Chapter 506 He is not a man!
This cough stunned Ling Tian, ​​and when he turned around, there was a young girl standing in front of him.

Wearing a fiery red dress, her slender legs stepped on high heels, revealing her slender ankles.

Her jet-black hair was draped over her shoulders, and her fair skin was already sculpted after a little gouache.

She has a slender figure, with a trace of dissatisfaction on her face, and her beautiful eyes are always looking at Ruan Ling who is standing beside Ling Tian.

"How did you come!"

Ling Tian looked at the girl in surprise, he never expected to meet her at this time.

"Why can't I come? I thought something happened to you and you wouldn't even answer the phone. I didn't expect you to have an appointment with a beautiful woman in just a few days!"

This is none other than Tang Xinyi, Avalokitesvara with Thousand Hands.

At this moment, she looked at Ruan Ling, her jealousy was already evident.

Especially the words that contained jealousy were full of anger. No one answered the phone calls several times. I thought something serious happened to Ling Tian, ​​but I didn't expect to see him with other women as soon as we met. This woman is still beautiful.

"Don't talk nonsense, why are you back?"

Ling Tian frowned slightly, this Gambling King Competition is definitely not as simple as it looks on the surface, but why did this young lady suddenly show up?

"Do I still need to talk nonsense? I have eyes to see. Of course you don't want me to come back and ruin your good deed!"

In the past few days when Ling Tian lost contact, she couldn't eat or sleep, but she didn't expect that the first time he would kiss me with another woman.

"Why are you so messed up!"

Ling Tian sighed helplessly, Tang Xinyi didn't give herself a chance to speak at all.

"I knew you disliked me, didn't you? It's a waste of my worrying about you!"

Tang Xinyi, who was full of grievances, suddenly had red eyes. Is it easy to worry about her these days?

"No! It's not the same thing, okay!"

When arguing with a woman, if you can't tell the winner in the matter, then it is a matter of tone.

Seeing Tang Xinyi crying as soon as she said it, Ling Tian really didn't know how to explain it.

"It's not the same thing, you heartless man, you are sorry for me, talking to me so impatiently!"

The more Tang Xinyi talked, the more aggrieved she became, tears were about to flow down her eyes.

"No! I'm not impatient, and I don't dislike you. I was wrong. I was wrong, okay!"

A woman's tears are definitely the best weapon. Looking at those crystal clear tears, all of Ling Tian's explanations are so useless.

"What's wrong with you?"

Wiping away her tears, Tang Xinyi pursed her mouth, her aggrieved expression was absolutely unprecedented.

"If you say I'm wrong, then I'm wrong!"

Ling Tian was helpless, now it was no longer a question of right or wrong, but a question of him bullying others.

But I didn't say anything, and I didn't even have a chance to explain.

"You really are not a man!"

While Ling Tian was still trying to coax Tang Xinyi, Ruan Ling behind her suddenly spoke.

"Hey, how do you talk!"

Ling Tian turned his head to look at Ruan Ling. The situation is already chaotic, so she shouldn't add fuel to it.

"Originally, you can't do that. If you still bow your head to a woman now, you must be physically deficient!"

Ruan Ling looked at Ling Tian with pursed lips, the contemptuous look in her eyes made Ling Tian almost jump on him and strangle him to death.

"He can't? Can't he?"

Before Ling Tian could speak, Tang Xinyi hurried over and looked at Ruan Ling suspiciously.

Although I haven't tried it myself, didn't I accidentally touched it that time? According to the physiology class, this should be a possible performance.

"You are her woman, don't you know?"

Ruan Ling looked at Tang Xinyi who was puzzled. Everyone could see that there was something wrong with the two of them just now.

"I...Of course I don't know if he can do it, and I'm not so unreserved!"

Tang Xinyi's face turned red. She has never inspected this item, so she doesn't know if it will work.

"Then you might as well inspect the goods, you will know when the time comes!"

Ruan Ling said something to Tang Xinyi, and seeing the two girls singing you and me, Ling Tian, ​​who was standing in the middle, wished he could directly execute them on the spot and let them know how powerful he was.

"That's enough, Ruan Ling, hurry up and get things done!"

If this continues, Ling Tian will definitely be regarded as a eunuch by the two women, he can only say helplessly to Ruan Ling with a dark face.

"Understood, remember to inspect the goods!"

Ruan Ling has always been cold, but the words of this kind of person are absolutely fatal.

Especially before leaving, she did not forget to tell Tang Xinyi that these words almost killed Ling Tian.

"you will not?"

The current Tang Xinyi simply forgot that Ling Tian was flirting with Ruan Ling just now, and she couldn't help but look down while speaking.

"Shut up, or I'll throw you into the sea!"

Ling Tian, ​​who didn't want to discuss this topic any more, gave Tang Xinyi a hard look.

Tang Xinyi could only stick out her tongue, but this matter will not just pass.

"By the way, why did you come here suddenly? Aren't you taking care of Shuang'er in China?"

Ling Tian changed the topic, otherwise he would think that he was no good. In this respect, at least Qiao Xue and Li Linger praised him well, and that was enough.

"I received an invitation card from my father. He said he would bring me to play together, so I came. Shuang'er has already enrolled in a boarding school, so don't worry about it!"

Only then did Tang Junyao explain the ins and outs of the matter from beginning to end.

It turned out that her father had always known that Tang Xinyi was fascinated by this country, but he had no chance to play with it last time, and the father and daughter hadn't seen each other for a long time.

So he sent an invitation card to Tang Xinyi. Thinking that Ling Tian was still there, Tang Xinyi immediately asked for leave and flew over.

"I'm afraid there's something wrong with this competition, you better not go!"

Ling Tian looked at the invitation card in Tang Xinyi's hand. This competition was weird, especially the isolated island where there was nowhere to escape.

Once the other party had an ambush, the consequences would be disastrous, so he didn't want Tang Xinyi to take risks.

"What's the problem? The organizer is a large multinational company. If there is a problem with the security, the tens of billions of companies will be ruined. Don't worry, nothing will happen. Besides, my father is still on the island. You are going to let me wait for him at the pier Well!"

Tang Xinyi patted Ling Tian's chest. As a guest, of course she knew that this time the host was not only the local government, but also a multinational gaming company.

The security here is definitely very strict, and there will be no problems at all.

And the most important point, of course she couldn't tell Ling Tian, ​​because this time she not only revisited the old place, but also promised her father one thing.

That is to show her boyfriend to her father. This matter is related to the future successor of the company.

(End of this chapter)

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