Chapter 513
The boulevard was in a mess at this time, and the branches cut off by the sharp cards fell to the ground.

Among the playing cards all over the floor, the man rubbed his chest. The kick just now caused him great pain.

If this kid didn't want to protect Tang Xinyi wholeheartedly, the consequences of chasing him would be even worse.

At this time, he didn't continue to fly cards by increasing the distance, but looked at Ling Tian with a smile on his face.

The man with the injured left leg also limped over, stood behind the man, and stared at Ling Tian opposite him with a serious face.

Facing the sudden appearance of these two people, Ling Tian felt suspicious. Their strength was not weak, but they did not show any murderous intent.

Then there are only two reasons, one is that they are stronger than themselves, they can't be found out because of their murderous aura, or the other party is not prepared to kill themselves at all.

"Dad, are you alright!"

Tang Xinyi, who hammered Ling Tian's back, hurried over Ling Tian's protection, ran to the man, and asked worriedly.

And this call made Ling Tian stunned. He didn't expect the man in front of him to be Tang Xinyi's father.

"It's okay, it's okay, your father and I are not that weak!"

Tang Xinyi's father's name was Tang Longhu, and he was a well-known bigwig in the gaming industry.

Because Tang Xinyi's mother's family has always been engaged in the gaming industry, and his son-in-law who stepped in the door has been doing well over the years, there are now [-] casinos around the world under his name.

You know, casinos are no different than other businesses, and even five-star hotels are just supporting facilities. The gambling industry, which is making a lot of money every day, is definitely second only to drug trafficking.

So the Tang family wanted money, money, power, and power. Tang Longhu went from being a parking boy to being the head of the family all the way, and this ability was the result of hard training.


Only now did Ling Tian understand why the other party didn't kill anyone, nor did they sneak attack Tang Xinyi while the two sides were flying away.

He hurriedly retracted his posture and looked at Tang Xinyi in surprise. Since she knew it was her father, she didn't say anything during the fight just now.

"Daredevil, come here quickly!"

Looking at Ling Tian with a surprised face, Tang Xinyi gave him a hard look.

She was angry just now and hoped that her father would help her vent her anger, but she was kicked by Ling Tian instead.

"Hello, Uncle, I didn't know it was you, the shot was a bit heavy just now, are you okay!"

Ling Tian naturally walked a few steps quickly, and said to Tang Longhu with an apologetic expression.

"It's okay, it's okay, the kid really has two brushes, no wonder he was able to steal my daughter's heart!"

Tang Longhu looked Ling Tian up and down, this was the boyfriend his daughter had chosen, and although he didn't know about his other qualities, he was still very satisfied with his skill alone.

Especially just now, when he was in danger, he was protecting his daughter immediately, and based on this alone, he was more ok with this matter.


Why did he suddenly have the feeling of visiting his father-in-law, Ling Tian didn't know what to say.

"Ah what, I don't know how to act softly, you daredevil, brother, are your feet okay!"

Tang Xinyi hurriedly interrupted Ling Tian's surprise. This time, she patted her chest and promised to bring her boyfriend. The father-daughter relationship that had just been eased cannot be interrupted because of Ling Tian's recklessness.

If the father himself had been chasing Ling Tian all the time, if he still refused in every possible way, he would definitely kill Ling Tian.


The injured man was Tang Xinyi's senior brother Bai Long, who was also Tang Longhu's right-hand man. Fortunately, his master rescued him just in time, and his ankle was only injured.

"Okay, don't be so embarrassed when we meet for the first time, I'll go back and change my clothes first, and see you at the restaurant on the top floor later, your third mother and youngest mother miss you to death!"

Without waiting for Tang Xinyi to say anything, Tang Longhu turned around and walked towards the hotel, Bailong followed, and soon disappeared on the tree-lined road.

"Always in such a hurry!"

Seeing her father leaving in a hurry, Tang Xinyi let out a sigh of relief, but she didn't know how far she had gone, so Tang Longhu couldn't help rubbing her chest.

He who stood up in front of his daughter just now was kicked hard by Ling Tian. He sighed a long time and knew that time is not forgiving.

"Hey, if I'm not mistaken, there seems to be something wrong here!"

While Tang Xinyi was looking at her father's back, Ling Tian walked up behind her.

Judging from the situation just now, he felt that Tang Xinyi was hiding something from him.

"Okay, this time I promised my father to show him my boyfriend, and we are now resuming the relationship between father and daughter. You won't expose me, will you?"

Tang Xinyi looked at Ling Tian helplessly, and said with grievance in her eyes, this time was the longest they had talked in half a year.

"Okay, but this is not good, after all, what your family wants is someone who will inherit the family business."

Looking at Tang Xinyi's pitiful appearance, Ling Tian's heart softened. Pretending to be a beautiful boyfriend is definitely a glamorous thing, but he didn't think it was interesting.

After all, he didn't want to delay Tang Xinyi. Her future man would be a step-in son-in-law who would inherit the huge family business, but he would not give up his career as a soldier.

"I'll talk about the future. Anyway, you pretend to be a little more decent to me. No matter what my father says, just agree to it. Let's mess around first and then talk about it!"

Tang Xinyi looked at Ling Tian, ​​both of them spoke very clearly, and there is no need to repeat it now, we can talk about it after we pass this test.

"Okay, but why are you angry about what happened just now?"

Ling Tian picked up the tattered coat, which was shredded by the sharp poker, it was impossible to wear it.

"I won't tell you, who made you a fool!"

Speaking of this matter, Tang Xinyi suddenly became angry again, she would not tell the truth with her pouty lips.

"Okay, but there is indeed something tricky now, you have to help me recall it!"

Since Tang Xinyi didn't say anything, Ling Tian didn't have any curiosity, because 90.00% of women's bad moods are what men don't understand.

After hastily telling what happened, Tang Xinyi was also taken aback. She didn't expect the matter to develop to this point, and there was such a thing as poison gas bombs.

"But I have never seen the key!"

Ling Tian tried his best to recall what happened that night. He killed those black car drivers, but he didn't see anything similar to a key.

Why did the other party insist that the key would be in his hands? Could it be that he hid it there, or lost it.

"So, that thing is the key!"

Tang Xinyi thought for a while, as if she suddenly thought of something. She slapped her head, but she couldn't think that it was a key.

But judging from what happened now, that thing might be the key to what they were looking for.

(End of this chapter)

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