Chapter 512 The Prestige of the Gambling King
In the dark night, Ling Tian calmly responded to the sneak attack, but the strong wind forced Ling Tian to turn his head.

But his face was hot, followed by a stabbing pain, Ling Tian touched it casually, and there was blood on his face.

Taking advantage of Ling Tian's surprise attack, the previous man broke free from Ling Tian's restraint, and quickly moved aside.

With the help of the dim light, Ling Tian also saw the guy who attacked him. A man with a height of 1.8 meters was standing in the middle of the road.

Wearing a black suit, he was still smoking a cigarette, with a sense of vicissitudes of time on his face.

There are also a pair of tiger-like eyes on the sharp-edged face. If you stare at him, you will have the feeling of being peeped by a wild beast.

He is tall and tall, and he is holding a stack of playing cards in his right hand, more than ten meters away. The strong wind just now should be caused by the playing cards.

Ling Tian has seen people using hidden weapons before, but this is the first time he has seen a guy who uses playing cards as hidden weapons, so how strong his wrist will be.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, Ling Tian took off his coat and looked at the injured guy on the right. Although he didn't break his hamstring, he still cut his ankle, so he couldn't fight for the time being.

"Boy, your skills are not bad!"

Seeing Ling Tian holding the coat in his hand, the man in his fifties opposite said with a smile.

"Boy, you are not bad!"

Ling Tian would not be polite if he believed that the other party was Du Liya's subordinate, and now he was forced to separate from Tang Xinyi.

At this time, Tang Xinyi was standing not far behind the man, looking at everything in front of her in horror.

If this man turned around and took her as a hostage, it would be quite troublesome, so Ling Tian had to act first.

As he thought, Ling Tian kicked his feet and rushed towards the man quickly. The distance of more than ten meters was only a few seconds for his speed.

"It's a bit loud, but I still like it!"

Seeing Ling Tian rushing towards him like a tiger descending the mountain, the man raised his wrist with a sneer, the poker card between his fingers was his sharp weapon.

With a flick of the wrist, the playing cards burst out of the air. Within a short distance, the pieces of paper were like knives.

Seeing the hidden weapon coming, Ling Tian couldn't attack in a straight line, so he hurriedly slapped his waist, shaking his coat with his right hand as a shield, and shot to the left.

Unlike Ling Tian, ​​who was as fast as the wind, the man on the opposite side was still standing there as motionless as a mountain, his wrists were shaking continuously, and he could shoot flying cards with both hands.

The silent cards are now like flying knives, and the clothes in Ling Tian's hands can be heard tearing.

This sound made Ling Tian shudder even more. If it hit him, the consequences would be disastrous, so he kicked his feet on the ground again, and jumped onto the tree pole next to the tree.

The sharp poker cards still followed closely, and the sharp blade that sank directly into the tree pole carried an incomparably domineering aura.

But at this moment, Ling Tian had already kicked off the tree pole and shot towards the other side, while rolling on the spot, he made another tiger leap, leaping to the left.

The whole person is like a spirit monkey, shuttling among the tree poles, the shadows of the trees are shaking, accompanied by sharp flying cards, if you are not careful, you will see blood.

Constantly shaking the clothes in his hands to cover the deadly poker, Ling Tian's other hand was protecting the throat, because this is the deadliest attack position for flying cards.

In less than a minute, all the cards flew out, but as the tall man waved his hand, another pack of specially processed cards was held in his hand.

Ling Tian leaned behind the big tree, looking at the cards stuck in the trunk, and the clothes in his hands were riddled with holes.

"Come out, you can't hide!"

The man said to Ling Tian with a smile on his face, all the way after chasing, he still forced Ling Tian out, after all, the closer the card is, the more lethal it is.

Just now when Ling Tian tried to get closer, his arms and thighs were cut. If he got closer, he didn't know what killer move the other party had.

"When did I say to hide!"

As soon as the man finished speaking, Ling Tian had already walked out. He threw away his coat and was holding a few cards in his hand.

These are all picked up from the other party's hands, and Ling Tian is not a master at flying cards, but he has worked hard, even if he is not as good as the other party, it is not fake.

"Yo, boy, will you too?"

Seeing Ling Tian holding the poker, the man said with a smile, this flying card is not just a matter of just shaking your wrist, it requires hard work.

He has this ability only after decades of hard work, otherwise how could he hurt people with flying cards.

"Look at it and you'll know!"

Ling Tian knew that although the flying cards he had learned were powerful, they were far inferior to the opponent, but as long as he was close to him, he might not be so fierce.

So these dozen or so special poker cards are not tools for him to hurt people, but chips for him to get close.

While speaking, Ling Tian kicked his right leg on the ground, and rushed forward quickly. At the same time, with a flick of his right wrist, the cards in his hand flew towards the opponent.


The speed of the cards is extremely fast, breaking through the air and hitting the man directly. This is obviously based on practice.

The man looked at the flying cards with a smile on his face, he didn't dodge or dodge, and with a flick of his right hand, a card flew out, directly hitting the card that Ling Tian shot in the air.

This move alone is enough to prove that the man is stronger than Ling Tian, ​​but the cards are not important, Ling Tian is interested in close combat.

The cards in his hand shot towards the man like flying, forcing him to stop staying in place, and the distance between the two sides was very close, which was what Ling Tian requested.

Soon, all the cards were shot out, none of them hit the man's body, but Ling Tian who came close was already close enough.

Accompanied by his tiger leap, his left arm forcibly blocked a card that was shot at him. When he landed, he supported his hands and kicked the opponent with his feet first.

"Good come!"

Seeing Ling Tian approaching, the man hurriedly dodged to avoid it, and at the same time stretched out his hand to grab a handful of cards, at this time the sharp thin iron became a sharp blade.

With a flick of his wrist, the sharp blade cut towards Ling Tian's ankle. Ling Tian hurriedly rolled over, and at the same time, he no longer attacked the opponent's top lane, but instead turned to attack his bottom three lanes.

With sharp footsteps, the dragon-tying rope in Ling Tian's hand is also ready to go, as long as he catches it, the other party will be in trouble.

As the sharp blade cut Ling Tian's left arm, Ling Tian kicked the man's chest, and this kick immediately kicked him three or four steps away.

"Come on!"

Ling Tian didn't pursue, but turned around and stood in front of Tang Xinyi. All the attacks just now were to jump over the man, and now his goal has been achieved.

As long as she stood in front of Tang Xinyi, she would be the safest, staring at her with a pair of tiger eyes, Ling Tian said without looking back.

"What are you going! You idiot!"

But unexpectedly, Tang Xinyi was ungrateful and even gave him a slap on the back.

(End of this chapter)

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