Chapter 169: Enemy or Friend
"Happy birthday, young master."

This woman known as Xiao Xiangyu, Cardamom Nianhua, has a kind of beauty in every frown and smile.

Picking up the wine glass, she looked at Sha Letian, the corners of her eyes were full of tenderness.

"That's right, don't you miss me after a few days?"

Sha Letian pulled Xiao Xiangyu over.

But Ling Tian at the side found that this guy treats this little Xiangyu very differently.

The so-called difference is that he is not a pig hand, but more polite, especially the voice, which has become more delicate.

"Master, have a drink."

Xiao Xiangyu blushed slightly, and said to Sha Letian.

There was no answer, but the smile on the corner of his mouth said everything.

"Xiao Xiangyu's wine is better."

After drinking a few glasses of spirits, Sha Letian was already a little confused.

But he took the glass and drank it down.

Inside the room, there was once again a burst of jubilation, as the cups were exchanged, the beauty and wine were even more intoxicating.

"Ling Tian, ​​come here."

Suddenly, Sha Letian stood up with a face full of alcohol, and said to Ling Tian who was sitting next to him.

Follow him to a small room in the corner.

Although he didn't know what happened, Ling Tian still followed in.

Sha Letian, who drank a lot, asked himself what to do.

In this small box, there is actually an air conditioner.

The sound insulation effect is good, you can't hear the noise outside at all inside.

But the dark red arrangement, and those oddly shaped sofas.

Ling Tian suddenly realized something was wrong.

On such a romantic occasion, anyone with a discerning eye could see the sudden appearance of a private box.

If you fall in love with that chick outside and can't bear it, you can pull it here to sleep first.

"Hey, I said Mr. Birthday, your gift is also given to you, you won't push your limits, will you?"

Ling Tian said to Sha Letian with a smirk.

Is there something wrong with these two big men in this room?

"Fuck off, but your gift is good, I like it!"

Sitting on the sofa, Sha Letian gave Ling Tian a hard look.

However, he really liked the gift Ling Tian gave him.

That dagger that shone coldly was definitely a real thing that can't be found.

"There are so many girls outside, why don't you bring me in?"

Watching Sha Letian sitting on the sofa, playing with the dagger he gave him.

Ling Tian asked curiously, today is his birthday, so Ling Tian is also very happy.

"I have something to ask you."

Sha Letian suddenly raised his head, the smell of alcohol disappearing on his face.

There was a stern light in his eyes, and he was no longer that playful smiling face at this moment.

"What's the matter? Why are you so serious?"

Sha Letian's behavior was indeed a bit weird, Ling Tian leaned on the sofa and no longer smiled.

Obviously, the next topic is very serious, and it is impossible for the two of them to talk about it as brothers.

"Do you know why you have no real power since you came here?"

Sha Letian didn't shy away from it, and asked directly.

"Because I was introduced by Huo Zhuge, maybe I have something to do with the Paradise Group?"

There is no need for Ling Tian to pretend to be stupid. The Nine Leaders have no real power. This is not about greed, but a strange thing.

Everyone could see that even though he was allowed to sit in the position of the Nine Leaders, it was only for saving face.

The big master didn't trust him at all, just because he was introduced by Huo Zhuge.

"That's right, so I want to ask you today, why did you come here?"

Sha Letian kept staring into Ling Tian's eyes, because eyes cannot lie.

"Why don't you say, am I sent to approach you?"

Ling Tian smiled calmly, but still looked at Sha Letian firmly.

He knew that if he was lying, the other party would definitely see through, so it would be better to change the way of questioning.

"That's fine."

Sha Letian looked at Ling Tian, ​​saying that there is indeed no problem.

"Before I came, I didn't even know where I was going, let alone who you are, so you think I'm here to curry favor with you?"

Ling Tian was telling the truth, of course he didn't know where he was going.

And his target is Toutuo, definitely not this young master.

"Then why do you have a relationship with the Paradise Group?"

Ling Tian's eyes were firm, and Sha Letian could tell that he was definitely not lying.

Coupled with the acquaintance of the two people, it was completely an accident. Speaking of it, he has been actively approaching Ling Tian.

"Some things can't be chosen, like why are you the young master of Qilin Village?"

Ling Tian shrugged helplessly, this mission was not chosen by himself, it was completely a kind of coercion.

If he had a choice, he would rather stay in the country honestly, and it would be good to accompany his beautiful lady.

"You have something to hide from me!"

Looking at Ling Tian's expression, showing a sense of loneliness, Sha Letian continued.

"Everyone has their own secrets, at least mine is harmless to you."

Ling Tian did not deny that he had a secret.

But this secret has nothing to do with Sha Letian from the beginning to the end.

"Then let me ask you, can I treat you as a brother?"

Sha Letian played with the dagger in his hand, this time, he lowered his head.

They are all grown-ups, and the word "brother" can't just be spoken.

But now, he really needed a brother, but his father's words shook his determination again.

The appearance of Ling Tian made him see the dawn of victory, and he thought he could flex his muscles.

But he didn't expect that the Paradise Group to which he belonged was inextricably linked with his own family.

Seeing that his father's health was getting worse day by day, and the pressure was increasing, he really didn't know who to trust.

"Brother? That's not what I said."

Ling Tian looked at Sha Letian who was bowing his head, probably Master Liu didn't even know about the physical condition of the head.

Coupled with the fact that Master Liu had mentioned his plan, Sha Letian, who is now in the center of the storm, is the most miserable.

I'm afraid that once the head of the family dies, there will be a bloodbath for the second head of the family and Mr. Liu who are ready to move.

At that time, Sha Letian will be nothing more than a boat in a storm.

If he could be given five years, neither the Second Master nor Master Liu would be able to shake his existence.

But now the time is too short, so short that Sha Letian has no time to win over his troops.

He thought Master Liu would help him, but now it seems that he doesn't even have the chance to be a puppet.

Once the head of the family dies, he may be plotted against by Master Liu.

Sha Letian will definitely be killed. This time Master Liu is going to enter the room and really control everything here.

"I'll believe it if you tell me!"

Suddenly, Sha Letian raised his head.

He looked at Ling Tian standing there seriously.

Sometimes, one sentence is enough, and the word brother can be a thousand catties.

(End of this chapter)

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