Chapter 190
"Master Nine, you can't talk nonsense about this, when did I rebel!"

Listening to Ling Tian's words, the Leopard was a little confused.

"Do you think I'll talk nonsense? What's going on behind the scenes between you and the Liberation Army, the clear poems that the master has mastered!"

Seeing the surprised expression of Master Jiu, Ling Tian continued to speak calmly.

"I don't accept it. The traitor I look down on the most in my life is the traitor. I want to see the boss!"

Leopard's face turned red. Of course, he was upset that he was suddenly held in a shit basin.

But he is not afraid of the shadow, he is not afraid of confrontation, anyway, he has not betrayed, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

"Okay, then let me ask you, I will tie you up now and take you back, are you willing?"

Ling Tian smiled slightly, the leopard was indeed a man.

"No problem, I didn't do anything wrong, I'm not afraid of confrontation, I can go back with you, and confront the boss face to face!"

Golden Leopard nodded without hesitation, since he did nothing wrong, of course he has nothing to be afraid of.

"Okay, let me ask you, aren't you afraid that I'll kill you halfway?"

Ling Tian's words stunned the Leopard for a moment, but at this moment, the pistol in Ling Tian's hand rang out.

Accompanied by a gunshot, the bullets dragged out of the hall, roaring and rushing towards the fourth master who was standing there in a daze.

The gunshots echoed in the tent, everything was so unexpected.

The Leopard stared wide-eyed, looking at Ling Tian in horror.

The bullet stuck to his shoulder and flew out of his ear.

Leopard turned his head instinctively, only to find that a figure behind him had fallen to the ground.

"Are you crazy!"

The leopard turned around and looked at the golden-headed eagle lying on the ground.

He never thought that Ling Tian would shoot.

Especially now that the golden-headed eagle's eyebrows were slapped in the face, and he kept staring in disbelief.

It's just that there is no sense of life in those eyes.

"Yeah, I'm crazy, otherwise this bullet should have shot into your brain!"

With a sneer on his face, Ling Tian threw the gun directly on the table between the two of them.

He stretched his hand over the chair, sat down and looked at the leopard with a smile on his face.

"what do you mean?"

Looking at the corpse and then at the gun on the table, the Leopard was puzzled by Ling Tian's strange behavior.

"The meaning is very simple. Master Liu is preparing to rebel, and this kid is a chess piece by your side. Now you are disobedient, so Master Liu sent me to kill you."

Ling Tian can only tell the whole story now, because if Master Liu's arrangement is true, Sha Letian's situation may not be guaranteed.

No matter what, he couldn't be sorry for his friend.

Although because of the difference in status, it is impossible for Ling Tian to call himself a brother.

But on the way back, he figured it out, and it was almost impossible to leave with so many people in prison.

Not to mention that Qilin Village is now tightly guarded, even on weekdays, he doesn't have that chance.

So Ling Tian decided to confess, it may be dangerous, but there is no other way.

Now that Master Liu's chess piece has been destroyed, Ling Tian is afraid that he will find something wrong and run to report it.

"Just based on your few words, will I believe your nonsense?"

Money Leopard is not a fool, why should he believe Ling Tian's words.

"Believe it or not, according to what the golden-headed eagle said, if he doesn't send a signal before twelve o'clock tonight, the opponent will start to attack!"

Ling Tian didn't have time to explain anything to the Golden Leopard, after all, if he lied, he might not escape the Golden Leopard's eyes.

"Who are you? If you were sent by Master Liu to kill me, why did you help me?"

The Leopard suddenly discovered that the Ling Tian in front of him was definitely not that simple.

Based on this calmness, he is definitely not as simple as he imagined before.

"I'm not helping you, I'm helping Sha Letian, anyway, just don't withdraw your troops!"

While Ling Tian was talking, he looked towards the door, while the captains who rushed in at this moment instinctively reached out for their guns.

Suddenly gunshots rang out in the tent, making them who were waiting outside startled for a moment.

I hurriedly checked it nearby, but I didn't expect the golden-headed eagle to die.

These four guys hurriedly reached out to grab the gun, but at this moment, Ling Tian who was leaning on the back of the chair had already moved.

He kicked the table in front of him, and the table immediately flipped over.

Ling Tian stretched his waist, and stretched out his hand like lightning to grab the pistol that was originally placed on the table.

The trigger was squeezed accurately, and the bullets roared out.

Of the four captains who were just about to draw their guns, the one who bore the brunt fell into a pool of blood.

"Get down!"

Ling Tian leaped forward, and with his left hand pushed away the somewhat stunned leopard.

The three living people on the opposite side immediately raised their guns and shot.

As the bullets roared, it didn't matter whether it was Ling Tian or the Golden Leopard.

Because they knew that the matter had been brought to light, and they were afraid that they would not be able to escape the pursuit.

So while pulling the trigger to shoot, he quickly retreated towards the door.

"Don't let them go!"

Rolling over on the spot, Ling Tian got into the sand table beside him.

With the cover of the sand table, Ling Tian avoided the opponent's attack.

With a kick of both feet, he jumped out from the other side, with a carp sticking out in his mouth, and the pistol in his right hand accurately shot into the opponent's eyebrow again.

Hearing Ling Tian's words, he also saw that these captains obviously wanted to kill themselves.

Only then did the Golden Leopard trust Ling Tian's words just now.

He stretched out his hand and pulled out the pistol from his back waist, dodged quickly, and then pulled the trigger, and the bullet was accurately transferred to the opponent's temple.


The last gunshot, taking advantage of the moment the guy had just exited the door.

Ling Tian directly pierced his right wrist, while the golden leopard shot his left leg.

It fell to the ground with a plop, and the guy couldn't stop howling.

"With this guy, you can interrogate, but no matter what, you can't retreat, wait for Sha Letian's notice!"

Ling Tian stood up, patted the dust off his body, and said to the golden leopard with a smile on his face.

"Carry them all down, and at the same time immediately ask the first, third, and fifth teams to withdraw to me, and call me the deputy captains of the seventh, eighth, ninth, and twelfth teams!"

Needless to say, I believe the captain will tell him the ins and outs of the matter.

He waved at the guards who rushed in. These people are all the confidantes of the leopard.


Although they didn't understand what happened in front of them, the soldiers still agreed, turned and walked out.

After cleaning up the corpse, the injured captain was imprisoned and interrogated later.

"Okay, it's almost done, I should retire after I'm done, and I'll leave the mess here to you!"

Ling Tian smiled slightly, suddenly there were four captains and military advisers defecting, this is definitely a mess.

(End of this chapter)

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