Chapter 175 Chaos on top of chaos (willful addition)
"Sometimes, it's better to add chaos to the chaos, so as to have a chance to fish in troubled waters."

Ling Tian knew Sha Letian's concerns, but he also believed that sometimes things were not as complicated as imagined.

"what do you mean?"

Hearing Ling Tian's words, Sha Letian immediately turned his head.

But this is not the place to talk. After the two people's eyes collided, they immediately smiled knowingly.

The moonlight at night was exceptionally bright, and when the group of them returned to the village, Sha Letian also explained that tonight's events should not be publicized for the time being.

And he held Xiao Xiangyu's hand and walked towards his own house.

Ling Tian naturally wanted to return to his house, and seeing the lights on from a distance, Ling Tian felt warm in his heart.

Pushing open the door and entering, I saw Shishi sitting on the sofa with a needle and thread in her hand.

"You're back!"

Seeing Ling Tian coming back, Shishi immediately stood up and walked towards him quickly.

Originally thought that Ling Tian would be as drunk as mud, but he didn't expect him to be so sober.

Ling Tian hugged Shishi in his arms even more, this sensible girl will always make people feel distressed.

On a quiet night, after comforting Shishi to rest, Ling Tian sat on the sofa.

After brewing a pot of fragrant tea, he sat there, with the lights on in the room, and he just sat quietly like this.

"Boom boom boom!"

Finally, there was a knock on the door, not too loud in this silent night.

"Waiting for you for a long time!"

Ling Tian didn't stand up because the door wasn't locked.

"I knew you were waiting for me!"

Sha Letian pushed the door open and walked in, seeing Ling Tian sitting there with two teacups on the table.

Obviously, he was just waiting for Sha Letian to come to him.

"Don't be so ambiguous, you have a woman now."

Ling Tian rolled his eyes at Sha Letian. Many times, he felt like a friend in Sha Letian.

"I won't be ambiguous with you without a woman."

Sha Letian also rolled his eyes, and walked directly opposite Ling Tian.

After comforting Xiao Xiangyu, he couldn't fall asleep. Everything that happened tonight was a shock to him.

"How is it? Have you seen it clearly?"

Ling Tian picked up the teapot, poured a bowl of tea, looked at Sha Letian opposite, and asked with a smile.

"It's very clear. I can see who is in front of me and who is behind me at critical moments."

Sha Letian nodded, the accident tonight was definitely a harvest for him.

At the critical moment, apart from Ling Tian, ​​there were still a few small captains protecting him.

Of course, there are also people who hide behind in fear. If nothing happens, their mouths are full of respect.

But really wait until the catastrophe is imminent, who can stand up to see clearly.

"Then do you want to do nothing?"

Ling Tian has his own plan, Wutian is definitely a good pawn for him.

"If we fight with him, I'm afraid the Freedom Army will definitely take the opportunity to make a profit."

Sha Letian has his own worries, he is afraid of everything, and the most terrifying is the Free Army.

As a force of comparable strength, coupled with generations of feuds, the Freedom Army has always been the confidant of Qilin Village.

"In my opinion, if the Freedom Army doesn't get a vote, it won't fall into your pocket."

Ling Tian shrugged his shoulders, most of the village now belongs to the Second Master and Master Liu.

Even if the Free Army can't get it, he can't get it.

"did you mean?"

Sha Letian looked at Ling Tian, ​​in fact, he thought so too.

"If you want to fight, hit hard, forcing them to take the initiative to attack, and then fish in troubled waters!"

Ling Tian looked at Sha Letian, and it was better to be completely chaotic than to be in chaos, while the head of the family was still alive.

"Then when shall we do it?"

After a moment of silence, Sha Letian raised his head and looked at Ling Tian.

"Give me a day."

Ling Tian was even more anxious than Sha Letian.

He couldn't wait to leave this ghost place.

As long as the world is in chaos, he can complete his mission.

"Okay, I'll wait for your news!"

Sha Letian stood up, now he regards Ling Tian as a brother.

His father was seriously ill, the village was in chaos, and there were so many things that he had no time to take care of.

Watching Sha Letian leave, Ling Tian smiled slightly, sometimes he can benefit and help his brothers, which is very good.

He stood up and prepared to go upstairs, but at this moment, the knock on the door rang again.

"What? Are you reluctant to go back and accompany Xiao Xiangyu?"

Ling Tian walked towards the door suspiciously, could it be that Sha Letian forgot something?

However, when he opened the door, a man stood at the door.

Ling Tian has seen this boy before, he is a small captain who accompanied Sha Letian tonight.

This kid is quite good at talking, but this kind of flattery is always not very useful.

"Master Jiu, Master Liu asked me to tell you, if you have time, go to his room for tea!"

As soon as he saw Ling Tian, ​​the kid immediately smiled flatteringly.

"Oh? Okay, you go back and tell Master, I'll be there in a while."

Unexpectedly, Master Liu came to the door so soon, Ling Tian nodded and said.

"Okay, then I'll call back now!"

The squad leader agreed, turned around and left.

It seems that Master Liu's layout is not small, and it is unknown how many people are his subordinates in this cottage.

After closing the door, Ling Tian turned and went upstairs, and soon came to the bedside.

"You're back?"

When Shishi heard the footsteps, she immediately sat up, rubbing her eyes and smiling.

The little face was blushing, with that simple beauty, although the eyes were hazy, there was a kind of girlish innocence.

"Yes, but I still have to go out for a while. I'll take you out for a walk tomorrow."

Seeing Shishi's lovely appearance, Ling Tian said with a smile.

Seeing that the guilt he had borne was about to be cleared, he was really excited.

"Okay, then be careful, I'll make you some supper and wait for you to come back to eat!"

Shishi nodded obediently, she is very adaptable, and she has begun to get used to this kind of life.

As long as Ling Tian is around, she can enjoy half a moment of tranquility.

"Well, let's eat together!"

It feels so good to have someone caring about someone hurting, Ling Tian turned around and went downstairs.

After pushing the door and walking into the yard, he didn't forget to look back at the lights in the room.

This kind of warmth really makes people want to live in this life.

But Ling Tian knew better that he still shouldered the responsibility.

He skillfully walked to the master's house. During the time he lived here, he was already familiar with the situation in the village.

Seeing Ling Tian walking in, Master Liu smiled and beckoned Ling Tian to sit down.

At the same time, she winked at Aunt Li, who nodded, turned around and walked out.

If someone is on guard, they can naturally let go of chatting.

"I've heard about everything that happened in Paradise Town today."

Waving the palm-leaf fan, Master Liu looked at Ling Tian. At this time, he was more like an ordinary teacher.

(End of this chapter)

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