Chapter 197

They punched to the flesh, didn't know the pain, they were crazy, fighting each other desperately.

Continuous head-to-head confrontation, Ling Tian fought recklessly without feeling the pain.

And the leopard's head was also like crazy, its feet rolled towards Ling Tian's side like the wind.

The surrounding buildings were constantly being kicked into pieces, and the strength of these feet showed its terrifying existence.

Leopard kicked his head against an earthen wall, and the earthen bricks rushed to him immediately. The sky was full of smoke and dust, and Leopard kicked again with his head and right foot.

Ling Tian hurriedly kicked his waist, and the wind of that foot brushed against Ling Tian's scalp.

A long fist rushed towards Ling Tian again, and he leaned back to avoid the punching wind, but Ling Tian's left knee bumped into the head of the charging leopard.

This knee attack was very powerful, the leopard rushed to press Ling Tian's knee with both hands, but the upper part was exposed.

Clasping the neck of the leopard's head with both hands, Ling Tian smashed towards his face with both knees.

The leopard's head, whose neck was forced down, never imagined that Ling Tian still had so much strength.

Fortunately, his hands were always protecting his head, Ling Tian's several attacks were all resolved by him.

Taking advantage of Ling Tian's instability, the leopard hit Ling Tian's forearm with both hands.

The arm holding the opponent's neck was opened, but Ling Tian seized the opportunity, kicked his right foot, and slammed his right knee fiercely towards the face of the leopard's head.

Seeing that the knee was about to hit Leopard Tou's face, Leopard Tou hurriedly kicked his foot on the ground, and the whole person also jumped up.

At the same time, the raised right hand turned into an elbow, hitting Ling Tian's attacking knee.

The elbow was so strong that it bumped into Ling Tian's knee abruptly.

The momentum of rushing forward has dropped sharply, but the leopard head will not let go of this opportunity.

With a wave of his left elbow, he smashed towards Ling Tian's right shoulder, taking advantage of the situation to forcefully attack, and with the momentum of thunder, his right elbow smashed towards Ling Tian's left neck.

Ling Tian blocked left and right, the strength of these two elbows was really great, even with his arms covering his head, he still felt a bit confused.

Watching Ling Tian escape from his attack range, the leopard head immediately kicked again.

Although Ling Tian got out of the way, the water tank beside him couldn't dodge, and with the strength of his feet, it collapsed.

"This guy is simply a pervert!"

Even Ling Tian, ​​who took five or six steps back, felt pain after taking the stimulant.

This guy's elbow strength is definitely the style of Muay Thai. Eight arms attack Muay Thai with elbow strength first, but it is quite vicious.

Standing still again, he swung his arms and looked at the leopard's head warily.


Seeing Ling Tian dodging continuously, the leopard head became more and more courageous.

With a roar, he rushed towards Ling Tian, ​​and this time he directly elbowed Ling Tian on the head.

Ling Tian, ​​who stood still, did not dodge this time. Looking at Ling Tian leaping high, Ling Tian kicked his feet on the ground, hit the scorpion with his right shoulder, and kicked the leopard's head.

This kick hit the abdomen of the leopard's head, but the momentum was too strong, he abruptly took Ling Tianding back a step.

The right elbow smashed along with the momentum, and with strong force, Ling Tian blocked his elbow with his left hand.

At this time, the leopard head was standing relatively high, Ling Tian stretched out his hands, clasped his waist, pressed his right shoulder against his abdomen, and exerted force on his legs.

Pushing the leopard's head continuously, retreating towards the rear, Ling Tian tried to knock him against the wall.

The foothold was unstable, and the opportunity was lost. Leopard, who saw Ling Tian's thoughts, hurriedly kicked his feet back.

The two hugged each other and competed with each other, but the trend dropped sharply, and the leopard hit Ling Tian again with its right knee.

Hastily let go of his waist, and when his right leg was forced to the ground to support his body, Ling Tian shook his fists.

The heavy punch had been prepared for a long time and hit his abdomen.

The wind of the punch was fierce, with a scorching force, but when Ling Tian swung his third punch, Leopard turned around and avoided Ling Tian's straight-line attack.

Sweeping with his right elbow, he slammed into Ling Tian's face forcefully. This blow was so solid that Ling Tian only felt his eyes go dark, and he took five or six steps back to the left as he was unsteady on his feet.


Seeing Ling Tian shaking, a sneer appeared on Leopard's face.

Taking two steps forward, he kicked horizontally with his right foot, and while Ling Tian was in a daze, he hit Ling Tian on the neck again.

The continuous heavy blows made Ling Tian uncontrollable, his body staggered and wanted to hold on, but he couldn't do it at all.

"Send you on your way!"

This opportunity must not be missed, the leopard stomped a few steps and rushed to Ling Tian.

That right foot, which had been gaining momentum for a long time, directly kicked Ling Tian's chest.


With a scream, Ling Tian smashed through the door panel behind him like a kite with a broken string.

This is the dilapidated warehouse where firewood and sundries are stored on weekdays. Leopard's head yelled and kicked Ling Tian into it.

The rickety dilapidated warehouse collapsed instantly, burying Ling Tian inside.

Looking at the collapsed warehouse, Leopard sneered.

"The tooth is dead! I killed him with my own hands!"

Leopard head roared excitedly, the anger that had been suppressed in his heart for many years finally calmed down.

This roar, with the roar of a beast, echoed in the night sky.

"Now it's your turn to die!"

The leopard turned its head again, looked at Sha Letian who was lying on the doorway, solved Ling Tian, ​​and now wants to destroy this bargaining chip.

In the dead of night, the entire Houzhai had already been arranged by the leopard head without outsiders.

The only three guards were also killed by Ling Tian, ​​and the others were patrolling the outer village, and no one noticed the sound of the back village.

Even if they could hear it, they didn't dare to ask random questions, because not everyone can enter this back village.

If you trespass without a warrant, you will be shot.

The tired leopard wiped the blood under his nose, and walked towards Sha Letian step by step.

Killing him was his task, and it was already past midnight, so he couldn't delay any longer.

Sha Letian leaned against the door, unable to move. His dislocated legs and right arm prevented him from moving.

Seeing the leopard's head approaching step by step, Sha Letian's eyes were full of anger.

But there is nothing he can do to avenge his father.

"Leopard head, remember, I will definitely seek revenge from you in the next life!"

Sha Letian swore a poisonous oath that he would take revenge for killing his father, and he would never forget it even in his next life.

"Okay, then in your next life, I will kill you again!"

The leopard head with a face of indifference came over with a sneer. For him, killing him was just a matter of moving his fingers.

But when he was about to reach Sha Letian's side, suddenly there was a bang behind him.

"Hey, the matter between you and Lao Tzu is not over yet, don't touch my brother!"

In the ruins, Ling Tian leaned against the pillar in the middle and stood up little by little.

With bloodshot eyes, he said to the leopard's head word by word.

Struggling to stand up, these heavy blows made him dizzy, but Ling Tian, ​​who got up again, remembered something again.

(End of this chapter)

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