Chapter 174 Secret Instigation
If he couldn't even guarantee his own safety, how could he be so obedient.

The forces behind him are not as good as Qilinzhai and Freedom Army, but they are not weak either.

Especially since everyone has a lot of interests involved, if he dies, it will be tantamount to ruining the financial resources of those families.

At that time, even if they dare not fight each other, they will probably fall to the side of the free army.

If you go to that area, it will definitely be a big trouble for Qilin Village.

"Do you threaten me?"

Sha Letian's dagger was right at his throat, as long as he moved his hand, Wutian's life would be lost.

"This is not a threat, but a reminder, why don't you take me back to talk to the boss?"

Wutian was still so arrogant, at the same time, he turned his face and looked at Ling Tian who was sitting beside him.

"Boy, you're really good, but remember, I've been in the rivers and lakes for so many years, and everyone who treats me like this will die."

Obviously, the ugly appearance of being strangled by someone made Wutian lose all face.

How can he claim to be lawless in the future if he can't breathe.

"Aren't I still alive and well?"

Seeing Sha Letian withdraw the dagger angrily, Ling Tian knew that killing this kid now would only make them passive.

So he flicked his wrist, and the dragon-tying rope immediately fell off.

Don't forget to look at Wutian with a sneer.

"So next time, I will definitely invite you to sit with me."

Wutian touched the bloodstain on his neck, and smiled coldly.

But that murderous look in his eyes proves that it's definitely not that simple.

"No problem, maybe I will take the initiative to pay a visit."

After Ling Tian took back the binding rope, he still replied indifferently.

"Then I will certainly welcome it."

These few words were basically said by gritting the back molars.

Wutian then turned his head and looked at Sha Letian.

"Eldest young master, you should be relieved after seeing you off so far. I wish you and Xiao Xiangyu a happy life together."

Looking at the darkness outside, they were already far away from Paradise Town.

"Okay, then next time I have a chance, I will definitely pay a visit."

Sha Letian can't kill him now, otherwise Qilin Village will be in a disadvantageous state.

Especially his father's health is getting worse day by day, at this time he can only avoid trouble again.

"Welcome, welcome, Paradise Town is waiting for you at any time, Xiao Xiangyu, take good care of the young master from now on."

Wutian was still so arrogant, but at this moment, Ling Tian grabbed his neck.

Before he could react, the car door was already opened, and immediately after Ling Tian waved his right hand, he was literally thrown out of the speeding car.

He fell heavily on the ground, and originally wanted to pretend to be chic and leave, but he didn't expect Ling Tian to strike so ruthlessly.

After rolling on the ground for a while, Wutian, who looked embarrassed, fell hard.

"Kid, remember, I will definitely kill you! I will!"

Over the years, he has been considered a respectable figure in the Golden Triangle.

But today, as if someone was walking a dog, he was led out by a chain.

What was even more exaggerated was that he was thrown out of the car like a waste product, with blood all over his body, and he was completely angry.

If Qilinzhai wasn't too strong, he would definitely lead someone to capture Ling Tian immediately.

This guy is so arrogant, this account, he will definitely settle it.

For the roar in the dark night, it has long been submerged in the motor.

Ling Tian clapped his hands, as if throwing out a dusty carpet.

"You are really ruthless!"

Seeing Wutian who fell to the ground and crawled, Sha Letian couldn't help but stick out his thumb, Ling Tian was really ruthless.

"Should I stop and let him go down by himself? What a waste of time!"

Ling Tian shrugged his shoulders indifferently, watching the convoy following him stop, they were completely out of the predicament.

"By the way, thank you for what happened just now!"

Sha Letian hugged Xiao Xiangyu who was still shivering, and looked at her lovingly.

This silly girl almost committed suicide. If that was the case, he would regret it for the rest of his life.

"Don't be so nasty, congratulations on not being single, but I really don't know if I hurt her."

Seeing Sha Letian's serious expression, Ling Tian said with a smirk.

Ling Tian thought of someone in this matter today, could it be that Master Liu is also secretly instigating it?

"Go away, I will treat her well."

Holding Xiao Xiangyu in his arms, Sha Letian let out a long sigh.

This incident happened by surprise, and it seems that I should be more careful in the future.

"Well, anyway, you won't be able to go to this paradise town in the future."

Ling Tian smiled, this man's paradise has completely said goodbye to Sha Letian.

"By the way, you're really a kid, don't you know how to do it earlier? If it wasn't for my sharp eyesight and quick hands, Xiao Xiangyu would be a corpse now."

Sha Letian, who was holding Xiao Xiangyu in his arms, leaned on the back of the chair.

Looking at the retreating trees outside the window, they are now heading towards Qilin Village.

"I didn't have the chance to hit a hit before, and I can't guarantee that there is nothing about her in this round."

Ling Tian, ​​who was sitting in the back seat, was smoking a cigarette and said with a smile while squinting his eyes.

The reason why he didn't do anything was that he wasn't sure if Xiao Xiangyu was an enemy or a friend.

If it wasn't for her almost committing suicide, Ling Tian would not be able to conclude that she is true love.

What if she is also one of them.

"I don't think there is anything wrong with people. She is the same, and you are the same."

Sha Letian caressed Xiao Xiangyu who was gradually falling asleep in his arms.

She was really scared tonight.

Although he had long believed that Xiao Xiangyu was sincere to him, but at the moment she wanted to commit suicide, his heart warmed even more.

In order to protect herself, a woman can even sacrifice her life. This kind of emotion made him swear that he would protect her for the rest of his life.

"Okay, but this Wutian, I'm afraid he won't let go so easily."

Ling Tian looked at the bright moon outside the window, thinking about what happened tonight in his mind.

Obviously, Wutian is preparing to instigate the relationship between Qilinzhai and the Free Army.

This also matches Master Liu's plan.

So if you are caught in the middle, what should you do?

To help Master Liu instigate, or to help Sha Letian secure his position as the head of the family.

But no matter what, he and that skyless Liang Zi are next.

"This kid tried to harm me again and again, and this time it was more obvious than Chilang's time, but this guy has complicated interests behind him, and it's very difficult to move him."

Just now, Sha Letian wished he could kill this guy.

But reason let him know that he can't die now, at least not by his own hands.

Otherwise, I don't know what will happen to the precarious state.

(End of this chapter)

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