Chapter 503
In the dark night, a row of headlights drove along the dark road at high speed.

In the carriage, Xiao Fei, who was tightly hugged by Ling Tian, ​​closed his eyes forgetfully.

She was jerky and didn't know how to deal with it, but was kissed wantonly by Ling Tian. This kind of lingering made her just turned eighteen, and she had no way to deal with it. .

The only thing he can do is to accept Ling Tian's kiss and enjoy the numb feeling all over his body.

"Da da da……"

It wasn't until a burst of gunfire rang out, and bullets rained over, that Ling Tian let Xiao Fei go.

Although he didn't want to do this, but in front of the enemy, there can be no love between children on the battlefield.

"Leave the rest to me, and I will look for you when I have the opportunity!"

Reluctantly pinching Qiao Fei's face, Ling Tian reached out and took the sniper rifle that was put aside.

"Brother-in-law, you have to be careful!"

The blushing Xiao Fei looked at Ling Tian, ​​she really didn't want to leave now.

But after all, the reality is impossible, Xiao Fei can only hand over all the ammunition on his body to Ling Tian.

"Don't worry, such a good sister-in-law is still here, how can I be willing to die, wait for my call!"

After kissing Xiao Fei on the cheek again, Ling Tian put on her tactical vest, carried the ammunition, and stretched out his hand to support the rear compartment.

"Dog, be a good person!"

He shouted loudly in the direction of the cab, their journey will be separated from now on.

Like a cheetah, Ling Tian jumped out of the high-speed car, rolled on the spot, and Ling Tian, ​​who had lost his inertia, fell directly on the ground.

The sniper rifle in his hand aimed at the chasing car in the distance, and when he pulled the trigger, the bullets roared out.


With a loud noise, the front wheel of the chasing vehicle was immediately pierced by bullets, and the car slammed to the left, uncontrollably, and hit the guardrail.

The convoy was forced to stop again, but Ling Tian didn't leave immediately, lying on the ground, he wanted to buy enough time for Xiaofei and the others.

So the trigger was linked, and the bullets roared and flew out. The terrifying gunshot that tore through the space caused the two soldiers who had just jumped out of the car to fall into a pool of blood.

Such precise shooting is almost like witchcraft, at least in the eyes of these people, Ling Tian is simply a demon.

They all started to grab their guns and kept shooting blindly. This team of more than 200 people was blocked on the road by Ling Tian alone.

"Send you guys to play!"

Turning the muzzle of the gun, aiming at the fuel tank of that car, Ling Tian shot again with precision, and the bullets penetrated into the fuel tank.

The huge explosion was accompanied by a burst of black smoke, and the military truck was immediately engulfed by the flames.

A few unlucky soldiers who had no time to dodge were also knocked to the ground by the explosion, but under the light of the flames, Ling Tian ran towards the jungle beside the road without any haste.

The convoy has already left the suburbs, where there are dense forests everywhere, the reason why Ling Tian wants to do this is to attract the opponent to catch him.

Sure enough, Ling Tian's plan succeeded, and the soldiers who got out of the car one after another, led by the captain, also chased in the direction where Ling Tian disappeared.

"Bang! Bang!"

Bullets were fired in the forest from time to time, and every time a shot was fired, someone would fall to the ground.

However, the mountains are high and the forest is dense, and the power of the sniper rifle is limited. After all the soldiers got into the jungle, Ling Tian ran towards the distant mountains.

While walking and fighting, the sound of gunfire attracted those soldiers, like hounds, they kept searching for Ling Tian in the jungle.

It's just that this group of pups are really too weak, every time they tried to surround Ling Tian, ​​Ling Tian saw through them.

The forest is definitely a very good hiding place for Ling Tian, ​​he is like a ghost holding a sniper rifle.

Crouching in the dark, watching the dozens of soldiers chasing after the mark he left on the hillside, this fell right into the scheme arranged by Ling Tian.

He had to buy more time for Xiao Fei and the others, so he raised his pistol, and Ling Tian aimed the gun at a soldier who touched him.

In the darkness, these soldiers took out their flashlights one after another, but they didn't know that this was the best guidance for Ling Tian.

Holding the gun, Ling Tian pulled the trigger without hesitation, and with the sound of the gunshot, the unlucky ghost immediately fell into a pool of blood.

The rest of the people started shooting in the direction of the gunshots, and the bullets hit the trees, causing the big trees to shake constantly.

The shaking of the tree shadow made them feel that Ling Tian was hiding behind the tree. Although they were not strong in fighting ability, they were born with excellent physical fitness.

This is no wonder, after all, the conditions of medical facilities here are very poor, and the survival rate of newborns is less than 30.00%.

So under such a survival rule of survival of the fittest, they are definitely the best if they can live to this age.

But although their speed is fast, their marksmanship is really bad, and they are not facing ordinary people, so the prestige of the king of soldiers is definitely not something they can shake.

Three shots in a row killed three soldiers, and those guys were frightened immediately.

They turned off the flashlights in their hands one after another, lying in the dark night and not daring to move, looking at the night.

It was clearly still on the left just now, but at some point gunshots came from the right.

This feeling of elusiveness made them even more convinced that the guy in front of them was capable of witchcraft.

So they lying in the grass did not forget to chant their so-called spells to fight against each other's witchcraft.

"Really pious!"

Quickly climbing up to the canopy of a big tree, Ling Tian looked down at the soldiers in front of him from the top of the mountain.

Holding a sniper rifle, he could harvest their lives at any time, but this kind of senseless killing is meaningless.

What he wanted was to delay the time as much as possible so that they would not have the energy to look for Xiaofei and the others. As long as they evacuated safely, everything would be settled.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

But when the two sides were at a stalemate, there was a sudden sound of breaking through the air, followed by billowing black smoke from the top of the mountain.

Ling Tian hurriedly looked down the mountain where the sound of the cannon came from, but he didn't expect that the other side had mobilized a large number of troops, and the mortar had already blasted towards the top of the mountain first.

"It's really ruthless!"

The shells exploded continuously, a huge tree collapsed, and Ling Tian, ​​who was lying on the crown of the tree, also fell to the ground in embarrassment.

It seems that the warden who was attacked was very furious, and hundreds of soldiers sent to search the mountain on the adult website.

Patting the blades of grass on his body, Ling Tian turned around and ran with a sniper rifle in his hand. As he sneaked up on him from time to time, he led this large number of troops into the deep mountains.

The silence of the night was constantly broken by the sound of gunfire, and the birds and beasts in the jungle were frightened and fled around, but no matter how they surrounded them, they still couldn't find anyone.

There is only the weird shooting, and every time the gunshot sounds, a soldier will fall to the ground and die.

(End of this chapter)

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