Chapter 189 The Leopard's Loyalty
On the contrary, the soldier walked into the tent quickly, then backed out, and at the same time gave a respectful military salute to Ling Tian.

I looked at the sunset on Xishan, today's sunset is blood red.

That oppressive feeling is uncomfortable, as if it heralds this war.

Lifting the curtain, the person standing in the tent is the golden-headed sculpture of the Sixth Master.

But besides him, there were four other people.

As soon as he saw Ling Tian coming in, the Golden-headed Eagle of the Sixth Family rushed up to greet him, and at the same time winked at a person behind him.

The man nodded, bowed slightly to Ling Tian, ​​turned around and went out to watch.

"Jiu Dangjia, it can be regarded as waiting for you to come!"

The sixth master golden-headed eagle was so excited, but also so respectful.

"It looks like you're well prepared!"

Ling Tian nodded slightly, walked in directly, and sat down on the chair unceremoniously.

Looking around the camp, this is just a place for ordinary soldiers to rest.

A few bags and straw mats are spread on the ground, which is considered their bed.

"These are the captains, and they are willing to fight the world with the Nine Masters!"

The Sixth Master smiled apologetically, and was extremely polite to Ling Tian.

"Happy Nine Masters!"

The three captains hurriedly stood up straight and looked at Ling Tian respectfully.

"Tell me about the situation here!"

Ling Tian nodded, it seemed that the Six Masters had already bought them all off.

"The battle situation is very stalemate now, and the scheduled annihilation target has been completed, but he has lost control and refuses to retreat!"

Six masters hastily explained the ins and outs of the incident.

According to the expectation, the troops can be retreated now, and then they will sneak attack on Qinglongzhai led by the third master.

However, several suggestions were rejected by the leopard, and he, who firmly carried out the order of the master, was willing to give up revenge.

If this continues, it will delay major events, and the leopard has a very high control power in Baihuzhai.

According to the distribution of troops, there are a total of thirteen captain-level figures. Although the golden-headed eagles also follow, there are only four people in front of them.

Even half of the captain-level characters can't be controlled, let alone the mutiny.

The Sixth Master hurriedly called Master Liu to seek his help.

"So now that you know everything, what should we do next?"

Ling Tian squinted his eyes, looking like he was just a cover.

Liu Dangjia has long been prepared in his heart, and now his role is to be the herald.

"I've already thought about this, how about this, you can hold a meeting later, and directly announce that the crime of collusion inside and outside Sidang's family will be detained. , the remaining captains are nothing to be afraid of, and among the thirteen captains, five of them are commanding the battle at the front and cannot return. My people can be regarded as accounting for half of them. If the other party dares to move, I can control it! "

Six masters hastily explained their plan.

"okay, I get it!"

Looking at the Six Masters, under this gentle appearance, there is still a rebellion hidden, but Ling Tian has not said anything now.

Nodded, stood up, time waits for no one, he can't spend too long here.

After Ling Tian walked out of the tent, the Sixth Sect came out, and after the four captains waved their hands, they went back to prepare.

From the newly arrived position at the gate, Ling Tian jumped into the car, kicked the accelerator, and drove towards the barracks.

Because their conversation was short enough, it was only a 5-minute delay.

No one suspected anything, Ling Tian drove directly to the tent in the middle.

The camp was more than ten meters wide, and there were many messengers shuttled back and forth.

The battlefield is two kilometers ahead, so news on the battlefield can be sent back as soon as possible.

For the past three days, the leopard has been living here. Although it is a defensive defense, it also needs to prevent the opponent's sneak attack.

Fortunately, after this morning, the opponent didn't attack much.

This sudden stop really made people feel a little strange.

"Four masters, you've worked hard!"

The car stopped, Ling Tian stepped into the main camp tent, looked at the fourth master sitting in the middle, Ling Tian said with a smile.

"Oh, what a surprise that the wind brought you here!"

As soon as the leopard raised its head, it looked at Ling Tian who walked in, and couldn't help but froze for a moment.

Before the battle started, he had invited Ling Tian, ​​but he didn't agree.

Why did it suddenly appear again at this time?

"Hahaha, it's a surprise tonight, how about it, are you happy?"

Ling Tian walked up to the Golden Leopard with a smile and said.

"Of course, it just so happens that the other party is too frightened to make a move, so we won't go home drunk tonight!"

The Golden Leopard smiled and stood up, ever since Ling Tian made great efforts to kill Dali, he also admired him very much.

This kid looks a little weak, but he has such a powerful ability.

With his domineering majesty, he naturally wanted to make friends.

"Of course we have to drink. I came so far just to ask for a drink, but before drinking, let's get down to business first!"

While talking, Ling Tian took out the token in his pocket.

When the leopard saw the black token, he was stunned for a moment, of course he knew what it was.

"This is?"

The slightly frowning Leopard looked at Ling Tian suspiciously.

Because at this moment, there was no trace of a smile on his face.

"Let them go out first, let's talk alone?"

Ling Tian looked at the astonished Golden Leopard, but didn't say anything more.

"You go out first!"

The leopard waved his hand, and pushed back the subordinates in the camp.

At this time, in the huge tent, only the leopard Ling Tian was left.

"I said Nine Masters, you came to me with a token, what is the reason?"

As soon as the man left, the leopard couldn't help asking.

Everyone knows that this token will only be handed over to others when the master is acting secretly.

Now that Ling Tian came here with the token, he probably has something important to do.

"Four masters, since you know this token, it's easy to handle. I'm here to talk to you about your rebellion!"

Ling Tian smiled slightly, and directly pulled out the pistol from his waist.

Sen Leng aimed his gun directly at the leopard's head, and the clean and quick action of drawing the gun stunned the fourth master.

"Nine masters, what do you mean?"

The fourth master with his brows furrowed, looked at Ling Tian opposite him with a look of surprise.

How could this opening be a charge of treason.

The leopard asked himself, when he and the head of the family rebelled.

"The master has already grasped your criminal evidence and sent me here specially. How dare you secretly collude with the Freedom Army!"

Ling Tian sneered, his finger on the trigger.

The safety of this pistol has been released, and it is ready to start shooting at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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