Chapter 504

Fugui Island, a small island more than ten nautical miles away from the mainland.

The small island is not big, it only looks like four to five thousand acres, and half of it is occupied by mountains.

The 600-meter-high mountain is definitely a strange sight, and it was not called Fugui Island before, but some fishermen lived there.

But just a few years ago, it was expropriated by the government and sold to a five-star hotel group, so it was redeveloped into a tourist attraction.

The sea water of the island is clear and transparent, suitable for diving, and super luxurious five-star hotels and casinos have been built on the spacious beach, which can only be accessed by speedboats on the shore.

It is said that this luxurious hotel has been evaluated as one of the top ten island hotels in the world, and it has attracted a large number of rich people from all over the world after its opening for two years.

And this time the Gambling King Competition was held on Fugui Island. The legendary white sandy beach like milk attracted many people.

Therefore, now the only pier leading to the hotel is full of people of all kinds, and they can only enter with invitation cards, which prevents many rich people from bringing their wives and their families.

But this time they came not for tourism, but for the $5000 million prize.

The people standing in the crowd come from many casino masters around the world, and there will also be casino investors.

This naturally involves a new investment promotion plan of the government, and they have also sent heavyweights to discuss it.

In front of the pier were all men in black suits. They stood there wearing sunglasses. The obvious bulge on the left chest proved that a pistol was inserted there.

At the same time, there are strict guards by the government army, strict inspections that only recognize invitation cards but not people, and you are absolutely not allowed to bring any firearms into the venue.

Because the Gambling King Competition does not use a real-name system, the invitation card has soared from 100 million to 500 million US dollars on the black market, and even so, the supply is still in short supply.

"I don't care if you are the gambling king there, you can only enter with an invitation card!"

There was chaos on the pier, and as the speedboats left one by one, there were still people who wanted to get in during the investigation.

"You are looking for death, you have never even heard of my name, I just lost the invitation card, I am the king of gambling!"

The man wearing a turban and a white robe and sunglasses pointed angrily at the man in the black suit.

"Recognize the card but not the person!"

The men in black remained unmoved, they would not allow anyone to sneak in after receiving the death order.

"I'm going in today. If anyone dares to stop me, I will feed him to the lion!"

Seeing that the other party did not give in, the man immediately waved the suitcase in his hand angrily, and his arrogant appearance looked like a prince.


But just when this guy broke in three or four steps, a gunshot made the restless crowd immediately quiet down.

Looking at the guy lying in a pool of blood, several people who were trying to sneak in suddenly broke out in cold sweat.

The man in black withdrew the gun in his hand, as if nothing had happened, waved his hand, and two people came up behind him immediately, and carried the body aside.

Throw it directly into the sea water under the pier, even though this unknown guy feeds the fish, they are still firmly guarding their posts.

With the lessons learned from the past, no one dared to break in again, and the guests holding the invitation cards were treated with courtesy.

They were sailing towards Fugui Island in the distance in their yachts, and they all had superior smiles when they looked at the pier.

"Wow, this rich man just dares to play, if he says he will kill someone, he will kill him!"

Tie Niu, who was standing not far from the pier, shrank his neck. You must know that the police and government troops were standing not far away, but they completely ignored the killing just now.

"Nonsense, how big is the background of the person who can take over the entire Fugui Island? Didn't you see how many high-ranking government officials went in just now?"

Invincible curled his lips. In this war-torn country, power emerges from the barrel of a gun. As long as the government allows it, killing people is not illegal.

"Okay, the time is almost up, I'm afraid Ling Tian won't come, then you go back, I'm leaving!"

The prince stood there, and it was almost time according to the time, so he waved his hands to his brothers.

This time Chinatown was destroyed, he had to seek justice from the mastermind so that the dead brother could rest in peace.

"You can't go!"

But just as the prince was about to leave, Ruan Ling, who had been standing behind him without speaking, suddenly blocked the prince's way.

After Ling Tian left, Ruan Ling never spoke again, even though she was proficient in Chinese.

With an indifferent face, no one dares to get close to her, and everyone knows her abilities, even the prince is no match.

So no one dared to care what she was going to do there, and even the occasional conversation with her fell on deaf ears.

Early this morning, when the crown prince was leaving, Ruan Ling jumped into the car, she was still silent from the inside out, she was really cold.


The prince was stunned for a moment, he didn't know the reason why Ruan Ling came, but now he was blocking his way.

"Because you can't go!"

Ruan Ling still stood there coldly, she didn't want to say a word because she was motionless.

"I have to go, this is what I have to do!"

Seeing Ruan Ling's determination, I'm afraid she won't give him an answer to his question.

The crown prince shook his head. This super-skilled woman is cold from the inside out. It is definitely a troublesome thing to communicate with her.

"I'll say it one last time, you can't go!"

Seeing that the prince wanted to bypass her, Ruan Ling immediately stood in front of him, her face with cold eyes showed no expression at all.

"Then what if I want to go? Are you going to kill me?"

Ruan Ling's coldness made the prince not want to say anything more, looking at Ruan Ling who was standing opposite, was she going to kill him.

"I promised I wouldn't take your life, but I don't mind beating you up!"

Ruan Ling's words were still so cold and ruthless, with an endless chill between her lips and teeth.

A pair of eyes stared at the prince firmly, she is definitely a woman who will do what she says.

"Ruan Ling, don't think that I really can't beat you, don't stop me in this matter today!"

The prince squinted his eyes, how could his always proud heart give in so easily, especially the brothers' family allowances had to wait for him to bring them back.

This time, not only the Paixiu gang members, but also many of their own people were killed and injured. Their wives and children are still waiting for money for the New Year.

"Then try it!"

Ruan Ling didn't back down, she didn't give the prince any face at all, she stood there resolutely and didn't move a muscle.

"In that case, I have no choice but to force my way!"

The crown prince knew that this Ruan Ling only listened to Ling Tian, ​​and it seemed that Ling Tian, ​​who had disappeared, arranged to explain.

But no matter what, even if it was a dragon's lake and a tiger's den, he wanted to make a breakthrough, so he swung his fist and punched Ruan Ling.

(End of this chapter)

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