Chapter 187 Emergency Missions

Ling Tian's purpose is very simple, that is to make the water muddy enough.

Now the water is muddy, which is good for him and Sha Letian.

He can complete the task by himself, and Sha Letian can destroy the opponent's troops.

"Well, I'm just here to beg for a meal!"

Seeing Ling Tian's appearance, Sha Letian sighed. He was working hard and hiding at home to sleep, but he was wasting his brains ahead.

"Then it's better to call Xiao Xiangyu to help, it can be faster!"

Ling Tian blinked at Sha Letian, and Sha Letian remembered.

Hastily called the guard at the door to call Xiao Xiangyu, the two women were busy in the kitchen, while they were sitting in front chatting.

The battle reports were sent back continuously, and Sha Letian also inspected them directly in front of Ling Tian.

On the whole, things really went smoothly, and I had the upper hand as soon as I came up.

The four of them ate dinner happily, but Ling Tian also had something on his mind.

That is, I don't know when the water in this beach is muddy enough.

He also thought about confessing to Sha Letian, but in the end he held back.

After all, if Sha Letian knew his true identity, he might not be convinced of his words.

Just like that, three days passed. On the fourth day at noon, there was a hasty knock on the door, which made Ling Tian, ​​who was sitting inside drinking tea, frown involuntarily.

This hasty knock on the door was definitely not Sha Letian's.

Could it be that there is some new battle report ahead? It doesn't seem right.

Sha Letian had just left, and the battle report still had the upper hand just now, especially Ling Tian knew better that this battle was not that simple.

It seems that the sword is on the verge of breaking out, but it is actually a critical moment to eliminate dissidents.

I'm afraid these guys who just died don't have a good relationship with their superiors.

Therefore, this battle will definitely not last for a short-term solution, nor will it end with the complete destruction of one side.

Unless it is really according to Master Liu's words, use Baihu Village to attack Qilin Village.

Then let the guy who avenged Wutian sneak attack from the rear of the Free Army.

The alliance disintegrated and turned into internal friction, which would seriously damage the vitality here.

In fact, Ling Tian has been waiting for this opportunity, as long as there is a mess, he can do it.

Putting down the egg in his hand, Ling Tian walked towards the door.

Shishi also wondered why Ling Tian was holding eggs all day long.

She never let go of each hand, Shishi still teased, maybe she wanted to hatch a little **** from an egg, of course she wouldn't know, Ling Tian was training.

During this period of time, he has been practicing his grip strength, and an egg that cannot be broken is his best goal.

Ling Tian opened the door, looked at the person standing at the door, and frowned slightly.

The person who came was none other than the team leader in Master Liu's hands. When he saw Ling Tian coming out, he immediately bowed respectfully.

"Master Nine, Mr. Liu has something urgent to do, so I call you to go there now!"

The team leader was out of breath, apparently running over. He was originally in charge of patrolling the inner house, so it was more convenient to come in and out.

"I see, go now!"

Master Liu is looking for himself at this time, I'm afraid there must be changes ahead.

Then the biggest variable should be the Sidang Leopard in Baihuzhai.

"Master Liu wants you to follow me now!"

Unexpectedly, the team leader refused to leave, he stood at the door and said anxiously.

"Then I have to put on my clothes!"

Ling Tian was also a little angry about this guy's rudeness.

Turning around and walking towards the living room, Shishi also came down from the second floor.

"Master, what's wrong?"

Such an urgent knock on the door made Shishi puzzled. After all, in the autumn of troubled times, she felt uneasy.

Especially when she was about to be free, she was a little panicked.

If it wasn't for Ling Tian being with her at home every day, I'm afraid she really wouldn't even dare to sleep.

"It's nothing, I'll go and have a look, remember, if I'm not here, the gun will never leave my body!"

Ling Tian patted Shi Shi on the head, she is now Ling Tian's weakest link, and Ling Tian is also most worried about her.

Ever since she knew her special status, she was so happy.

Looking forward to her return, she has made many plans for the future of the two of them.

Such a simple girl is really irresistible, but now there is still business to do.


Shishi nodded obediently, although she was afraid, she still had to let Ling Tian leave.

Seeing Ling Tian leave, Shi Shi hastily closed the door, keeping Ling Tian's instructions and teachings in her heart.

However, with an empty heart, she still felt afraid.

Although it was just after noon and the sun was shining outside, she still felt a little cold.

This feeling of loneliness from the heart made her curl up on the sofa.

With her eyes closed, she began to recall everything that happened after she met Ling Tian. To herself, he was like the sky. Warm pictures filled her mind constantly. To her, the taste of love is really sweet enough.

But at this moment, the knock on the door suddenly rang again, and the soft knock made her stand up curiously.

Opening the door, it was Aunt Li standing in front of the door.

"Aunt Li, you're here!"

Looking at Aunt Li, Shishi immediately asked with a smile.

"Jiu Dang's family has an urgent mission to go out, and now there is a war, Jiu Dang's family is afraid that you will be afraid, so let me come and accompany you!"

Aunt Li was smiling, and she was carrying a few bundles of vegetables in her hand.

Without waiting for Shishi to say anything, she pushed the door open and walked in unceremoniously towards the kitchen.

Seeing Aunt Li who came suddenly, Shishi was a little scared, because Ling Tian said that she must be careful of anyone.

At this time, Ling Tian followed the team leader all the way to Master Liu's house.

Originally thought that he would ask him to go to Zhongyi Hall, but Master Liu was waiting for him at home.

Pushing the door open, Master Liu was still sitting on the rocking chair, looking at Ling Tian who walked in, Master Liu stood up hastily.

"You go back first!"

He waved his hand at the group leader, and the group leader retreated immediately, leaving only the two of them in the room.

"Master Liu, did something happen?"

Seeing Master Liu's solemn expression, Ling Tian frowned slightly.

The plan is being implemented step by step. Could it be that something has changed.

"That's right, the golden-headed eagle just sent back the news that the leopard has rejected the request to attack the main force of Qinglongzhai!"

Master Liu sat down again, and said to Ling Tian with a solemn expression.

Although the golden leopard has always been closer to him, this kid is only fighting against the third leader.

There used to be some family feuds between the two families. Although they were suppressed by the head of the family, the hatred in their bones made them very difficult to deal with.

Originally, Master Liu also took a fancy to this point, and wanted to use the leopard's hatred to let the golden-headed carving blow the wind.

But he didn't expect that the golden-headed eagle fanned the flames, but the leopard didn't accept it.

It seems that it is no longer feasible to ask him to lead troops to steal the back of Qinglongzhai.

"What now?"

After listening to Master Liu's words, Ling Tian frowned.

It seems that there are indeed loopholes in this plan, and this unstable chess piece may not be able to smoothly disturb the muddy water.

(End of this chapter)

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