Chapter 522
In a suite, Chu Shishi was sitting on a chair, with two computers placed on a clean table.

She was still wearing the clothes from last night, and the thick dark circles on her eyes proved that she hadn't slept since she came back last night.

A pair of beautiful but tired eyes constantly alternated between the two computers.

Among the dense documents, she was investigating the ghost who colluded with the Paradise Group.

There are tens of thousands of company information, and she does not let go of any clues, trying hard to find clues.

Now all the clues are concentrated in two, the first one is naturally the number of the invitation card in Ling Tian's hand, to find out who sent it.

The second item is the $1000 million promissory note. Although the money has returned to the account and the promissory note is void, there will still be clues to the transaction.

But this information is absolutely difficult to find out. Fortunately, Ladies' School covers a wide range of subjects. Shishi is still a girl with excellent character and learning. She has the qualification of a professional accountant, and she is trying to figure it out.

"Boom boom boom!"

A knock on the door broke the silence in the suite, followed by the door being pushed open, and a man walked in.

Wearing a neat suit, he has a youthful and capable look, his hair is neatly combed, and his face is even more handsome.

With a pair of beautiful blue eyes, he walked in with a smile on his face, holding a cup of hot coffee, and placed it on Shishi's table.

"Shishi, I heard that you are not feeling well, let me come and see you!"

He is Shishi's partner Bruce, who speaks fluent Chinese and puts the coffee on the table with a gentlemanly face.

"Thank you!"

Shishi closes the computer, not wanting him to see the content she was looking up.

Smell the aroma of coffee, this is her favorite taste.

"It's okay, can you participate in the award presentation later? The local officials want to discuss the next matters with you in further detail!"

The magnetic voice carries a sense of warmth, and Bruce is like a natural gentleman who always warms his heart.

"I don't really want to go, that general is a bit too much!"

Shishi rubbed her temples and said to Bruce.

The general is the highest leader of the local army, that is, the immediate boss of the warden.

It's just that this fat-brained guy always looks lewd, and he didn't forget to grab her hand and eat tofu after a polite handshake yesterday.

She hinted to herself several times that if she wants to work locally, she has to sleep with him. For this kind of guy, Shishi has no intention of socializing now.

"Okay, then leave it to me, and I will get things done below!"

Bruce still smiled very gentlemanly, he has been silently supporting Shishi behind him, never willing to show off, and put all the credit on Shishi.

"um. Thank you!"

Shishi looked at Bruce, that kind of kindness really made people want to rely on him.

In just a few months, he was also known in the circle as a rare and warm man, and many noble girls were quite attracted to him.

If it wasn't for meeting Ling Tian first, Shi Shi couldn't guarantee whether she would be conquered by this warm man.

"You're welcome with me!"

Bruce turned around with a smile and left. He has always worked hard like this, but he is also Shishi's greatest support.

"By the way, I saw a bank refund for a 1000 million promissory note. I don't know what's going on?"

Looking at Bruce's back, Shishi suddenly remembered what Ling Tian said, and blurted out involuntarily.

In fact, she did not find any clues, and there was no information on the 1000 million promissory note.

She just asked casually, and she actually felt a little guilty at this time, because to be honest, if it weren't for Bruce, it would be difficult for her to be where she is today.

Let yourself doubt a person who has been helping you, the kind Shishi can't bear it.

"Oh, that's a local company. I originally wanted to support him, but he wasn't ready, so the promissory note expired!"

Bliss turned around and said to Shishi calmly, but his words made Shishi stunned.

Because there is no such thing as a refund in the account, but Bruce answered cleanly, this is the biggest problem.

"You are the one who secretly bribed the Pixiu Gang!"

Shishi stood up suddenly, and looked at Bliss opposite with a cold face.

Unexpectedly, a single sentence would blow up his hole card. If this is the case, is it true that the master suspects that he is the spy that the Paradise Group is trying to insert.

"Shishi, listen to me, things are not what you think!"

Shishi's words pierced Bliss' mask, and Bliss' eyes were a little flustered, because he didn't expect such a thing to happen.

He obviously dealt with it very cleanly, but she still found out. He had a ghost in his heart and hurriedly hid it, but made mistakes.

"Don't come here, I want to be quiet!"

Shishi hastily stretched out her hand to prevent Bruce from approaching her, while Ling Tian's words echoed in her mind.

If he is really a traitor of the Paradise Group, then he is a very dangerous person. She must contact Ling Tian as soon as possible, and now she has to stabilize him.

"Shishi, I know this matter is too much for you, but I want to help you wholeheartedly, because I really love you!"

Bruce walked to the table, slowly took out a ring from his inner pocket, and said affectionately to Shishi.

"I do all this because of my love for you. I hope to help you succeed. I hope you can fulfill your dreams. I choose to support you silently all the time because of my love for you!"

Bliss looked at Shishi, the ring in his hand shone with the luster of diamonds, and this sudden change made Shishi stunned.

"I don't want to talk about it now, you go out first!"

Shishi has mixed feelings now, she just wants to calm him down as soon as possible, and then contact Ling Tian as soon as possible.

"Then calm down, I'm waiting for your reply!"

Bliss lowered his head, his image of a gentleman all along prevented him from staying any longer.

So she sighed, turned around and walked out, but looking at his back, Shishi felt sweaty palms, and the moment the door closed, she had already rushed to the bedroom.

"He really is a traitor!"

If this matter hadn't made him show his fox tail, if she hadn't been acting secretly when meeting Ling Tian all the time, for fear of disturbing his lurking, everything would be over now.

She hurriedly grabbed her mobile phone, the conspiracy of the Paradise Group was really too big, she never expected to arrange for such a person to appear by her side.

After unlocking the screen, Shishi skillfully entered a series of numbers, and now she just wants to contact Ling Tian with her photographic memory.

But before she dialed the number, the door was opened again, and a figure rushed in quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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