Chapter 186 Plan Implementation ([-] Recommendations Plus Changes)
"Okay, let's have a good drink when I am triumphant, and I won't go back when I'm not drunk!"

The golden leopard nodded, and at this time his deputy, the golden-headed eagle, came over.

"Master, the soldiers and horses are ready, we can set off at any time!"

Before the meeting, the two camps had already prepared everything, just waiting for their order.

"Then wait for my brother to return in triumph, and then I will invite you to have fun!"

Ling Tian waved his hand at the Golden Leopard. In fact, he had always discovered that the Golden Leopard had a straight temper.

And from Mr. Liu's mouth, he is not considered Mr. Liu's person.

Of course, Ling Tian wants to associate with such a person, because he has been drifting outside these years, and he has many mercenaries by his side.

It can be seen that he also has that kind of straightforward nature. This kind of person treats his brothers absolutely honestly.

It's just that Ling Tian, ​​who was going to fish in troubled waters, might have oiled his feet before he came back, at least that's what he planned to do now.

"OK then!"

The leopard nodded, turned and walked out.

The golden-headed eagle also hurriedly followed, but before leaving, he did not forget to give Ling Tian a slight nod.

This made Ling Tian startled, but then he smiled.

He is the sixth head of the family, and he can be regarded as the number one in the village.

No matter how you say it, he is much older than Ling Tian, ​​the Ninth Master.

But the respectful appearance just now also proved Master Liu's words.

He is a pawn lurking beside the leopard. If he is disobedient, the golden-headed eagle will take his place.

Looking at the soldiers leaving one after another in the distance, Qilin Village is also under martial law at this time.

Ling Tian didn't care about this, all he had to do now was to wait quietly, waiting for the opportunity to do something.

When she got home, she could smell the aroma of the food as soon as she opened the door. After Shishi knew her identity, her smile became even more beautiful.

"Master, you are back!"

Seeing Ling Tian come back, like a butterfly, she immediately brought out a bowl of sugar water from the kitchen and handed it to Ling Tian.

These days, with Shishi's care, Ling Tian felt that he had gained a lot of weight.


After drinking the sugar water, the two of them came to the dining table, and the colorful food was absolutely delicious.

"Now things are almost over. The two sides are ready to fight, and we have to plan it!"

While eating breakfast, Ling Tian lowered his voice and said to Shishi.

If there is a fight here, the prison will be robbed there, but Qilin Village is now tightly guarded, so it may be difficult to have a chance.

Since there is no other way for the time being, they can only think of a way to evacuate first. Starting from here, to avoid the chaos of war, they can only go east along the border.

Go around a circle and enter the border, so you need a truck.

"Master, will you continue to be a soldier after you return to China?"

Shishi looked at Ling Tian with a smile in her eyes.

From now on, she is already fantasizing about what will happen after returning to China, as well as her and Ling Tian's future.

"Yes, I am a soldier, so I will continue to be a soldier."

Ling Tian looked at Shishi, it was his destiny to join the army, and it was also what he yearned for the most, especially the Dragon Group was still waiting for his return.

"But if you are a soldier, how can we meet?"

Shishi blushed and lowered her head, she was so excited when she knew that Ling Tian was actually a special soldier.

But the relationship between the two has always been in an ambiguous stage. Although Ling Tian took care of her in every possible way, he seemed to keep a little distance on purpose.

"I'll come and play with you when I'm on vacation, okay?"

Facing the innocent and lovely Shishi, Ling Tian smiled and said that he could feel Shishi's affection for him.

It's just that he can't give her any promises or future, not even his troops can tell her.


Shishi nodded repeatedly, because of confidentiality reasons, Ling Tian could not tell his troops.

The dragon group is not an existence that outsiders can find if they want to find it, so they can only contact unilaterally.

Looking at the lovely Shishi, Ling Tian smiled and pinched her little nose.

It is indeed very good to have such a beauty accompanying him on this mission. The only thing he has to worry about now is that after returning, he may not be able to eat such delicious meals.

There were repeated battle reports ahead, and the two armies had arrived at the predetermined positions, and they were also fighting with the enemy.

The hail of bullets broke out in this Golden Triangle, and the two sides that had never had such a large-scale conflict did their best.

Different from the front, Ling Tian at the back is at ease, wandering here and there every day, he is very leisurely.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In the evening, there was a knock on the door, and Ling Tian, ​​who was lying on the sofa, turned over. Who was it that suddenly knocked on the door in the middle of the night?

"I said young master, you don't command the battle, what are you doing here?"

Ling Tian opened the door and saw Sha Letian standing at the door, he asked with a smirk.

He should be very busy now, how come he has time to run to his side again.

"Don't make fun of me, okay? Now the front is fighting desperately, but you are better off, hide and see no one!"

Sha Letian gave Ling Tian a blank look. This guy hasn't shown up for a day, so he really has enough leisure.

"Please, you also know that your father doesn't believe me, so why should I show up to make him unhappy!"

Ling Tian shrugged his shoulders and let Jin Sha Letian, the boss was guarding against him, there was nothing he could do.

And he has no interest in the battle ahead, his only target is Master Liu.

It's just that the time is not yet, and he has no way to arrest people, otherwise he would like to leave now.

"You also provoked this matter. If you say no to it, don't let it go. Let me tell you, I haven't betrayed you yet!"

Of course Sha Letian knew it well, so he didn't mention Ling Tian in front of his father.

Now his life may end at any time, so Sha Letian doesn't need to say anything.

"Okay, but it's not very good now. Both sides are hurting each other, but you can stand still!"

Ling Tian sat down, while Shishi upstairs had already heard the voice.

Getting up in a hurry, she walked downstairs with a red face, and hurried into the kitchen.

This is her kindness. When a man talks, she knows what a woman should do.

"It's good, but I always feel a little flustered."

After seeing Ling Tian for a day, Sha Letian felt a little nervous. This was the first time he made such a big fuss.

Fortunately, the battle between the two sides will never end in one day.

This kind of war is actually a war of attrition, and the battlefield is relatively close to Qilin Village, so transportation is very easy.

"Young master, you are going to be the master of this Qilin village soon, and I'm just a life-saver, so you still use me as a life-saving pill."

Ling Tian shrugged and said helplessly that he had no interest in commanding operations.

(End of this chapter)

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