Chapter 192
"It seems that I didn't see Ten Masters tonight!"

The guard shook his head, he didn't see the leopard's head tonight.

"Okay, be careful, don't let strangers in!"

The suspicion in Ling Tian's heart became more serious.

The leopard's head suddenly disappeared, and there must be something hidden behind it.

But now his first goal is naturally to find Master Liu.

Jumping out of the car, Ling Tian quickly walked towards the house where Master Liu lived.

Because the warning period is a curfew, family members living here are also not allowed to go out.

So along the way, apart from a team of guards, there was no one else.

Turning to the right, Ling Tian came to the second-floor building, and when he saw that Master Liu's house was lit, his hanging heart finally let go.

Stepping on the bluestone slab, Ling Tian walked to Mr. Liu's house. From the window, he saw Mr. Liu, who was lying on the rocking chair at this time.

Pushing open the door, Ling Tian walked in, with his right hand on his waist, ready to draw his gun at any time.

But in the living room, Master Liu was the only one, and he didn't see the leopard's head.

"Why did you come back?"

Seeing Ling Tian standing in front of him, Master Liu was also taken aback.

With a puzzled look on his face, he instinctively wanted to stand up, but was stopped by the muzzle of the gun that Ling Tian pulled out.

"Of course I'm coming back, and I have a message for you!"

Ling Tian's eyes were cold, and at this moment he returned to his real body.

He who doesn't need to hide has completely destroyed Master Liu's plan now.

"what news?"

Master Liu looked at Ling Tian standing in front of him. Although he was prepared, it was just in case.

Now that the facts have actually happened, Master Liu is still astonished.

"Your golden head sculpture has been killed, I'm afraid all the plans will come to naught!"

Ling Tian sneered, and said to Master Liu word by word.

"Why did you do this?"

The last thing he wanted to happen happened, Master Liu squinted his eyes at Ling Tian.

Could it be that he has been bought by Sha Letian?

"Because what I've always needed most is you!"

Ling Tian smiled calmly, this Master Liu is just a literati, it can be said that he has no power to restrain a chicken.

Just tie him up and bring him in front of Sha Letian, plus the conspiracy that happened in Baihuzhai.

All these evidences can point to Mr. Liu, this time he is always hard to tell.

"It turns out that you have been pretending from the beginning!"

Master Liu sat down suddenly, and said with a sneer while waving his cattail fan.

"That's right, if it wasn't for you, Toutuo, how could I have traveled so far and ran to this place where no shit!"

As long as Master Liu is under control, everything can be over.

He is also the bargaining chip for him to exchange for Shishi's father.

Anyway, he is just a civil servant and has no ability to resist at all. Ling Tian is not afraid that he will make some monsters.

"Well, I originally hoped that you would give me a helping hand to control the Golden Triangle together, but now it seems that you are not blessed!"

Master Liu suddenly put down the cattail fan in his hand with a sneer on his face, and looked at Ling Tian standing there with a pair of calculating eyes.

"Yeah, but I don't bother to cooperate with you, just be obedient and don't resist, this will save a lot of physical pain!"

Ling Tian shook the muzzle of the gun in his hand, and said to Master Liu.

He only needs to keep his mouth alive, and if he loses his limbs, it will not affect the interrogation of his confession.

"Tooth, do you still remember the training classes you had when you were young? Have you forgotten that you still have the summoning password on your body?"

Master Liu looked at Ling Tian, ​​this guy was too miscalculated, if he made a sneak attack, maybe he would succeed, but now facing him face to face, he can only fail.

"Summon password!"

Ling Tian was taken aback for a moment, he didn't see anything on the information, but at this moment, Master Liu who was opposite him suddenly uttered a burst of obscure language.

Accompanied by those words, Ling Tian suddenly felt a burst of fatigue, his eyelids were like a thousand pieces of gold, his head had already started to shake.

"In order to prevent your tools from rebelling, you have long been planted with summoning passwords. Although the walking dead can only display C-level strength, it is not bad!"

Looking at the drowsy Ling Tian, ​​Master Liu said with a smile.

At the same time, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Ling Tian's wrist.

Ready to get the pistol in Ling Tian's hand.

But just when his hand touched the body of the gun, suddenly Ling Tian's eyes that were about to close opened suddenly.

"Play tricks with me!"

As soon as Ling Tian raised his hand, he knocked off Master Liu's hand, and at the same time raised his foot, kicking him to the ground.

"how so!"

Master Liu, who fell to the ground, looked at Ling Tian in horror, he couldn't believe it, who didn't care about the pain.

This secret language password is definitely not wrong, but why didn't Ling Tian become a person who lost himself.

Similar things have happened before, all the passwords took effect, and they also used this password to turn many people who were unwilling to return into puppets.

So the password will never be invalid.

"Sorry, I'm not the person you're looking for, he's probably dead long ago!"

Ling Tian walked up to Master Liu with a sneer, reached out and grabbed his collar.

After directly pulling him up, he gave him another big mouth.

If it wasn't for a disguise, how could he get out the other party's secret.

Now he finally knew why none of those who returned could escape again.

"No wonder! But don't think you can escape with Sha Letian as your backer. Now that the two father and son have been killed by Leopard Head, you have no chance to take me away!"

Only now did Master Liu understand, no wonder the secret language password was invalid.

However, now that the action has started, it is already impossible for Ling Tian to exchange him for a chance to leave.

"You are really ruthless!"

Master Liu's words really confirmed Ling Tian's guess.

This guy decided to do it tonight.

Before he had time to hesitate, Ling Tian hit Master Liu on the neck with a single blow.

Master Liu, whose eyes were darkened, still wanted to speak, but it was already too late.

He fell to the ground with his neck crooked, Ling Tian's technique was enough for him to sleep for a day and a night.

Dragging Mr. Liu, Ling Tian came to a corner, where there was a wooden box with the lock still hanging on it.

After taking off the lock and pulling out the quilt inside, Ling Tian directly threw Master Liu in.

Then, after locking the wooden box again, he turned around and thought about going outside.

Ling Tian was anxious in his heart, and hurried to the Juyi Hall.

He furrowed his brows and prayed secretly, hoping that Sha Letian hadn't met a murderous hand.

But when he came to Juyi Hall, he found that there was no one inside.

Ling Tian, ​​who hastily pulled over the soldier standing guard, knew that this evening, the head of the family sitting in the hall suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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