Chapter 181 Crisis
Bullets kept exploding at Ling Tian's feet. At this time, Ling Tian let the Buddha go back to the time when he was studying art for six years.

Under the killing, Ling Tian felt the power in his whole body burst out continuously, and the scenes from that year also appeared in his mind.

On the journey of following the master, crises have appeared constantly, and he knows the rules on the battlefield.

It was as if he had returned to Ling Tian back then, his eyes were red, and the corners of his mouth were filled with evil spirit.

Killing is commonplace for him, because if you don't kill others, then you can only become prey.

The battle continued unceasingly, and with the soldiers falling to the ground one by one, Ling Tian broke out of the encirclement.

The gunshots gradually stopped, and Ling Tian lay directly on the place where Sha Letian was hiding.

"How is it? Are you having fun?"

Ling Tian is enjoying himself now, but Sha Letian feels a chill down his back.

At most, he killed five or six people, and the rest either died in Ling Tian's explosives, or died under his gun.

This guy is simply killing God.

But before he could speak, there was a sudden burst of violent machine gunfire, accompanied by the sound of helicopter propellers, which made the two of them tense.

The sound of the propellers became louder, and the bullets shot towards the bushes where the two were hiding.

Ling Tian hurriedly looked up, and saw a helicopter flying over from the other side of the stable.

This helicopter is not a fighter jet or a transport plane, but a small privately operated helicopter.

But here, after modification, two machine guns were installed on the left and right sides of the cabin.

Two soldiers overcame the machine guns and fired at Ling Tian below.

The helicopter swinging from side to side is constantly changing its position in the air.

With the cover of the helicopter, another twenty or thirty soldiers rushed out of the jungle, holding automatic rifles, and rushed towards this side quickly.

"Go behind the barn!"

Pulling up Sha Letian, Ling Tian quickly led him towards the barn.

Bullets kept exploding around the two of them. Fortunately, the barn was built with thick logs.

The nature of the light machine guns simply cannot shake their hiding places.

"What to do, we seem to be surrounded soon!"

Leaning on the barn, Sha Letian took up a sniper rifle to fight back, but the helicopter hovering in the sky made their counterattack pale.

"The distance and power of the SVD may not be able to penetrate the bulletproof glass of the helicopter!"

Ling Tian also leaned against the barn, and peeked out along the gap. The automatic rifle in his hand was out of bullets, so he took off the sniper rifle.

"Then what do we do now?"

Sha Letian obviously felt nervous, and the hand holding the sniper rifle began to tremble.

"Master, is your sprint fast enough?"

Ling Tian looked at Sha Letian and suddenly said with a bad smile.

"11 seconds [-] for [-] meters, what are you going to do?"

Sha Letian was taken aback, and replied instinctively.

"I think this time, you have a chance to break through 11 seconds!"

Ling Tian's smirk made Sha Letian feel a chill go down his back, and he widened his eyes in fear.

"I'm crazy!"

With a roar, Sha Letian quickly rushed out of the barn, and at an extremely fast speed, he ran crazily towards the side hillside.

Bullets kept exploding around him, Sha Letian never thought that he would do such a crazy thing.

The helicopter hovering overhead immediately chased after him.

The bullets shot in two lines, and the dust picked up was like a giant python, rolling towards him.

Sha Letian had no chance to stop at this time, he could only run with all his strength.

Because Ling Tian said that if he didn't run, both of them would surely die.

Only the devil knows why he really listened to Ling Tian's words, and he ran like crazy, only feeling that all the strength in his body began to be squeezed dry.

The bullets were like the sickle of death, cutting life behind him constantly.

He only felt that the hand of the god of death had grabbed his neck, and the feeling of difficulty breathing made him feel that death was so close for the first time.

"Closer! Come closer!"

On the other end, Ling Tian focused on holding the SVD sniper rifle, and he had to wait for the opportunity.

Seeing the helicopter swaying left and right, it finally reached the position Ling Tian needed.

Ling Tian pulled the trigger without the slightest hesitation.

The bullets whizzed out and directly penetrated the oil tank under the helicopter.

The driver who was so focused on chasing and killing didn't even notice the oil tank on the overhead.

Accompanied by a huge explosion, the black smoke and flames from the oil tank suddenly engulfed the helicopter.

The sudden attack made the driver try hard to get rid of it.

But the sprayed gasoline instantly turned the helicopter into a ball of fire.

The out-of-control fireball fell to the ground, and the soldiers who tried to stop Ling Tian and Sha Letian also instantly turned into fireballs.

The power of the explosion made them run wildly.

On the other side, Sha Letian also fell heavily to the ground.

With empty lungs, he lay on the ground panting heavily.

The fear of death under the profuse sweat made him probably able to run the [-] meters in less than ten seconds.

He didn't have any strength in his body, and his legs felt like they were filled with lead.

The last bullet marks were only one meter away from his body.

"How is it? Eldest young master, isn't it exciting?"

After panting for a while, Sha Letian heard Ling Tian's voice behind him.

Crouching down to help him up, Ling Tian asked with a smirk.

"I... have never run so fast in my life!"

The fear that his lungs were about to burst made Sha Letian lose all strength.

Looking at Ling Tian who was standing aside, he really didn't know why he had to run out just now.

"All the hard work was worth it, now we can go!"

Ling Tian burrowed into the hillside while supporting him.

The blazing villa behind him has become a purgatory on earth. Nearly a hundred people including a helicopter crashed. I believe some people will feel distressed.

But the two of them really retreated and returned to the other side of the hillside.

Pulling away the branch, jumping into the car, Ling Tian started the jeep smoothly, and the two of them immediately shot towards the distance.

Sha Letian, who was leaning on the co-pilot's seat, took a while to recover.

"We really did it!"

He actually sneaked into Wutian's territory and shot the old fox to death.

The thrilling period was enough for him to boast for a lifetime.

"Of course, I will definitely not have a problem!"

Ling Tian smiled, looking at the sunset in the west, he is in a very good mood now.

Everything is starting according to his expectation. I am afraid that within three days, the Golden Triangle will be plunged into war.

All the way to be happy and happy, Ling Tian couldn't help singing.

(End of this chapter)

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