Chapter 170 An Uninvited Guest

"I won't hurt you!"

Ling Tian stood up, opened the door and walked out.

He didn't need to admit, let alone promise, of course he remembered Sha Letian's help to him.

In the small empty room, Sha Letian sat there alone.

What Ling Tian said before he left was a disguised admission that he was his brother.

But his father's exhortation in his ear made him a little hesitant.

After all, in the real world, there is no one sentence that can make people let go of all their guards.

Pushing the door open again, Sha Letian looked at Ling Tian who was hugging the chick.

He acted as if nothing had happened.

Sitting in an inconspicuous corner, he smiled and looked at the drunken state of those guys in front of him.

His city and strength must not be underestimated.


Xiao Xiangyu watched Sha Letian come out, and immediately greeted her.

Supporting Sha Letian's wobbly body with both hands, he led him back to the sofa.

"I'm fine! I'm not drunk yet."

Sha Letian waved his hand, reeking of alcohol, he took Xiao Xiangyu's waist.

"Master, I'm not feeling well today, can I go back first?"

At this moment, Xiao Xiangyu lowered her voice and said to Sha Letian.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?"

Sha Letian was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly asked with concern.

Ling Tian, ​​who was sitting by the side, could tell at a glance that this guy obviously really liked this girl.

Otherwise, why should he care so much about her?

"It's just a headache, I'll go back and lie down for a while and it will be fine."

While talking, Xiao Xiangyu reached out and picked up the small bag beside her.

"Then cut the birthday cake first before leaving!"

Seeing Xiao Xiangyu rushing to leave, Sha Letian hurriedly grabbed her wrist and said.

But Ling Tian at the side could tell that Xiao Xiangyu might not be feeling unwell.

Obviously, she was in a hurry to leave. What was it that made her a little scared.

"It's not time yet, how about I come back later?"

Looking at Sha Letian's eyes, Xiao Xiangyu said almost beggingly.

"What happened to you?"

Sha Letian shook his head, his drunken eyes also noticed something wrong with Xiao Xiangyu.

In the past, she was always so considerate and gentle. In the past few months, it can be said that the two of them got along day and night.

But today's sudden abnormality really surprised Sha Letian, especially today is his birthday.

"Master, I'll go out for a while and I'll be right back, really, really soon."

Xiao Xiangyu pleaded, trying to get rid of Sha Letian's arm, but how could he get away so easily when he was so weak.

"Tell me clearly, what's the matter, what are you afraid of, and me."

The more this is the case, the more impossible it is for Sha Letian to let go.

All along, everyone knew that Xiao Xiangyu belonged to Sha Letian.

During this period of time, she was with Sha Letian every day, and Sha Letian might take Xiao Xiangyu back in a short time.

But this strange thing that suddenly appeared made everyone unable to understand.

"Young Master, I'll explain to you later!"

Xiao Xiangyu shook her head, she couldn't say it now, otherwise Sha Letian would definitely get angry.

"If you don't make it clear, don't leave. I'll see who dares to bully me."

Seeing Xiao Xiangyu's expression, Sha Letian suddenly became angry.

Everyone knows that Xiao Xiangyu is his woman, and bullying her is like making things difficult for him.

After all, he is the young master of Qilin Village.

If this tone does not come out, Qilin Village will not be able to raise its head in the future.


But at this moment, the door of the box was kicked open.

Followed by a group of people directly walked in.

"You little bitch, who told you to come here, how long do you want me to wait!"

The leading guy is a man in his 40s.

With a strong body, he is more than 1.8 meters tall.

He has a crew cut, a big square face, and a pair of tiger eyes with irascibility.

There are tattoos on his left and right arms, and with his mouth curled up, he pointed at Xiao Xiangyu as soon as he came in.

"Who the fuck is your name!"

The person who came was none other than the fire-breathing dragon, the young master of the rival Liberation Army.

Unexpectedly, this guy actually bullied him.

Sha Letian stretched out his hand, pulled Xiao Xiangyu behind him, and looked angrily at the fire-breathing dragon standing opposite.

Those who followed the fire-breathing dragon were none other than the troops of the Freedom Army.

So everyone in the room stood up one after another.

The two sides had been fighting constantly, but this time they bumped into each other in this box.

Obviously this is going to be a dead-end situation.

Despite each other's unyielding attitude, Ling Tian felt that this matter was definitely not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

I'm afraid there are some ulterior secrets hidden behind him.

The original fragrant box suddenly became tense.

Those chicks curled up and hid in the corner.

Of course they know the identities of these two people, and they are more aware of the feud between the Free Army and Qilin Village.

Counting from the time of Kunsha back then, the two families were feuds.

For decades, everyone has hurt each other. When Kunsha became bigger, the Liberation Army family was forced to take refuge in the government to survive.

Later, as Kunsha announced his surrender, the Free Army wanted to take the opportunity to retaliate.

However, they never expected that the government would directly come up with a trick to kill the donkey, trying to wipe out the Freedom Army as well.

Later, the Free Army underwent a major purge and its strength declined sharply.

And Qilin Village also recruited new troops, without the majesty of the past.

Banjin against Baliang, which made the two deadly rivals fight a lot.

Today we meet again in this small town of Paradise, and the consequences of such hand-to-hand combat are disastrous.

"I want to find my woman, I don't care about your business, what kind of onion are you!"

The fire-breathing dragon with wide-eyed eyes roared angrily at Sha Letian.

"Fart, this is Lao Tzu's territory, I don't allow you, a bastard, to run wild!"

Sha Letian, who stood in front of Xiao Xiangyu, also blushed and had a thick neck.

It was obvious that this guy was looking for Xiao Xiangyu. Although he didn't know why, everyone here knew that she was his wife.

From the first day she sold herself here, she was taken over by Sha Letian.

And since then, she has been with Sha Letian every day.

Now that this guy came to make trouble for Xiao Xiangyu, he obviously didn't want to save himself.

Of course, Sha Letian would not let women stand in front of him.

"Hey, the young master of Qilin Village is so domineering that he even wants to swallow this place under your command. Does it mean that the Golden Triangle wants to be under your control?"

Beside the fire-breathing dragon, a male duck with a yin and yang voice spoke immediately.

"I want you to take care of what I say, who the hell are you?"

Sha Letian's eyes were red, and he didn't care who was facing him when he was drunk.

"Little lizard, don't play dumb for me. I came to find my woman. What does it have to do with you? Go home and find your mother to nurse."

The fire-breathing dragon had a pair of tiger eyes, staring at Xiao Xiangyu behind Sha Letian.

As for the little lizard, it was naturally his name for Sha Letian.

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(End of this chapter)

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