Chapter 521 Gambling King Competition
In the early morning, there were already bursts of laughter on the beach.

Tang Xinyi was in a particularly good mood today, and Ling Tian was baffled by that overflowing smile.

But as long as she was in a good mood, everything would be fine. Just after he came back from playing in the water, the silent phone finally rang.

"Xuanjing, where have you been?"

Ling Tian hurriedly answered the phone, and Xuan Jing, who hadn't heard from him until now, finally called.

"I received news that a group of mysterious personnel seemed to have entered the city recently, so I observed secretly. There are quite a few of them, and they are well-equipped!"

On the phone, Xuan Jing hurriedly told Ling Tian what had happened. This group of mysterious people had obvious military marks on their bodies.

At first glance, he was a first-class expert. Xuan Jing tried to get close to observe several times, but was alerted by the other party. In order not to startle the snake, he withdrew back.

After receiving Ling Tian's call, he immediately arranged for the prince to take him to find the covered icehouse.

It's just that they are all occupied by government troops, and it is difficult for outsiders to enter.

"At least people with government troops should have no major problems. If not, please ask for support immediately!"

After hearing the situation, Ling Tian finally felt relieved. With government troops guarding him, it shouldn't be a big problem.

At the very least, the safety of the ice storage must be guaranteed first, and then Ling Tian must find a way to get another key from Du Liya's hand.

After hanging up the phone, everyone split up, and Ling Tian took Tang Xinyi to wander around the small island.

The two people holding hands looked like a couple, but Ling Tian focused all his attention on the surroundings.

This small island doesn't look big, but it's actually not small, and the various buildings only occupy less than one-fifth of the place.

The vegetation in the mountains behind is dense, and the mountains are high and steep. Looking at the dense long grass, the vegetation here has not been damaged at all.

"Why hasn't that annoying woman appeared?"

After wandering around until the afternoon, Ling Tian knew the whole place by heart. Looking at the pier guarded by soldiers, the last batch of guests had already arrived.

Tang Xinyi's words stunned Ling Tian. From yesterday afternoon to now, Du Liya has indeed never appeared.

But again, there has been no news about Shishi, because the floor she is on is with government officials and there are special guards.

Even invited guests are not allowed to go upstairs, this rule makes Ling Tian not know much about the top floor.

"She will be impatient!"

Ling Tian is also a little strange, but I believe she will think of some tricks next.

Then when the time comes, it will also be his chance to snatch the key.

"Don't you wonder where the other key is?"

Tang Xinyi stopped in her tracks and looked at Ling Tian with a puzzled expression. Why did he never care about where she hid the key?

"As long as you're not on this island, that icehouse is safe!"

Ling Tian is not in a hurry to open it, as long as it can prevent others from opening it, it doesn't matter where the key is.

"Well, do you remember that night, in the room we lived in Bartie's house, the key was dropped behind the closet!"

Originally, I thought Ling Tian would ask him, but after waiting for so long, Ling Tian seemed to have forgotten about it.

Without prying eyes, Tang Xinyi didn't bother to keep the so-called secret, and told the whole story from beginning to end.

It turned out that on the morning of leaving, she was still holding the key, but just when she was about to go out, a mouse frightened her to turn pale.

The key in her hand fell directly behind the only piece of furniture. Looking at the mouse in the gap, Tang Xinyi ran away desperately.

If Ling Tian hadn't mentioned it, she really wouldn't have thought of this key. Looking back now, it is definitely the safest place.

"That's good, now you can concentrate on preparing for your gambling king competition!"

Knowing the whereabouts of the key, Ling Tian became less anxious and looked at Tang Xinyi with a smile.

Today is the day when Thousand Hands Avalokitesvara is preparing for the competition, and I don't understand why this girl came to the competition early in the morning.

"Don't worry, I'm going to kill everyone tonight!"

Tang Xinyi was smiling. This confidence stemmed from her gifted hearing and her pair of precise eyes.

She has very strong hearing and visual abilities, and she has this terrible mind-gambling technique, which is different from other mind-reading techniques, but a unique observation method specially used in the gambling field.

Any kind of skill has an unfathomable origin, and this gambling technique has been passed down for thousands of years.

Originally, Tang Xinyi disliked gambling very much, and she was even more unwilling to inherit the family's gambling business, but after eavesdropping on Shi Shi and Ling Tian's conversation last night, she thought about it all night.

Chu Shishi is right, and she is also taking the lead in doing it, provoking the burden of the family business, and everything is no longer a problem.

Only when you are strong enough will you have the opportunity to choose. Since Ling Tian is determined not to accept the rich wealth of his family, it is better for her to inherit it.

She has always wanted to find an heir for her family, and also wanted to choose love herself, but now Tang Xinyi has a new idea.

Since she wanted to be a family member, winning the Gambling King Competition this time was definitely a very good start, so she entered the competition in the name of her father.

"Well, I believe you will succeed!"

Looking at the energetic Tang Xinyi, Ling Tian certainly didn't know what she was thinking.

There was still some time before the God of Gamblers contest in the evening, and the two of them wandered around for a while before returning.

As night fell, the island returned to tranquility, the lights of the hotel illuminated the entire area, and the fireworks that soared into the sky pierced the night sky.

On the top floor of the hotel, people from all walks of life came one after another, and the witnesses were local government officials.

Standing in the crowd, Ling Tian looked around at those people, but he didn't see Shishi in the crowd, nor did he see Du Liya.

He frowned slightly strangely, why did such a thing happen? If Shishi is still looking for clues, then what about Du Liya.

Doesn't she want to snatch the key back from her hand? Time passed by, but neither of the two women showed up.

And at this moment, thirty contestants began to enter the arena according to their number plates, and the battle of the God of Gamblers began.

There are three rounds of competition, the competition is dice, poker and the final four-player stud. Everyone will wait and see who will win the tens of millions of prize money and the title of God of Gamblers.

Only Ling Tian looked at the fireworks lighting up the sky outside, and he seemed to smell a conspiracy, but he still had no idea what it was.

(End of this chapter)

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