Chapter 527
Because of the power outage, there was only the dim floor lamp in the corridor, which made the corridor look very dark.

"Hide in!"

Seeing that the front and back were surrounded, Ling Tian hurriedly opened a small door and pushed the two girls in.

It's just that it's very narrow here, and the palm-sized room is full of various cleaning tools. This is a cleaning room specially reserved by the hotel. For the sake of beauty, the door is made the same as the wall.

Not long after the three of them entered, there was a sound of footsteps coming from far and near, and this sound was mixed with the sound of heavy breathing.

The footsteps were accompanied by the sound of heavy breathing, but when the sound was less than ten meters away from them, a burst of gunshots rang out.

"Puff puff……"

The sound of the incoming shot was that of an American carbine, and it was evident that it had hit the target.

The three people hiding in the cleaning room couldn't see anything, but they could hear it.

Holding the hands of the two girls tightly, hoping that this would give them a sense of security in the dark, Ling Tian blocked the door.

If they are discovered, they can still give it a go. Ling Tian only hopes that these people will not notice the clean room that is integrated with the wall because of the dark corridor.

Soon, there were more and more footsteps on both sides, and they were getting closer. At the same time, there was the sound of the door being kicked open.

Judging from the sound of footsteps, there were at least six people on the other side. Their walking conditions and regular breathing showed that they were professionally trained masters.

The room was pushed open continuously, and gradually, footsteps had come to the door of the cleaning room where the three of them were, and as the footsteps stopped, Ling Tian could not help but hold his breath.

"Report, the seventh floor has been searched!"

After waiting for a while, the opponent's soldiers did not push the door to enter. After six people gathered, one of them shouted through the walkie-talkie.

It turned out that these guys checked layer by layer as soon as they rushed in. Fortunately, Ling Tian didn't choose to hide in the room just now, otherwise they would have made dumplings.

Ling Tian couldn't hear what was answered on the walkie-talkie. I believe these people are wearing throat mics and earphones.

Soon, the six people split into two and left. It seemed that they were going to search upstairs, and Ling Tian let out a long breath.

But just when Ling Tian was about to open the door to check, he was stopped by Tang Xinyi behind him.

"No, there is one person missing from the footsteps!"

Tang Xinyi has a super keen sense of hearing. She could hear the footsteps, and only five people went upstairs. There were originally six, but one was suddenly missing.

So the three of them didn't act immediately, but still stood in the darkness, Ling Tian hugged the two girls into his arms, and he could feel the heartbeat of their distance in the darkness.

About another minute passed, and there was a sound of footsteps coming from the other end of the corridor, and then they walked upstairs.

"Sure enough, you are smart enough to know how to keep your tail!"

These guys are really cunning enough, for fear that someone will transfer after they search, so they deliberately leave one person behind.

If Tang Xinyi's ears were not sharp enough, she would have been fooled by them, so Ling Tian pushed the door open and looked outside.

In the dim corridor, the dark floor lamp was a bit creepy and terrifying. After confirming that it was safe, Ling Tian waved to the two women, and the three of them walked out of the room.


But at this moment, not far from the ground, a corpse lying there made the two women scream uncontrollably.

Fortunately, they also instinctively covered their mouths, so they didn't attract the enemies who had just left.

"I'm afraid we can't go down!"

At the end of the corridor, Ling Tian leaned on the glass and looked down. At this time, most of the gunfire outside had stopped.

The opponent is really well-trained, and has captured this place so quickly. Now the bottom has been controlled by the opponent. If you want to break through the gate, it will be very difficult.

"Then what do we do now?"

Shishi and Tang Xinyi, who had been following Ling Tian, ​​looked at Ling Tian with panicked faces, and now he was their backbone.

"Why don't you go first and leave us alone!"

Shishi bit her lip and looked at Ling Tian, ​​she knew that they were dragging Ling Tian down.

If he wanted to take them away, he would only get in the way, and no one would be able to survive.

"Yeah, you go out first, they want the key, we shouldn't have a problem!"

After listening to Shi Shi's words, Tang Xinyi also agreed with her, there was no need for him to die with them.

"Stop talking nonsense, I won't leave you guys behind, give me some time, I'll find a way!"

Can't fight recklessly, can only outsmart, Ling Tian squinted his eyes, and his brain began to work quickly.

The other party is now checking layer by layer. It seems that they are looking for them. Because of the manpower problem, they will not come again so soon.

"Don't think about it, unless you can fly, we can't go at all!"

Shishi looked at Ling Tian anxiously, she knew what Ling Tian was capable of, if she didn't take them with her, Ling Tian would definitely be able to get out of trouble.

"Yes, you reminded me that you are indeed my good apprentice!"

Tang Xinyi still wanted to speak, but Ling Tian suddenly smiled, and a plan appeared in her mind, thanks to Shi Shi's reminder.

"Can you really fly?"

Shishi looked at Ling Tian suspiciously, she was just making an analogy, could it be that Ling Tian has supernatural powers.

"Can't fly, but it's about the same!"

After making up his mind, Ling Tian took the two girls to the other side after distinguishing the direction. At this time, all the doors were kicked down. Under Ling Tian's leadership, they walked to the room on the other side. .

You can't see your fingers in the dark room, but thanks to the light from the floor-to-ceiling glass, you can still see something.

Quickly come to the floor-to-ceiling glass, because in order to highlight the dignity, all the glass in this hotel is this kind of tempered floor-to-ceiling glass.

Standing in the bedroom, you don't need a balcony, you just need to open the curtains to see the sea not far away.

The beautiful hotel has now turned into a killing field, but Ling Tian is excitedly lying on the window and looking down.

"Sure enough, it's here!"

After confirming the location, Ling Tian was very excited, and at the same time returned to the side of the two women.

"Shishi, is your ring a diamond?"

Holding Shishi's hand, looking at the diamond ring on her middle finger, Ling Tian hurriedly asked.


Shishi didn't know why Ling Tian suddenly cared about her ring at this moment. This ring was a two-carat diamond ring.

"Okay, let me use it, I will open an escape runway for you!"

Taking off the ring from Shishi's slender finger, Ling Tian returned to the tempered glass again. This thick glass is durable, but it is vulnerable to this ring.

Holding the diamond ring tightly, exposing the two-carat diamond, Ling Tian ruthlessly smashed it towards the tempered glass.

(End of this chapter)

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