Chapter 196
A mouthful of blood continued to flow out, and Ling Tian, ​​whose eyes, nose, and mouth were all broken, had a bruised nose and a swollen face.

His whole body was even more black and purple, but he didn't have much chance to avoid it in the narrow space.

Ling Tian, ​​who kept retreating, his eyes began to become hazy.

Facing the whip kick from the opponent, he hastily kicked his back.

Leopard's head kicked directly on the handrail of the wooden stairs.

As sawdust flew across, Ling Tian hurriedly wanted to retreat, but before he could defend with the empty door wide open, the opponent's kick directly struck him.

Before he could dodge in time, Ling Tian was kicked flying and fell heavily on the balcony on the second floor.

The balcony is only more than 20 square meters, and the head of the family likes to sit here and bask in the sun on weekdays.

So there are only two chairs on the relatively empty balcony.

Ling Tian, ​​who broke through the door and fell to the ground, felt as if he was scattered all over.

But the pursuit of the leopard head rushed forward again.

The raindrops of fists directly hit Ling Tian who hadn't stood up yet.

Ling Tian curled his feet up, pressed against the opponent's waist, and protected his head with both hands, protecting an important position.

But just suppressing it like this all the time is not the answer. Looking at the leopard head like a lion, he has to do something.

Otherwise, he would definitely be beaten to death here by this guy.

Thinking of this, a bold idea appeared in Ling Tian's mind.

Taking advantage of the moment when the leopard hit him with a right fist, Ling Tian clasped his forearm with his left hand, and grabbed his collar with his right hand.

At the same time, they pressed their legs against their waists and twisted their waists hard. The two of them fell down the balcony on the second floor towards the first floor.

Accompanied by Ling Tian's tumbling, the two people whose center of gravity was unstable immediately rolled down from the balcony.

Falling to the ground without any cover, it was extremely painful for both of them.

Ling Tian tried hard to stretch his body, but the burning pain in his back made him frown.

His chest was even more dull, and he felt much more comfortable after spitting out a mouthful of blood.

On the other side, the leopard's head did not fall lightly.

The moment he fell, he couldn't break free from Ling Tian's grasp.

The whole person was lying on the ground, unable to move for a while.

The continuous fighting was very exhausting for both of them. Ling Tian, ​​who fell to the ground profusely with sweat, tried his best to support his body and stand up.

"Hey, brother, why haven't you escaped yet!"

Ling Tian, ​​who was leaning unsteadily on a pillar, looked inside the door, and Sha Letian actually crawled to the door at this moment.

Originally thought that he had escaped long ago, but now that he has fallen down, he is still here.

"You think I don't want someone to help you, he dislocated my legs!"

Apart from his legs and right hand, Sha Letian was dislocated by this guy.

He gritted his teeth and crawled out the door, but he didn't dare to say anything, because he didn't know who was his own and who was the bad guy.

"Okay! Looks like we're going to die together!"

Wiping the blood from his nose, Ling Tian looked at Sha Letian weakly.

I thought he would have a chance to escape, but I didn't expect it to be like this.

"Ling Tian, ​​you are my brother, you must avenge my father!"

Sha Letian is full of regret now, why was he so careless.

"I think so too, but this guy is a pervert!"

Ling Tian sighed, why didn't he want to break this guy's neck.

But the iron body of the leopard head is simply unshakable.

Now that I am covered in injuries, let alone revenge, I can't even escape now.

"Eat this!"

Seeing Ling Tian's body covered in bruises, Sha Letian tore off the necklace around his neck.

The pendant was a bottle as thick as a thumb, and he threw it to Ling Tian with his left hand.

"Damn, you give me drugs?"

After receiving the pendant, Ling Tian bit off the bottle with his teeth, looking at the powder inside Ling Tian was stunned.

It can't be to let him take drugs, it is something that must never be contaminated, not even once.

"It's not a drug, it's a stimulant. I originally kept it for self-defense. It's an American product!"

Weakly fell to the ground, this super stimulant can relieve pain.

After taking it, Ling Tian will definitely be able to sustain it.

"Trust you for a while, but if you let me know that it's drugs, don't blame me for turning my face and denying my friends!"

Looking at the head of the leopard that got up, Ling Tian raised his neck and swallowed all the white powder into his stomach.

Treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, Ling Tian stood up with his body supported.

Not to mention, after swallowing the stimulant, the pain all over his body disappeared immediately.

Moreover, Ling Tian also felt that there was inexhaustible strength all over his body.

"Just kidding, this bottle can buy a carload of drugs!"

Sha Letian shook his head. This is definitely the latest technology from the United States, and it is used to relieve pain for injured soldiers.

It was also hard for him to get such a point, and its preciousness can be seen.

"Okay, after I win, I will give you an explanation!"

The strength was like a spring, and after sweeping away the pain, Ling Tian wiped the blood from his face and stood up.

This feeling is very good, but it consumes a lot of physical energy. I am afraid that after the effect of the medicine wears off, I will collapse.

Ling Tian couldn't wait any longer, because the leopard's head had already rushed over.

But looking at the energetic Ling Tian, ​​the leopard head was stunned.

"Come on! Come on! I'll have fun with your grandpa today!"

Ling Tian's biggest weakness is physical fitness, now with the support of this stimulant, Ling Tian wants to see what he can do.

Stand sideways, with your feet in front of you and behind you, your right hand protects your head, and your left hand stretches forward.

Although Leopard Head was curious, he didn't dare to neglect, this fall made him suffer a lot.

"I kill you!"

Swinging both fists repeatedly, he rushed towards Ling Tian again, and the wind of the fist hit Ling Tian's chest with a strong wind.

Ling Tian stepped back slightly to avoid his sharp edge, seeing that his punching style was getting old, Ling Tian kicked sideways with his right foot, towards the left cheek of the leopard's head.

The leopard head protected its head with its left hand to block the wind from Ling Tian's feet, and then extended its right fist, attacking Ling Tian's left face.

Ling Tian leaned back to avoid the punching wind, and Leopard's right foot had already kicked towards his chest.

Hastily turned to the left side to avoid the wind of his foot, and kicked directly on a wooden pole thick with an arm, and the wooden pole broke with a sound.

Taking advantage of the opponent leaning forward, Ling Tian raised his left foot and kicked the leopard's head in the face.

Covering the leopard's head with both hands, after blocking the blow, he slammed his right fist hard at Ling Tian's neck.

With both feet on the ground, Ling Tian shielded his head with his left hand to block the strong wind of the fist, and he punched again with the right, but was also blocked by the opponent.

The attack of the two sides was completely head-to-head. You punched each other, and you resisted the fists but did not back down.

The fierce fighting started at the door of the house where the head of the family lives.

In the silent Houzhai, only the sound of two people fighting desperately remained.

(End of this chapter)

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