Chapter 180
"It's very simple, I took your life!"

Ling Tian looked at Wu Tian coldly, and at the same time pulled the trigger in his hand.

The bullet pierced Wutian's heart in an instant, and he stared wide-eyed, looking at the blood splattered on his chest in surprise.

"I'm waiting for you in hell!"

Gritting his teeth tightly, Wutian said with the last bit of strength.

Sure enough, he was a ruthless guy who never forgot to threaten him when he was about to die.

"Don't worry, I won't go looking for you!"

Ling Tian turned around with a sneer, and reached out to pick up the phone on the table.

Finally had the opportunity to use the phone, he dialed a number skillfully.

His mobile phone was discarded when he was on the boat, but he never forgot that number.


Soon, the call was connected, and only Ling Tian knew this number.

"I have arrived at the location, and things are going well. I will contact you when I have a chance."

Hearing Mu Lan's voice, Ling Tian smiled slightly, but at this moment Sha Letian's voice came from the earphones.

"A large number of soldiers are approaching you, leave quickly!"

From the hillside, he could clearly see dozens of heavily armed soldiers walking towards them.

The leader had already turned over the racetrack on the side, and they were obviously attracted by the gunshots while holding their guns.

"You go to the meeting place No. [-], we will see you later!"

Ling Tian walked to the window and looked at the crowded forest in the distance.

Everything was under his control, and these guys really came fast enough.

"Okay, you leave as soon as possible!"

Sha Letian picked up his gun and quickly ran down the hillside.

Although he is not as flexible as Ling Tian, ​​his speed is not slow.

"You must pay attention to safety!"

On the phone, Mu Lan didn't dare to say anything, after all, she didn't know whether Ling Tian was being monitored.

"Don't worry, I just want to tell you that everything is fine, and I will contact you again when I have a chance!"

Ling Tian is not sure whether this route is safe.

I could only use ambiguous words to convey it, but no matter what, I also sent out the news of my own safety.

Fortunately, he didn't say much, because there was still a pair of ears listening on the other end of the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Mu Lan quickly dialed another number.

"Track the source of this call immediately!"

Since Ling Tian left, there has been no news, and no one knows where he went.

This phone number has also become the only way to track down.

At the same time, on the other side, Master Liu also got information.

The recording of the last phone call in Wutian's room also quickly entered his ears.

"Master, why did this kid suddenly call?"

Aunt Li sat beside Master Liu, looking at Master Liu with frowning eyebrows.

The phone call came at a bit of an inopportune time, and Master Liu also felt a little doubtful.

"In short, we should be careful about this matter, there may be variables in it!"

Sudden contact with the country, although there is no information in the words, but why did he make this call.

Master Liu is an old fox, he has different ways of thinking about many things.

Frowning, he already had doubts in his heart. Although it was not big, it had a deep impact.

But Ling Tian at the other end, of course, doesn't know yet.

He quickly walked towards the back of the house, passed through the kitchen, and came to the side of the house.

Sticking to the glass, he quickly looked out.

At this time, there were already three guys, holding automatic rifles, walking towards the door of the kitchen step by step.

Ling Tian hastily squatted down and leaned against the corner.

The moment the other party pushed the door open, Ling Tian directly pulled the trigger.

Pistols are most suitable for close quarters combat. A shot entered from the back of his head, and the bullet immediately smashed his brains.

Ling Tian reached out with his left hand and grabbed the corpse at the same time. With his feet kicked, he used the corpse as a cover and pulled the trigger behind him.

The sudden killing move caught the two guys behind him and fell to the ground unexpectedly.

The gunfire also attracted more enemies, but Ling Tian did not rush.

Pulling the body into the room, he immediately took the rope out of the bag.

After arranging the booby traps one by one, he turned around and walked towards the main entrance.

Hitting east and west is definitely the best way. Ling Tian, ​​who was hiding at the main entrance, directly picked up the automatic rifle he had just seized.

Looking at the three clips, Ling Tian felt so excited.

In danger, the rage in his bones began to jump up.

Three or four people rushed in through the back door immediately.

Holding their guns, their attention was attracted by the corpse hanging in mid-air.

This is their fatal point. If you don't pay attention to the trip wire under your feet, you will definitely regret it.

With a muffled sound, the booby trap hanging on the roof was triggered.

Immediately afterwards, dozens of steel nails shot down in all directions, piercing through their bodies one after another.

This is Ling Tian's booby trap, with terrifying lethality, and at the same time, Ling Tian also took out the remote control.

Pressing the button smoothly, the bombs in the dry canal, which were exactly the same color as the stone, exploded one after another.

The huge explosion stirred up the surrounding stones, and the resulting attack immediately killed a dozen soldiers who were known along the river.

"How could this guy make such a horrible thing!"

Everything happened right in front of my eyes, Sha Letian couldn't help but sucked in a breath of cold air when looking at the mutilated corpses.

The way these guys died was really cruel.

But it didn't end, as Ling Tian pressed another button, the incendiary bombs hidden in the racetrack and the grass also exploded one after another.

The gasoline inside was flying all over the sky, coupled with the bang of the explosion, instantly more than a dozen soldiers were engulfed in flames.

The screams and explosions plunged the entire villa area into a sea of ​​flames.

Those soldiers who were ignited from top to bottom fell to the ground and rolled continuously, but even if they suppressed the flames, it was still impossible for them to remain intact.

"I found out that fortunately I didn't offend you, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous!"

Sha Letian, lying in the grass, swallowed involuntarily.

These guys are so miserable that even he can't bear to look at them.

"Don't talk nonsense, cover me!"

Things have been done, now is the time to evacuate, Ling Tian, ​​who was holding an automatic rifle, immediately kicked open the front door.

The rifle whistled in his hand, and after the bullets knocked down the three soldiers in front of him, he immediately ran towards the barn.

The two consecutive explosions killed most of the soldiers, and the remaining Ling Tian relied on his fighting instinct to dodge left and right.

With the precise shooting in his hand, the opponent has no power to fight back.

On the other side, Sha Letian also pulled the trigger again and again.

His target is the soldiers behind Ling Tian, ​​handing over their backs to their teammates, this is the best trust on the battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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