Chapter 195 Fighting Leopard Head

Fist to flesh blow, with dull bang.

Ling Tian hit the leopard's head with a right hook.

Forced to step back, Ling Tian escaped from the opponent's continuous attacks.

But the straight right fist of the leopard's head slammed towards him again.

Ling Tian hurriedly stepped back, avoiding a heavy blow from the opponent, but the right knee of the leopard's head also bumped into it at this time.

Turning to the left side, getting out of the way of the opponent's knee, Ling Tian's right fist hit the leopard head's throat.

Lifting his left arm to block Ling Tian's fist, the leopard who took the initiative turned around and kicked back with his right foot, directly hitting Ling Tian's chest.

After retreating three or four steps in a row, Ling Tian didn't fall down, but the attack caused Ling Tian's chest to hurt.

With a sweet throat, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Come on! Teeth! Aren't you amazing!"

Seeing Ling Tian vomit blood, Leopard's head became even more excited. Now Ling Tian has become the tooth that bullied him since he was a child.

With an angry shout, he rushed over again, those fists were like iron strikes, and now Ling Tian only felt pain in his arms.

Fighting hard, I'm afraid Ling Tian, ​​who hasn't practiced for six years, can't match him.

Turning his eyes, Ling Tian immediately jumped to the side.

He fell on the ground, rolled over on the spot, grabbed a wooden bar stool, and smashed the head of the chasing leopard.

Leaping high, Ling Tian grasped the legs of the stool with both hands, and pressed down hard with both arms, carrying tremendous force.

The leopard's head, which was too late to dodge, raised his left hand to block his own head, and at the same time pressed his body to the right, and the sturdy stool hit his shoulder.

As the solid wooden bench shattered, Ling Tian also fell to the ground.

Originally thought that this blow would be enough to make him retreat, but unexpectedly, the leopard kicked his chest without any pain.

This kick was stronger than the one just now, Ling Tian staggered and fell backwards.

His back hit the ground heavily, and Ling Tian felt how many bones in his body were broken.

But he couldn't cry out the pain, he gritted his teeth and hurriedly rolled to the side.

The leopard who stepped forward stepped on the ground with his head, and immediately chased him again.

Ling Tian, ​​who rolled continuously to the side of the open space, just wanted to get up, but it was too late.

The catching up leopard raised its toe and kicked directly towards Ling Tian's throat.

With his hands crossed to protect his neck, this kick was hitting Ling Tian's hand.

Although he avoided this deadly attack, at the same time he used this strength to get up.

But only Ling Tian knew about the pain in his arms, could this guy be made of iron?

Fist wind enveloped Ling Tian once again, Ling Tian, ​​who was no match, hurriedly used the sofa chair in this room to jump back and forth.

Temporarily dodge the opponent's fierce attack, and at the same time, quickly think about the next battle in the brain.

"A guy who can only juggle like a monkey!"

After failing to catch Ling Tian a few times, the leopard head became a little angry.

Looking at the appearance of jumping up and down like a monkey, he roared angrily.

"I'm not a monkey, I'm playing monkeys!"

Ling Tian gradually calmed down from that passion.

Only by calmly analyzing the strengths and weaknesses in front of you can you have a chance to counterattack.

Whether it's physical fitness or the hardness of his fists, this guy is far higher than himself.

At the same time, he is also older than himself, and his experience is unmatched by Ling Tian.

Ling Tian, ​​who has the right time, place, and people, is definitely not that easy to beat him with fists and kicks.

Fortunately, Ling Tian found out that this guy has a bad temper and an extremely distorted personality.

Especially when fighting against himself, it is almost like crazy.

On the one hand, this state has doubled his combat effectiveness. After all, he needs to vent his grievances from childhood to adulthood.

But on the other hand, this mania under extreme rage also made him lose the most important calmness on the battlefield.

For a while, he would not be able to gain the upper hand, so Ling Tian could only find a way to let the seriously injured Sha Letian escape first.

It would be great if he could find reinforcements, even if he couldn't, at least one of the two would survive.

After making up his mind, Ling Tian couldn't act immediately, because the lunatic wasn't crazy enough.

Ling Tian rolled his eyes, jumped over the tables and chairs again, and quickly rushed towards the kitchen.

Seeing Ling Tian running towards the kitchen, the leopard head immediately chased after him.

The kitchen is so narrow that there is no way to get in and out, so if you get in by yourself, you won't be able to get out.

The leopard head followed without hesitation, but just as he stepped into the room, the egg that hit his face hit him directly.

"Why don't you even have a kitchen knife!"

Originally, he wanted to find some sharp weapons from the kitchen, at least he could gain the upper hand with weapons.

Unexpectedly, there is not even a kitchen knife in this kitchen. Of course, he would not know that the head of the family has been eating liquid food all the time.

So there was no need for a kitchen knife to cook at all, so the chef took the kitchen knife directly to another kitchen.

Without a sharp blade, Ling Tian has nothing to do with it.

That basket of eggs was fresh, so he grabbed the eggs and threw them out without a word.

The eggs kept breaking on the leopard's head, and the yellow yolk and transparent egg liquid made him extremely embarrassed.

Unable to cause substantial damage, the leopard head simply ignored the eggs.

With his left hand covering his face, he stepped towards Ling Tian who retreated into the corner step by step.

A basket of eggs hit Leopard's head. Seeing him approaching again, Ling Tian suddenly reached out and grabbed an open bag of flour.

With a wave of his hand, the flour immediately scattered, and the kitchen was covered with white flour for a while.

The appearance of the flour made the leopard head stop immediately, and now the flour was drilled into its nose while breathing.

Unable to open his eyes, the leopard's head could only back away vigilantly.

And the sound of the wind coming from his ears made him instinctively fight with his fists.

"Crack! Crack!"

Accompanied by the sound of shattering glass, the leopard retreated while beating its head, and the glass shards continued to scatter.

It wasn't until he exited the kitchen and patted the flour on his head and face that he suddenly realized that Ling Tian charged up again.

"Wow, now let's see who looks like a monkey!"

Although Ling Tian's body was also covered with flour, the leopard's head on the other side was even more embarrassed.

He was colorful all over his body, and he was in a mess.

Facing Ling Tian's ridicule, he once again recalled the scene of being teased in every possible way back then.

"I'm going to tear you apart!"

With a roar, the leopard rushed forward again.

He was completely crazy, now he only had Ling Tian in his eyes.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Ling Tian shot towards the second floor like an arrow.

As he stepped on the wooden stairs, he didn't want to fight, as if he wanted to escape.

How could the crazy leopard head let Ling Tian get away.

Roaring and stepping on the stairs, he chased towards the top.

In the corridor on the second floor, the two of them fought together again, fists like raindrops hitting Ling Tian's body continuously.

(End of this chapter)

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