Chapter 167
At that time, Kun Sha objected to continuing to engage in this bloody business.

But young and energetic, he did not follow his father's advice.

Resolutely brought a group of people here to resume their old business.

In the blink of an eye, ten years have passed.

Now he has got everything he wanted before, but he has no luck to enjoy it.

It wasn't until then that he realized that this kind of thing would only harm his descendants.

Looking at Sha Letian, the boss also knew that he was too much like himself when he was young.

In the same way, he actually couldn't listen to his own words in his heart.

Just like when Kun Sha called him to the bedside.

He also said the same words, but he still chose his own persistence.

Although he knew, maybe what he said, he would still stick to it like he was back then.

But as a father, he had to speak out.

Only when you have a son do you know the kindness of your parents, and now he can finally empathize with what his father taught him back then.

"At the beginning, your grandfather told me not to take this path again, because it seems that you are above ten thousand people, but in fact you will always be a puppet."

The head of the family held Sha Letian's hand with a wry smile on his face and said.

"There are too many strengths in the dark, including your second uncle. I am afraid that as long as I close my eyes, blood will flow like a river here."

Regarding his illness, he strictly kept it secret and would not let outsiders know what he said.

But as long as he dies, the ambitious second-in-command will definitely occupy this place immediately.

"Father, don't worry, no one can touch our family business, and I will protect it even if I die."

Sha Letian gritted his teeth, tears rolling in his eyes.

"I'm sending you out to let you know more about the market outside. If you want to give this business, just give it to him."

The big master coughed violently while shaking his head.

When a person is about to die, he realizes that all of this cannot be taken away.

"I left you a sum of money, which is enough for your life. If I really die, you must leave this place immediately."

After the head stopped coughing, he held Sha Letian's hand tightly and said.

"I know my father."

Sha Letian nodded, this move was exactly the same as that of the big master back then.

When his father was sick, as a son, he would naturally not disobey his father.

But he definitely didn't listen to this sentence.


With a sigh, the head of the family thought of himself back then.

I also remembered the same sigh from my father back then.

See it through, see it away, everything can only be understood after he understands it thoroughly.

"Also, didn't you always blame me for not promoting and reusing that person named Ling Tian?"

After calming down his mood, the head of the family said.

"He is indeed a talent. With him, I have the opportunity to fight against the second master."

Obviously, Sha Letian didn't listen to what he said before.

Master Liu has not always been the person who is most dissatisfied with Ling Tian's lack of real power.

Sha Letian mentioned twice that he wanted to promote Ling Tian, ​​at least part of Qilin Village's troops should be allocated to him.

But they were all rejected by the masters.

"Do you still remember the living Zhuge? In fact, he is the agent of the Paradise Group."

If we want to say this, we really have to start from the source, so the head of the family took a breath and said the matter from the beginning.

Back then, Kun Sha couldn't stand the secret instigation of this shadow-like group, so he surrendered.

I am young and energetic, and I want to use the Paradise Group to revive the lintel.

But he didn't want to fall into a puppet step by step.

"These guys are warmongers. They use us just to do their best at any time. This is not cooperation and going to destruction."

After the big master finished speaking, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Talking so much really made him lose his strength.

"Secretly, I don't know how many people are members of this Tiantang Group, and this Ling Tian must not be used."

After clarifying the conspiracy of the Tiantang Group, Ling Tian was naturally connected.

As a person sent by Huo Zhuge, it is of course impossible for the master to reuse him.

He didn't want his son to be a puppet after he died.

"So be careful with this person, remember! Remember!"

The head of the family coughed violently again, and the bloodshot handkerchief meant that he was really dying.

Sha Letian hurriedly stood up, called the doctor back, and after injecting the painkiller, the big boss fell into a deep sleep.

"Ling Tian!"

Sha Letian stood at the door, looking at the stars all over the sky, with his brows furrowed, he didn't know what he was thinking.

A lively paradise town.

There are various entertainment venues on the left and right sides.

At night, this place becomes a man's paradise.

The chattering people looked at the woman with revealing clothes and heavy make-up on both sides of the street.

They came here in gangs, smelling the aroma of the poor-quality foundation, and looking at the girls who were all so babbling.

They bared their yellow teeth, but they came here for these women.

In a dim alley, in a simple house.

The men are full of drive, and the women are also working hard.

One is for meat, the other is for money, the two sides hit it off.

This is normal, but here is the most romantic place within a hundred miles.

On the street, the men who are used to it are basically ordinary soldiers.

There is an unwritten rule here, that is, no use of force, no guns.

After all, if this place is destroyed, then how many men will be suffocated to death.

Besides, the boss here, although he doesn't have many generals in his hands, his relationship extends in all directions.

If it is really ordinary people making trouble here, it will disappear soon.

They are just ants, and they can't afford to turn against those bosses, and they don't have the capital at all.

Then, those who have a head and a face will naturally not eat this kind of game on this street.

Because they are all old and decrepit, they can only go to those smelly cannon fodder to make money.

Those who are a little bit pretty will not do this kind of business, but wait in various bars.

Those who can enter the bar are generally a little famous, otherwise the entrance fee of tens of dollars is not something that everyone can afford.

A convoy drove into the town mightily.

Although there are no luxurious sports cars here, this brand new off-road vehicle is definitely very eye-catching.

It attracted the sideways glances of men and women.

The motorcade stopped directly at the entrance of the most luxurious bar.

"How is it? A man's paradise, isn't it good?"

Jumping out of the car, Sha Letian said to Ling Tian who was beside him.

This bar is one of the nicest and most expensive in town.

It is also the location of his birthday party today.

(End of this chapter)

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