Chapter 526 The Road to Escape
The chaotic top floor gradually quieted down, many guests were beaten to death, while those who survived were driven aside.

Among the messy tables and chairs, Tang Longhu squatted on the ground together holding the third concubine with his left hand and the fourth concubine with his right hand.

"Where's Xinyi?"

Seeing the rushing husband, the panic-stricken hearts of the two women calmed down.

But they didn't see Tang Xinyi who was with her husband.

"Ling Tian took her out just now, don't worry, that kid has some skills, she will be fine!"

Tang Longhu had a lot of experience over the years. Although he still couldn't fully see Ling Tian's hole cards, he could tell that this guy was a man who dared to act.

And his skills are surprisingly good. Even when he was young, he might not be his opponent. With him protecting Tang Xinyi, a father can rest assured.

"Then why don't you follow along!"

Hearing this, the third aunt and fourth aunt looked at their husband distressedly.

Obviously there is a chance to escape, why didn't he escape with him, he insisted on staying and becoming a prisoner.

"I owe you too much in this life. If I really want to die, I will walk with you on the road to Huangquan!"

For his oath, Tang Longhu never allowed his woman to have a child again, because he was the door-to-door son-in-law, and this family property must belong to Tang Xinyi.

Also because they love him, they are willing to stay by his side for this almost rude request.

They were deprived of the qualifications to be mothers, but they still had no complaints or regrets, especially when they heard these words, the tears of the two girls burst into tears instantly.

"Why are you so stupid!"

Lying on Tang Longhu's broad shoulders, the two women hugged his arms tightly. It was useless to say anything now. If they really wanted to die here, they would have no regrets.

"Don't worry, this son-in-law is absolutely right, I think we will definitely turn danger into good fortune this time!"

Tang Longhu will never forget the firmness in Ling Tian's eyes just now, and that aura is definitely not what ordinary people have.

There were only cries and wailing in the hall, but at this time, the battle was still fiercely unfolding under the building.

Ling Tian, ​​who dragged Tang Xinyi out of the serving room, finally heaved a sigh of relief, but Tang Xinyi, who was dragged by him, had her cheeks wet with tears.

What her father said just now made her heart hurt so much. As a daughter, when she is unable to save her parents, ordinary people cannot understand the pain.

"Xinyi, don't worry, I promise you that I will rescue your father!"

Pulling Tang Xinyi into the room, and covering the door with a mop beside him, Ling Tian turned around and said to Tang Xinyi.


Tang Xinyi really didn't want to leave, but she knew it was useless to stay. Looking at Ling Tian, ​​she had no choice but to endure the sadness.

I leaned on the door and listened for a while, but there was no movement outside the door. The thick glass wall made the position where the two people were relatively soundproof.

"I'm afraid the elevator can't go anymore, we have to go down the stairs!"

Just now Ling Tian ran up the stairs, I'm afraid it won't be safe for a long time here, what they have to do now is to go downstairs as soon as possible, and join Shishi hidden by Ling Tian.

If possible, leave this hotel before the opponents attack from below, as long as you escape, the venue is wide enough, and you can deal with them.

Holding Tang Xinyi's hand, he opened the door slightly, and after making sure that no one was there, Ling Tian led Tang Xinyi into the safe passage.

Going down the stairs to the third floor, and back to the floor where Shishi was hiding, Ling Tian blew a whistle, and Shishi immediately ran out of a room.

With bare feet, she looked at Ling Tian in horror. During the time he was away, she was really scared to death.

"Okay, the battle below is almost over, let's leave quickly!"

Lying on the glass window of the corridor and looking down, the battle below was still going on. Although it was dark, Ling Tian could find some problems with his keen observation.

Amidst the gunfire, the firepower of the government army was obviously weaker, most of them were old weapons, while the opponents were all American-style carbine rifles.

Equipped with individual bazookas, their gunfire is not messy, and it is also mixed with the sound of howitzers and sniper rifles, and they are well-equipped.

Coupled with the green dots constantly flashing in the mid-air in the dark night, it should be the indicator light of the drone.

If there are even combat drones, I believe that the opponent is also equipped with advanced equipment such as night vision goggles. Although the government army has the upper hand, it may not be able to resist for long.

Ling Tian, ​​who was unarmed, had two women by his side. If he wanted to fight each other recklessly, he would only die.

Now I can only pray that the other party will slow down and have less internal response, so as to give them enough time to evacuate.

Therefore, Ling Tian walked in the front, Shishi and Tang Xinyi supported each other, and the three of them quickly followed the safe passage, all the way down.

In the narrow stairwell, the emergency lights were already on, and the other party completely cut off the power supply of the entire building, but it did not affect the three people.

Keeping a distance of about one floor, Ling Tian walked in front, and the only weapon in his hand was the special poker that Tang Longhu gave him when he left.

But this kind of thing is far inferior to guns, so Ling Tian didn't dare to confront the opponent. He walked lightly and kept walking nimbly in the dusty stairwell.

Now that his vision is blocked, he can only focus all his attention on his ears.

The entire hotel has more than 30 floors, and the three people who came down all the way would feel a sense of suffocation in the narrow stairwell.

Both Shishi and Tang Xinyi could only grit their teeth tightly, not thinking about the horrible scene just now, but when they reached the eighth floor, suddenly Ling Tian hurried up from below.

"Someone is coming below, let's hide for a while!"

In the end, they still hadn't had time to safely evacuate the building. Hearing the sound of footsteps below, Ling Tian immediately returned to the two women.

They can't go down, they can't go back up, they can only temporarily hide in this building.

Pulling open the door of the safe passage, the three of them hurried into the thickly carpeted corridor.

Ling Tian was still walking in front, and the two women followed closely behind him. Because of the power outage, the corridor was dark, with rooms on the left and right sides, and the three of them walked forward quickly.

But when they were about halfway there, Ling Tian suddenly stopped, because there were also footsteps ahead, which made his heart tighten.

Not only that, but also the sound of footsteps behind him, the sound of military boots stepping on the floor, mixed with a rush of panting.

The front and back roads were all blocked, and the doors on the left and right all used electronic key cards. For a while, the three people were blocked in the corridor, unable to move.

(End of this chapter)

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