Chapter 502
Behind the carriage, Xiaofei was holding a weapon, standing in the back carriage with a heroic look.

Although the vehicle behind was not driven back, a few bullets also hit the driver's cab, causing the car to sway from side to side and dare not approach.

"Shooting like this is not acceptable, let my brother-in-law teach you!"

Just as Xiao Fei was still aiming, he was suddenly hugged behind him.

Ling Tian held her left wrist with his left hand, stroked her right shoulder with his right elbow, and leaned directly on her back.

He lowered his voice and whispered in Xiaofei's ear.

Xiao Fei blushed, but she didn't struggle, but her heart was beating violently, and she still wanted to shoot.

"Take a deep breath, adjust the rhythm, estimate the opponent's moving position in advance, and unite your mind and mind!"

Ling Tian smiled slightly, he did come to take advantage, but he also wanted to improve Xiaofei's shooting level.

Actual combat is the best training, and Ling Tian, ​​who is guiding Xiao Fei little by little, is not in a hurry, such a good target is not easy to find.

According to what Ling Tian said, Xiao Fei worked hard to relax, aiming at her with one eye, controlling the rhythm of her breathing.

She got into the state a little bit, and stared at the swinging target through the sniper scope.

Along with her aiming, the car was also slightly bumped. Although this kind of bump is not serious, an error of one millimeter can be lost after a hundred meters.

Time and time again, the target kept deviated from the front of the sniper scope, and under Ling Tian's reminder, Xiaofei also gradually mastered the rules.

Because the road is relatively flat, the so-called bumps are only caused by the vehicle itself. As long as you find the cycle that repeats itself, everything will not be a problem.

"It's now!"

With one mind and one mind, Xiao Fei decisively pulled the trigger, and the bullets roared out of the gun chamber, and the distance of [-] meters was less than half a second.


The bullet was accurately shot into the cab, and the driver, who was still trying to avoid it, was shot in the chest, and the powerful sniper bullet directly penetrated his body.

With his head tilted, he turned into a corpse, and the car slammed into the other side in an instant. If the co-pilot didn't catch it fast enough, the whole car might overturn.

But even so, the car still swayed left and right, and the soldier lying on the roof was thrown out without any preparation.

The car in the lead had an accident, and the cars behind stepped on the brakes one after another. The intense chase stopped instantly, while Ling Tian's car continued to move forward quickly.

"Little villain, why didn't you leave with your sister?"

Xiaofei let out a sigh of relief, but found that she was already hugged by Ling Tian, ​​which made her extremely shy.

"My sister said that you can't evacuate without someone covering you, so I made an excuse, but I have to leave this city tonight!"

"It's so considerate, how can my brother-in-law reward you!"

Ling Tian smiled slightly, and pinched Xiao Fei's nose, this beautiful little girl is really charming.

If she hadn't appeared in time, he would have been in big trouble today.

"No, this is all arranged by my sister!"

Not daring to look at Ling Tian who was so close at hand, Xiao Fei lowered her head and her voice became softer.

Somehow, Ling Tian's disgusting face appeared in her dream, and Xiao Fei got used to being eaten up by him several times.

"Hello sister, sister, I never thought how I would have such an excellent sister-in-law!"

Ling Tian smiled and held Xiao Fei in his arms. He owed her life, so why not pay her back in other ways.

"You are hurt!"

Being tightly hugged by Ling Tian, ​​Xiao Fei didn't dare to look up, but happened to find that Ling Tian's right leg was still bleeding.

Pushing Ling Tian away hastily, Xiao Fei squatted down and looked at the bloody calf, he still didn't forget to eat tofu even after it was like this.

"It's okay, I was just bitten by a mosquito!"

Looking at Xiao Fei's concerned expression, Ling Tian was really sweet in his heart, and with a smile on his lips, he didn't care about all of this.

"You still have to be brave after bleeding so much, sit down quickly, and I'll bandage you!"

Xiao Fei hurriedly made Ling Tian sit down, leaned against the carriage, reached out and took out a dagger from his military boots, and cut open Ling Tian's pants.

Fortunately, he was wounded by a stray bullet, and the deformed bullet cut his calf, but the wound was also open, and blood kept coming out.

He took out the gunshot medicine and gauze from the waist bag he carried with him, carefully sprinkled the medicine on the wound, and tightened it with a bandage.

"It's really okay, but if you don't obey orders like this, is it really okay?"

Xiaofei's skills were really good, but Ling Tian was worried that she would be punished when he saw the freshly bandaged wound.

Because from Li Linger's mouth, he also heard about their master, although he was their benefactor and treated them very well, but he was also very strict.

This time, Xiaofei disobeyed the order to help herself, which must not be something the master can fool around with.

"No, the master is very good to us, the most is to be scolded by him, he is doing it for our own good!"

Xiao Fei shook his head, although the master is strict, it is for their own good, if there is no such master, how could Xiao Fei be where he is today.

All skills are taught by a powerful master, the young Xiaofei is definitely very good among her peers.

"Well, if anyone bullies you, tell your brother-in-law, and I will definitely teach him a lesson, including your mysterious master!"

Hearing this, Ling Tian felt more at ease, looking at Xiao Fei with a peach blossom face, Ling Tian said with a smile.

"You are the only one who bullies me in this world, so hit yourself!"

Xiao Fei stuck out her tongue and made a face at Ling Tian, ​​Ling Tian was the only one who was bullied since she was a child.

"How can this be bullying? This is brother-in-law's love for sister-in-law!"

Ling Tian smirked and blinked, of course he wouldn't beat himself up.

"I hate it, what should I do next?"

While the two were talking, the lights of the cars in the distance flickered, and it seemed that these soldiers did not give up their pursuit.

Xiao Fei looked at Ling Tian, ​​wondering what he was going to do next.

"I'm afraid I will trouble you in the future, send these two people out, they will be safe only if they leave this city!"

Originally, Ling Tian was planning to send them away in person, but now that Xiao Fei is there, he can do other things, such as dealing with the group of guys behind him.

"No problem, then do you have anything else to say to your sister?"

Xiao Fei nodded, and at the same time raised her head to look at Ling Tian with a blushing face.

"Of course there are, and there are many!"

Seeing Xiao Fei's blushing face, Ling Tian laughed even worse.

(End of this chapter)

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