Chapter 507 On the Island
On the pier, more and more people were heading towards Fugui Island on yachts.

The appearance of Tang Xinyi made Ling Tian have to reevaluate his actions this time.

But the arrow had to be launched, just like what Tang Xinyi said, this was a joint project between the government and a large multinational company, so security naturally couldn't be a problem.

That being the case, he can only take one trip, and he wants to see what kind of big company dares to buy gas bombs behind his back.

Tang Xinyi held Ling Tian's arm and smiled happily. Fortunately, she still had Lao Liu's phone number, so she knew that the prince and the others were here too.

"Be careful in everything after going to the island, and you must not take it lightly!"

After waving to the prince in the distance, Ling Tian and Tang Xinyi walked towards the pier.

Naturally, he didn't salute, so he helped Tang Xinyi pull her red suitcase.

"I see, so many words!"

Tang Xinyi, who was crying just now, is now smiling like a flower blooming.

I thought that on Ling Tian's shoulders, the two of them seemed to be a couple.

On the pier, there is an infrared security gate. After verifying the authenticity of the banquet card, two people have to pass through the security gate.

"Beep beep..."

Tang Xinyi passed the security check smoothly, but when she arrived at Ling Tian's place, the security door kept screaming.

And he was also stopped by two men in black, holding security devices, they thought Ling Tian had a weapon hidden on his body.

"Heart stent!"

Ling Tian sighed helplessly, he pointed to the position of his heart with his hands raised high, and after the two men confirmed it with instruments, they let Ling Tian go.

"Your heart has a stent? No way?"

After successfully boarding the yacht, Tang Xinyi continued to look at Ling Tian worriedly.

She had seen the scar on Ling Tian's heart back then, but Ling Tian didn't say anything and she didn't ask again.

"It's just bullets!"

Ling Tian smiled slightly, this was a breakup gift from his ex-girlfriend, which made it difficult for him to go through the security check every time.

"Bullet? No way? Then why not take it out?"

Tang Xinyi was startled, she knew that Ling Tian was definitely not an ordinary person, but she had a bullet in her heart, it was definitely not a joke.

"If I could, I would have taken it long ago, but it's good to keep it. Let me always remember not to trust women!"

Tang Xinyi was taken aback by Ling Tian's words. It was obvious that the shot was fired by a woman, and it was also done by a woman who was very close to Ling Tian.

"Hey, figure it out, if it weren't for me, would you have the ability to break through three levels!"

Tang Xinyi immediately protested, at least she is also a woman, why can't she trust women.

"If it weren't for me, it seems that you would have no chance to stand here, miss!"

Seeing Tang Xinyi's furious appearance, Ling Tian said with a smirk, women are really fickle.

"Why are you so small-minded, that woman is right, you are definitely not a man!"

Listening to Ling Tian's words, Tang Xinyi could only give him a blank stare, and this counterattack left Ling Tian speechless.

Sitting helplessly on the chair, I looked at the farther coastline, and on the other side was Fugui Island with a high mountain.

From a distance, people could be seen swaying on the white beach. According to Ling Tian's estimation, there were hundreds of people participating in the Gambling King Competition this time.

The mysterious mastermind behind the scenes is about to show up, and the conspiracy of this matter will become clearer and clearer.

The yacht slowly leaned against the shore, and a row of hostesses were already standing there, greeting every guest with a smile on their faces.

It has to be said that the service in this super luxurious place is absolutely top-notch, and the blond-haired and blue-eyed hostess can speak fluent Chinese.

They had already registered at the pier, so under the guidance of the hostess, they came to the arranged room.

This luxury hotel with more than 20 floors standing beside the sofa is definitely magnificent. The two people who came to the ninth floor looked at the room facing the sea, and their mood would be much better.

"Didn't you say your father is coming too?"

The room was big, but there was only one bed. Seeing Tang Xinyi lying on the bed, Ling Tian asked suspiciously.

She didn't go to her father immediately, but came here with herself, and when she registered, she filled in the relationship as a couple.

"Aren't all women liars! My father's flight arrives three hours later than mine!"

Tang Xinyi blinked her eyes with a smile, and looked at Ling Tian opposite. If he hadn't said that, how could he have let her come.

"You know this is a very dangerous thing?"

Hearing Tang Xinyi's words, Ling Tian realized that he had been fooled, and looked at her helplessly.

"What's the danger? Even if you think I'm an inexperienced person, don't you trust my father? When he walks around the rivers and lakes, you still wear crotch pants!"

Tang Xinyi sat up nonchalantly. Although the organizer this time was mysterious, it was nothing to her.

"Then do you know who the host is?"

Ling Tian looked at Tang Xinyi with a calm face, he didn't know who was behind the scenes this time, did she know?

"Of course I know. The predecessor of this company was cruise ships and dock construction, as well as real estate business, etc. This time, the newly established company is preparing to cooperate with the local government to develop coastal projects. The most important thing is to build a new gambling city, and this event has the local government as its backer, so you can rest assured, as long as there is no state-level navy coming in, no one will come here!"

Tang Xinyi still has some understanding of this mysterious company, otherwise she would be fooling around for nothing.

And this time her father didn't come here for gambling, after all, the first prize is only 3000 million, which is not in her father's eyes.

This time, many bosses from international casinos were invited, as well as a large number of real estate developers.

"Talking about projects? But as far as I know, official corruption here is serious. Aren't you afraid of doing business with such people?"

Ling Tian is not a businessman, and he can't understand the thoughts of a businessman, but the situation here is turbulent, and the officialdom is chaotic. Is such a place really suitable for investment?

"It's hard to say if it's other projects, but casinos don't care about these. Wouldn't it be better for the government to be corrupt!"

A businessman has a businessman's experience. Although Tang Xinyi doesn't like it, she has been influenced by it too much since she was a child.

So this is indeed a good place for businessmen, but after all, it's just talking about the project, and the on-site inspection is the most important thing.

The question of whether it can be achieved is not something that can be decided now.

Listening to Tang Xinyi's analysis, Ling Tian still felt that there was still a hint of conspiracy in this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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