Chapter 173
"Little Xiangyu!"

Seeing that Xiao Xiangyu was about to fade away, Sha Letian hugged her quickly.

Looking at Xiao Xiangyu who was almost destroyed, Sha Letian's heart was bleeding.

"Why do you stop me, I'll die once."

Looking at Sha Letian who was holding her in her arms, Xiao Xiangyu burst into tears instantly.

The desire to die was resolute, and she was almost at a loss between life and death, how could she leave this world willingly.

"I, Sha Letian, will not let my woman die like this. If anyone dares to touch your finger today, even if we wipe out all the people in Qilin Village, he will definitely make him pay in blood."

Gritting her teeth tightly, Sha Letian spoke word by word.

If he watched Xiao Xiangyu die in front of him like this, he would blame himself for the rest of his life.

It would be better for the jade to be broken than to be whole, he hugged Xiao Xiangyu, and said viciously to Wutian and the fire-breathing dragon.

"Young master, don't force me!"

Such a touching parting of life and death is so childish in Wutian's eyes.

Since Sha Letian chose a woman, he would have to sacrifice his brother's life.

Now he is reasonable, he will stand firm wherever he goes,
But at this moment, he suddenly felt a tightness in his neck.

"I advise you to stay still, or your head will move!"

A cold voice came from behind Wutian's ear.

Cold and ruthless, with the call of death.

And Wutian also felt a pain in his neck, although he didn't know what it was, but he definitely didn't doubt this warning.

"do not move!"

It was too late for Wutian's subordinates to react at this time.

Hastily turned the gun and pointed it at Ling Tian, ​​but Ling Tian was tightening the rope.

"what are you going to do?"

Wutian hastily lowered the muzzle of the gun in his hand, unable to turn his head back, he only felt a chill on his back.

"It's nothing, I just don't want to see the bastards of the Free Army, why don't you let your men drive them out?"

Ling Tian still had no emotion in his voice, and said to Wu Tian word by word.

"who do you think You Are?"

After all, Wutian did not immediately agree to Ling Tian because he had been battle-tested for a long time.

"Nobody, so I'm not afraid to die with you, don't talk nonsense to me, I'm impatient."

Ling Tian directly punched Wu Tian in the back, and said with a sneer.

Barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes, here he is a nobody.

"Invite the people from the Freedom Army out!"

Wutian knew that what Ling Tian said was correct, he would not dare to bet on his life for another life.

So in desperation, he could only speak to his subordinates.

The dozen or so micro-chargers were also aimed at the people of the Freedom Army immediately.

"Wutian, what are you going to do?"

No one noticed when Ling Tian came behind Wu Tian.

Seeing that the drama was about to come to an end, Cheng Yaojin was killed halfway.

The fire-breathing dragon immediately said dissatisfied, this guy is too useless.

"Get out! Or I'll give the order to shoot."

This strangled his painful barb, making Wutian growl violently.

Now that his life is in danger, how can he continue acting.

A few of his subordinates even pulled the bolt of the gun and looked at the fire-breathing dragon coldly.

"Sha Letian, just wait for me, I will definitely settle this account with you."

The fire-breathing dragon had no choice but to grit its teeth, turned around and left with hatred.

"Fire-breathing dragon, please remember, I will definitely get back today's debt."

Almost forcing Xiao Xiangyu to commit suicide, Sha Letian yelled viciously at the fire-breathing dragon.

They have made up their minds about this feud, and he will settle the account when the time comes.

In the room, there was no longer the appearance of swords being tense, and Wutian's subordinates stood at the door.

The gun in his hand was still pointing at everyone.

"Okay, are you satisfied now?"

It was almost possible to succeed, but was destroyed by people.

Moreover, his life was still controlled in his hands, which made Wutian very angry.

"Of course, but I'm afraid you want to walk with us. If you don't want to suffer, don't talk."

Ling Tian blinked at Sha Letian, this place is definitely not a place to stay for a long time, they have to leave quickly.

So, Ling Tian tied Wu Tian and walked downstairs.

As for the others, they quickly came to their car.

At this time, many people in Paradise Town were looking towards this side, but no one dared to move forward.


After pushing Wutian, now he is the ace card for saving his life.

If it is not safe to leave, Ling Tian will not let him go.

The convoy slowly left Paradise Town.

But the skyless people will naturally not give up easily.

They followed from afar, waiting for the order to attack.

And Ling Tian in the car was still holding on to the dragon rope tightly.

"Wutian, you are really ruthless!"

Grabbing Wutian's neck, Sha Letian, with blood-red eyes, said viciously.

"Young master, this is all a misunderstanding, and I just follow the rules."

Wutian, who was controlled by Lingtian, kept staring at Lingtian.

A sloppy person was actually caught in the car, and now his life is in Ling Tian's hands.

"Don't play dumb for me, you think I can't see it, do you and the fire-breathing dragon team up to set me up?"

Sha Letian is not a fool, he dug such a big hole just to let himself jump into it.

Fortunately, Ling Tian made a timely move, otherwise he would be doomed today.

"Everyone knows that I don't take a stand in Wutian. Today I just acted according to the rules. There are also misunderstandings."

Now his life is in the hands of others, but Wutian still refuses to let go.

If he admits that he conspired with the fire-breathing dragon, then his life will be completely explained.

So he refuses to admit it, as long as he bites himself and sticks to his principles, he won't lose.

"Then what do you mean, if you introduce the red wolf to me, you won't harm me?"

Sha Letian squinted his eyes, it was obvious that he introduced Chilang to himself before because he had other motives.

Although he seems to be indifferent to the world, in his heart he always has trouble with Qilin Village.

He also knew about today's matter, and deliberately acted in front of him.

"You and Chilang have known each other for so long, what is your relationship with you? Even if you turn against each other, you can't blame me."

Wutian looked at Sha Letian with a sneer, he had always been impeccable in everything he did, and it was impossible for him to leave anything for others to talk about.

"You think I'm stupid, don't you?"

While talking, Sha Letian drew out the dagger.

Looking at Wutian with an angry face, this kid is still so rampant now that he is in his hands.

"Anyway, my life is in your hands. You can say whatever you want, but young master, don't say I didn't tell you. If you touch me today, someone will trouble you someday."

Wutian looked at Sha Letian with a sneer on his face, and he obediently followed them into the car because he didn't want to fight to the death.

(End of this chapter)

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