Chapter 188: The Conspiracy Starts Again
"Now you are the only one to come forward. I have a token. You know that you have to go to the place and kill this kid. Besides, it is the order of the head of the family to lead troops to encircle Qinglongzhai. When the time comes, I will deal with it here!"

Master Liu had already prepared a plan, reached out and took out a token from his pocket, and handed it to Ling Tian.

With this token, it is equivalent to the order of the head of the family. At that time, the golden leopard's hardcore subordinates will naturally be removed by the golden head carving.

"As long as we follow our plan, and the golden-headed eagle will lead the people from Baihuzhai to work with you, we will accomplish great things!"

Master Liu taught Ling Tian the token, this plan has no way out, they can only give it a go.

"Okay, I see, then I'll go back and change my clothes!"

Unexpectedly, at this time, Master Liu would actually send himself away.

Ling Tian who took the token nodded, he had no reason to refuse.

However, now that Shishi is alone at home, he has to go back and keep an eye on him. He will go to the front line by himself, and he won't be able to come back in a while.

"No, I asked Aunt Li to accompany her. Don't worry, I will ensure her safety!"

Master Liu smiled and patted Ling Tian on the shoulder, and this sentence was even more of a pun.

Now, Shishi is in his hands, and she can be regarded as a hostage. If there is any trouble, her life will be lost everywhere.

"Okay, then I will trouble the master, then I will set off now!"

Looking at the scheming Master Liu, Ling Tian couldn't refuse.

Ling Tian, ​​who put away the token, turned around and left, although his face was calm, but there were some turmoil in his heart.

Originally, he wanted to take advantage of the chaos and directly tie up Master Liu, but now that he is leaving, if he follows Master Liu's arrangement, the dynasty may change when he comes back.

At that time, the head of the family will be reduced to a prisoner, and the entire cottage will be taken over by Mr. Liu.

Just after noon, Qilin Village was still heavily guarded.

Ling Tian jumped into the prepared jeep, stepped on the accelerator, and the car immediately lost sight of the distant canyon.

When the car left the cottage, Ling Tian couldn't help but look back, not only his mission target, but also his woman and friends were here.

In the autumn of troubled times, I am afraid that no one can be alone.

Now his every move is related to the life and death of too many people.

Ling Tian naturally had to think carefully about what to do next.

After all, Master Liu is a natural conspirator, if you want to fight him, you must be cautious.

Fortunately, he didn't have too much defense against himself, which was also Ling Tian's advantage.

Driving the car, he drove all the way to the right side of Baihuzhai, and it took about two hours to drive from here to the battle site.

Leaving aside Ling Tian's departure, Qilin Village is still heavily guarded at this time.

The leopard head, who had patrolled around, returned to Master Liu's home again.

He is deeply trusted by the head of the family, and he doesn't speak much all day long, but he is extremely strict.

"Master, everything is almost ready!"

But this lonely leopard head, after seeing Master Liu, was so respectful.

According to Master Liu's arrangement, everything is ready, just waiting for the time to come.

"Okay, after receiving Ling Tian's news tonight, let's do it immediately!"

Master Liu nodded slightly. He squinted his eyes, but he was an old fox.

Mingming told Ling Tian that he would do it after he took Qinglongzhai, but in fact he planned to do it tonight.

As long as the news of Ling Tian successfully taking over Baihu Village arrives, it will be the day when he can establish himself as king.

"That kid, I always can't trust him, what if he can't take down the leopard?"

Leopard Head has a natural hostility towards Ling Tian, ​​so he can't trust this guy.

"That's the way to go. When the time comes, we will take Qilin Village, wipe out their people, and attack Qinglong Village!"

Now no matter what, Qinglong Village and Baihu Village are both incapable of doing both.

At this time, the overall situation of winning Qilin Village has been decided.

"What if that kid turns his back on you?"

The leopard head nodded, the time has been set, no matter whether Ling Tian succeeds or not, it will proceed here.

"Betrayal? Don't worry, don't think that we are not prepared for anything. You have seen people who have returned. Has anyone betrayed?"

Regarding this, Master Liu was even more proud. How could they not let go of this kind of thing.

In fact, long before they were sent to the isolated island, the hypnotic password had been secretly planted.

The hypnosis password corresponding to each person is buried deep in their memory.

Once something is wrong, just activate the password, and they will become walking dead at their mercy.

Without this move, the Paradise Group would have been wiped out long ago.

Leopard head turned and left Master Liu's residence, looked up at the sky.

When the sun rises tomorrow morning, Qilin Village will change hands.

The car sped on the mountain road, which originally only took two hours, but because of the damage, Ling Tian drove for a full four hours.

He didn't reach the valley until the sun went down.

The sound of gunfire was heard from afar.

It seems that the battle for the mouth of the canyon is still in full swing.

The afterglow of the setting sun reflected in the barracks, and a bonfire had already been lit in front of the temporary tent.

There is no large-scale artillery fire, and the two sides rely on manpower to hide from each other. It is definitely not so easy to end.

This is even safer for the rear. In the past three days, the two sides have suffered mutual injuries, and the soldiers have gradually adapted to the war.

There was a checkpoint in front of the camp, and as Ling Tian stopped the car and rolled down the windows, the soldiers immediately saluted.

Who doesn't know the current Nine Masters, he is the celebrity in front of the Young Masters.

In particular, killing Dali is even more astonishing, so Ling Tian doesn't need a pass at all.

"Where is the fourth master?"

Ling Tian nodded, which was considered his courtesy.

After seeing the fence in front was removed, he asked.

"The fourth master is in the camp, but the sixth master is waiting for you to pass!"

Unexpectedly, the soldier guarding the gate actually walked to Ling Tian's car window, and said to him in a low voice.

"Oh? Where is the Sixth Head?"

It seemed that the golden-headed eagle was fully prepared, and the guards were replaced by his own people.

Ling Tian had already figured it out on the way back, this move was a little risky, but he had to make it.

Otherwise, he would really feel sorry for Sha Letian.

This eldest young master has the same temperament as himself, and he has promised him that he will never let him down.

So this time, he will take some risks to see if the leopard can buy it.

"Master Nine, this way!"

The soldier lowered his voice mysteriously, and at the same time walked quickly towards a tent.

Ling Tian looked in that direction, opened the car door and jumped to the ground, followed the soldiers towards an inconspicuous tent.

These are all dark green tents, and the rectangular tents are no different from others.

(End of this chapter)

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