Chapter 172
"How is it? Now it's me or he is messing around, this woman is mine, I'm going to take her away, and go back to give all the brothers a good rest."

The fire-breathing dragon's words were heart-warming, and that wild laughter made people dare not imagine what Xiao Xiangyu would look like if she went back with him.

"I think whoever dares to move a finger of her today, I will kill him."

The hero became angry, Sha Letian said that it was impossible for Xiao Xiangyu to be taken away by him.

With angry eyes, he looked at the fire-breathing dragon opposite him fiercely.

This guy is obviously finding fault on purpose.

"Take me away!"

Now that it is reasonable, the fire-breathing dragon will certainly not let it go. With a roar, the subordinates behind him rushed up immediately.

"I see who dares!"

Sha Letian didn't want to, he waved the beer bottle in his hand and wanted to do it too.

There are dozens of people from both sides, and they are about to fight in this box immediately.

"Da da da……"

But at this moment, there was a burst of gunfire, causing the people on both sides to retreat again.

"Stop me all!"

The micro punch in Wutian's hand hit the ceiling above his head and set off waves of dust.

When the gunshots sounded, the two sides separated, and everyone looked at Wutian standing there.

"You two, calm down first. I will definitely explain this matter to everyone."

Wutian frowned, looking at the men and horses with swords drawn, he seemed to be thinking about something.

"Commander, I'm afraid the new manager doesn't know the hidden truth about this matter. Why don't you do this? I'll refund you double the money."

Wutian didn't talk to Sha Letian, but turned directly to the fire-breathing dragon.

"What do you mean? Do you think I'm short of money? I don't want money, I want people!"

The fire-breathing dragon sneered, he still doesn't like the tens of thousands of dollars, what he wants is Xiao Xiangyu.

Everyone knows that this little Xiangyu is the woman Sha Letian likes.

Then he just wants to take her back, and then he will definitely let her survive or die, and let her vent her hatred.

"Commander, everyone is out to wander the rivers and lakes, just to eat and drink, why bother to kill them all?"

Wutian's voice was three points lower at this time, and he looked at the fire-breathing dragon with an apologetic expression.

"Okay, is this paradise town trying to bully others? If you don't recognize the black and white words, I'll find an explanation. Is it my free army who is easy to bully, or are you going back on your word?"

The fire-breathing dragon looked at Wutian with a sneer, and it was obvious that he was going to be a man today.

"Don't get angry!"

Wu Tianchang sighed, obviously, there is no reasonable explanation for this matter, and this golden signboard is about to be ruined.

So he turned his head and looked at Sha Letian who was blushing.

"Young master, my subordinates didn't handle this matter thoroughly, but you also know that I keep my word. Since he has redeemed himself, I'm afraid he will let him take him away."

Finally, the long sword turned to Sha Letian's head again, and it hit his throat without any room.

"She is my woman. I am going to redeem her today. I will just pay the money. No one can take her away."

Such a reversal, but Sha Letian still firmly blocked Xiao Xiangyu.

He can't even protect a woman, not only because he is a bad man, but if this matter gets out, Qilin Village will lose all face.

Now what he regrets the most is that he didn't redeem Xiao Xiangyu's body before. It's just a word, it's too late for him to wait until today.

"Young master, it's not a matter of losing money now, how about this, the women here, whoever you like, pick ten or eight at random, it's my birthday present to you, let's forget it, it's just a woman."

Wutian sighed for a long time, and said to Sha Letian with an embarrassed face.

"What is a woman, I want her today, no one can touch her!"

Of course, Sha Letian would not give in, and used his body to protect Xiao Xiangyu behind him.

"Young master, you make me very difficult. You also know that I have never been able to be today because of a word of faith!"

Wutian's face turned serious, and his eyes were fixed on Sha Letian.

"If you want to blame, you can only blame the young master for being a step late. Since this woman has returned to the army commander, let him take her away."

Before Wutian finished speaking, those guys around him immediately turned their guns around.

"Then what if I don't give it?"

Sha Letian said word by word, seeing that Sen Leng's gun was aimed at himself and his brother, he didn't believe that Wutian dared to shoot.

"If you don't give it, I'm afraid you brothers will be unlucky."

As Wutian spoke, he directly raised the micro punch in his hand.

Of course, the gun was not aimed at Sha Letian, but at the men standing beside him.

This move is absolutely ruthless, if Sha Letian refuses, his subordinates will be doomed.

At that time, he will be charged with not wanting a brother for the sake of a woman.

Not only did he become a waste in the eyes of outsiders, but in the hearts of his subordinates, he was also a leader without loyalty.

This kind of sowing and discord is really not something ordinary people can do.

But if Sha Letian backed down, it was obvious that the free army had robbed the woman.

A reputation that even his own women can't protect will also put him in a desperate situation.

So no matter whether he lets him go or not, the crime is prepared for him.

Now we are waiting for Sha Letian to jump into the pit.

"Eldest young master, Xiao Xiangyu, thank you for taking care of me during this time. If there is another life, I will repay you!"

Seeing that the situation is chaotic, if it is not resolved, there may be deaths.

Xiao Xiangyu, who had been hiding behind Sha Letian, hastily bit her lip and broke away from Sha Letian's hand.

"Little bitch, get the hell out of here, you actually hooked a man in front of me, I'll make you die later."

The fire-breathing dragon looked at Xiao Xiangyu angrily, this bitch was still reluctant to part with her at this moment.

"Little Xiangyu!"

Even the woman he likes can't be protected, and Sha Letian's heart feels like a knife is twisted.

But he couldn't just watch these small captains who had just been recruited die under the guns of the opponent.

"Don't worry, Eldest Young Master, I won't let them have the opportunity to humiliate your woman, life is yours, and death is your ghost!"

Suddenly, Xiao Xiangyu smiled sweetly, and at the same time, she slammed her head towards the foot of the table as she stepped hard.

If he was caught back, not to mention that life would be worse than death, then he would be bullied in the name of Sha Letian woman.

But if he doesn't leave, Sha Letian's brothers will suffer.

Then the only solution is to die here now.

Once it's over, the fire-breathing dragon can't get himself, and Sha Letian won't lose a woman.

So Xiao Xiangyu bumped towards the ninety-degree table leg without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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