarantee the safety of Shishi?

Ling Tian, ​​who was leaning on the sofa, stared at the slowly rising water vapor with his brows furrowed.

The fresh and elegant tea fragrance could not make his complicated mood any better.

However, he was not alone in insomnia at this time.

At this time, Master Liu's room was also very lively.

"Can he believe it?"

The leopard head with a cold face stood there.

In front of outsiders, he speaks very little, and he knows that talking too much is wrong.

But in his bones, he is actually a person who doesn't like to talk.

It's just that in front of Master Liu, he has to speak up.

"According to several rounds of observation, he should be trustworthy. The return of these lost fighters is also what our organization needs."

Master Liu waved the cattail leaf fan and held the teacup. After several tests, Ling Tian finally passed the test by mistake.

"But I always feel that he is too human, especially his obsession with women, will it ruin the big thing?"

After rigorous training since childhood, in the heart of Leopard Head, there is no emotional bondage.

All he has is bravery and ruthlessness, especially after learning that Ling Tian is actually A-level, which makes him want to wring his neck even more with his own hands.

"His obsession is a good thing. As long as he keeps an eye on his woman, he won't be able to make any waves."

Master Liu turned his face away, and at this time his wife Aunt Li was standing there.

Without the usual carelessness, Aunt Li now has a serious expression.

"The subordinates understand that I will keep her in check. If there is any change, I will take her as a hostage."

She is not Master Liu's wife, but an excellent spy.

On the surface, she looks like a carefree rural woman, but she is very shrewd in her bones.

She is very good at using the relationship between women. It can be said that she also has a strong control in the village.

"That's good, the day after tomorrow is Sha Letian's birthday, so do it then!"

Master Liu lowered his voice to Leopard's head, and explained a few words.

"Understood, I will notify them now."

After hearing this, Leopard Head immediately nodded, turned around and walked outside.

What Ling Tian knew was only part of it, there were spies lurking in every corner of this area.

"By the way, give Li Er some funeral expenses. As for his wife, let's sell it. Remember to sell it far away, and don't let her have a chance to appear in the village again."

Only Master Liu and Aunt Li were left in the room, so Master Liu explained.

The Li Er he was talking about was the guy who was shot dead by Ling Tian today.

"I know, I'll take care of it."

Aunt Li nodded in agreement, she is very good at doing this kind of thing.

In this way, a conspiracy began to be planned. In the quiet village, many people were still discussing it.

"Father, you are looking for me!"

In the big head's bedroom, his personal doctor is giving the big head oxygen.

In addition to the head and the young master, only the personal doctor can enter this room.

Even the bodyguard Leopard Head can't come in without permission.

The reason is naturally the reason of the female relatives, but in fact, it is because the head of the family is afraid that his illness will be leaked.

At the banquet tonight, the head of the family drank a few glasses of wine in order to show that he was normal.

After drinking the spicy wine, the cancer lurking in his body caused him to fall down on the bed again.

At this time, the young master Sha Letian was standing beside the bed, looking at his father with concern.

"You go out first."

The head of the family waved his hand to the personal doctor.

The adoptive son who was adopted by him immediately stood up and walked out.

"Le Tian, ​​I'm afraid I won't last long, and I have to tell you something as soon as possible."

Taking off the oxygen mask, the head of the family leaned against the head of the bed with Sha Letian's support.

In front of outsiders, he is full of energy, but he is actually a dead wood.

During this period of time, he was relying on drugs that he shouldn't have taken to numb his already riddled body.

"Father, if you have something to say, just say it."

Sha Letian looked at his father in pain, and said hastily.

Although as early as a year ago, he knew that his father was actually terminally ill.

But every time he saw his father in pain, his heart ached.

"You, like me when I was young, have always been so competitive. Hey, I just didn't listen to your grandfather's words, and I am today."

The headmaster let out a long sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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