Chapter 191 Back to the Carbine

Especially now that the enemy is still in front of them, they will launch a strong attack after twelve o'clock tonight.

Internal and external troubles are probably enough for a leopard to drink a pot.

But Ling Tian can't stay here now, the reason why he wants to cut the mess quickly is because he found that something seems wrong.

While talking, Ling Tian stretched out his hand and grabbed the roast leg of lamb that fell on the ground.

This was supposed to be the leopard's dinner, but I'm afraid he doesn't have the time to eat anymore.

It happened that I came all the way by myself, and I haven't eaten yet, so it's cheaper for him.

"Brother, where are you going?"

Just based on the random shots of the captains just now, it is enough to prove that Ling Tian is telling the truth.

Although he didn't understand why he would suddenly turn against him, he saved his life just now.

Leopard looked at Ling Tian who was about to go out, and hurriedly asked.

"I'm rushing back to Qilin Village now. I'm afraid I don't know much about this situation!"

Ling Tian patted the dust sticking to the mutton leg wound, the real meat smell made him feel really hungry.

"Okay, don't worry, with your token, I will be able to handle it easily. When this battle is over, we won't be drunk anymore!"

The leopard reached out and grabbed the token on the table.

This thing was originally a treasure that Mr. Liu was planning to fish in troubled waters, and now he can also rely on him to appease the morale of the army.

No matter what, you must block the other party here first.

"I hope there is a chance!"

Ling Tian walked out without looking back.

There was some restlessness in my heart.

Master Liu obviously had something to hide from him, otherwise he wouldn't have told him that the other party would launch a fierce attack tonight.

If this guy is still wary of him, then he might have other plans for sending him out.

Ling Tian jumped into the car, stepped on the accelerator, and the jeep rushed out of the camp with a roar.

Looking at Ling Tian who was leaving Juechen, Jin Bao sighed.

Unexpectedly, the situation changed suddenly, and the entire Qilin Village might still be caught in the conspiracy of the other party.

But he doesn't have the technique of avatar, he can only stick to it here.

"Immediately call all the captains, including the vice-captain and the sub-captain, to come over for a meeting!"

Ling Tian left, but Jin Bao wants to clean up this mess as soon as possible.

Fortunately, everyone knows this token, and the gunshots in the camp just now probably caused panic among many people.

So soon, more than a hundred people gathered in front of the camp one after another.

In addition to the nine captains, there are thirteen vice-captains, and under each captain, there are six sub-captains.

One hundred and ten people stood in front of the tent, and some of them were whispering.

Among them, there were naturally the golden-headed eagle's cronies, but the four captains and the golden-headed eagle were all killed, and they couldn't make any waves at all.

They were a little apprehensive, and now they were in a complicated mood, and they didn't know whether they should run away immediately, or pretend they didn't know.

"Brothers, I believe everyone has heard about what happened just now, and I believe everyone knows this token!"

Clearing his throat, Leopard is a very charming and resourceful leader.

He held up the token, his eyes swept over the faces of everyone in front of him.

"It was just found out that the golden-headed eagle conspired to rebel, and the leader demanded to kill him. At the same time, I also believe that many people present also knew about this before!"

What the leopard said immediately made the hearts of many people below tense, their faces were pale, but they were very frightened.

Because Qilinzhai treated traitors very cruelly, thinking about the burning of sky lanterns made my scalp tingle.

"As for who it is, it's easy to know!"

The leopard waved his hand, and soon two soldiers escorted the wounded captain to come up.

This is the only living confession, as long as he is tortured a little, I am afraid he will confess all of them soon.

"However, the head of the family has said that this matter is not to blame, so please rest assured, because I believe that many people inside are coerced, and the head of the family does not want to know who it is, so in front of everyone, I will use this person as a witness !"

While talking, the Leopard directly took out a pistol and put it on the captain's head.

Without giving him a chance to speak, the leopard pulled the trigger.

The bullet shattered his skull, smashed his brains, and he fell directly to the ground, turning into a corpse.

"The only survivor is dead, and I don't need to know who it is, but if anyone dares to be a deserter when defending against the enemy, I promise to light a sky lantern for him!"

The leopard withdrew his pistol, turned around and walked into the big tent.

The rest of you look at me and I look at you, especially those involved, and suddenly feel relaxed.

This move quickly crushed the rebels and at the same time rallied the team. They must go all out for the next zero point battle.

On the other side, Ling Tian was driving a jeep, speeding along the mountain road.

The night was quiet, and Qilin Village was still heavily guarded.

Above Gao Qiang, guarded soldiers walked up and down.

A heavy machine gun was set up at the door, and all people coming and going were strictly checked.

In Qilin Village, which was under the first-level martial law, searchlights were set up, and the lights shook to illuminate the gate.

There were guards on both sides of the canyon that entered Qilin Village. When they saw the lights on the mountain road in the distance, everyone immediately stood up vigilantly.

Those who grabbed the guns grabbed the guns, and blocked the roadblocks until the car slowly stopped at the intersection, and the interrogators immediately surrounded them cautiously.

"Master Jiu, why are you back!"

When seeing Ling Tian, ​​the guard immediately said in surprise.

I just left this afternoon, why are you back now.

"Emergency battle report ahead, open the door quickly!"

Ling Tian said with a sullen face, it was almost twelve o'clock at this time.

I'm afraid that as soon as the artillery fires in front, there will be some action in the rear.

Along the way, Ling Tian wanted to drive the car like a plane, but there was only half an hour left before twelve o'clock.

"Okay! Open the roadblock!"

Looking at Ling Tian's expression, the guards dared to show slight negligence.

After hastily pulling away the roadblock, Ling Tian stepped on the accelerator.

"By the way, be careful with your handle, you must not let the other party's spies in!"

Before leaving, Ling Tian did not forget to remind these guards.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The guard nodded again and again, and there was a look of neglect there.

Looking at the jeep driving into the canyon, he hurriedly waved his hand and asked someone to put up the roadblock again.

The jeep quickly arrived at the main gate of Qilin Village, and the investigation was still strict.

But seeing that it belongs to the Nine Masters, of course they were allowed all the way.

"By the way, where did the Ten Heads go?"

The leopard head who was in charge of this place was not seen in two successive hills.

Ling Tian suddenly felt something was wrong, he should stick to this place at this time.

Could it be that he happened to go out for inspection?

(End of this chapter)

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