Chapter 532 Destroy Everything

In the darkness, the air seemed to freeze. Ling Tian, ​​who was lurking in the darkness, kept his eyes tightly closed.

At such a time, vision can't help at all. No matter how hard the training is, people are people, not wolves.

The structure of the retina is different, this is an unchangeable fact, similarly, Ling Tian also believes that the two ronin on the opposite side can't see it either.

Now everything can only be listened to with ears. Although Ling Tian has worked hard in this respect, he is a monk halfway through after all.

Whether it is in terms of physical fitness, combat experience, or training since childhood, he is slightly inferior.

Therefore, this is just a tactic to delay the attack. If you want to really win the two ronin, you may have to find a way to enter the jungle behind.

If you act rashly, you will only scare the snake, and there is only one gas tank in the small kitchen.

There is no way, the meals here are mainly sashimi, and in the raw food restaurant, the capacity of this liquefied gas tank is limited.

There was only the last grenade left in the ammunition, so no matter what, he had to give it a go.

Responding to all kinds of changes, Ling Tian can only adopt the method of sitting on the sidelines and waiting for rabbits, and chose a road that must be passed. Now his only advantage is that he has eaten here.

Paying special attention, Ling Tian found that the design of the entire aisle has a heart shape on the outside, a heart shape on the inside, and a straight line in the middle, representing an arrow piercing the heart.

So the place where he stayed was on one of the main passages, hidden in the vegetation and motionless.

Finally, in the dark room, a sound of footsteps caught Ling Tian's attention.

Listening attentively, there should be three people coming, breathing heavily and forcefully, they should be the few militants that he didn't deal with.

Holding a sharp blade, this sharp knife is not an ordinary combat dagger, but a knife specially made for sashimi.

Don't look at this as a kitchen knife, but it is very elegant, and it costs a few hundred dollars to come up to the front dollar if you take it casually.

It is much more expensive than their military daggers, and it is sharper for cutting raw fish.

It's just because it's too sharp, if it's marching and fighting, it's basically equivalent to a one-off, and I'm afraid it will curl the blade if it's cut on a bone.

But now, Ling Tian can't control the price issue anymore, holding two sashimi knives, today he will use a living person to perform the surgery.

The eyes of the three trembling people were still a little stinging, and the night vision goggles were burned out, so they could only move forward by groping.

These high-tech experienced fighters have long been accustomed to using night vision goggles at night, but suddenly without modern equipment, their confidence disappeared instantly.

Hearing the footsteps approaching, Ling Tian slowly arched his body, the sashimi knives in both hands flicked, and rushed out like a devil.

Before the figure arrived, the sharp blade in his hand was the first to attack. Accompanied by the sound of two piercing through the air, the two soldiers suddenly let out a muffled groan after hearing their positions.

The throat was pierced by a sharp knife, and blood spewed out along the severed artery. The only guy who survived the disaster felt a heat on his face, and the bloody smell immediately collapsed his lost confidence. With a scream, he instinctively He pulled the trigger and swiped left and right. In the darkness, the tongue of flame from the muzzle was so dazzling.

The bullet flew past Ling Tian's scalp, and the biting heat brought a pang of pain.

He was clinging to the ground with his waist bent, and he was also included in the opponent's madness.

The trigger was pulled to the end, and a shuttle of bullets was shot out in less than three seconds. The surrounding area was in a mess, and everyone was lying on the ground.


The firing pin returned to the chamber, indicating that the bullets ran out. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ling Tian rushed over again.

The sharp blade in his hand slashed across the guy's throat, and the bloody arrow marked far away. The sharp blade instantly cut off his throat and blood vessels, and he instinctively covered his neck with his hands as he felt the heat.

But how could he stop the passing of life, and he, who was wide-eyed but still only saw a piece of darkness, also fell heavily backwards.

On the other hand, Ling Tian threw himself towards the corpse beside him. The sparks from the muzzle of this guy's gun lit up his surroundings when he fired just now.

Ling Tian clearly saw the positions of the two corpses, and also saw the guns that had fallen on the ground, so he grabbed them with both hands to grab the weapons.

"Da da da……"

Before Ling Tian's hand touched the cold gun, there was a chill behind him.

His keen sense of the battlefield let him know that the danger was approaching, so he rolled forward without daring to neglect, and took advantage of the opportunity to sneak into the vegetation beside him.

He didn't have time to take the gun, so he could only disappear as soon as possible, because when the bullet came just now, they didn't think about whether their companions were dead or alive.


Ling Tian gritted his teeth, turned around and left, it was not appropriate to stay for a long time at this time, the gunshots were still roaring continuously.

The corpse that fell on the ground was pierced by another round of bullets, and blood flowed freely. Their death was quite miserable.

"Have you hit yet?"

A shuttle of bullets wiped out all the bullets, and the other three guys didn't know if they killed Ling Tian or not.

Holding their guns tightly, they were frightened and encouraged each other to move forward a little bit.

In this darkness, every step I take is trembling with fear, and the surrounding darkness seems to hide countless demons.


Just as they were still groping forward a little bit, there was a sudden sound of piercing through the air, and a sharp knife directly pierced the eye socket of a hapless ghost.

Immediately afterwards, five or six sharp knives flew over. Although some of them missed or hit the body armor, one of them pierced another guy's throat with precision.

The companions around him fell down one by one, and the last guy was so frightened that he pulled the trigger again. The panic of death made him feel extremely scared.

But no matter how he yelled, there was still a dead silence all around, and the bullet seemed to be shot into an infinite space.

The trembling guy was completely panicked, he was about to be frightened crazy, and wanted to escape in a panic.

But he couldn't go anymore, Ling Tian, ​​who heard the chaotic footsteps, blocked him one step earlier.

Using ears instead of eyes, Ling Tian rushed forward quickly, grabbing his shoulder with his left hand, this was to confirm the position of his neck, and at the same time to hold down his gun pouch.

The sharp blade in the right hand stabs sharply, and everything is done based on feeling. During training, the master does not let them use modern equipment, because he said that equipment will never be reliable.


The sharp blade passed through his throat and directly penetrated his neck. His trachea and artery were cut off, and he fell back weakly.

Just as Ling Tian stretched out his hand to snatch the gun, a sudden chill came from behind him, and the feeling of death made him scream badly.

The hateful ronin was using these few people as bait to lure himself, and now he was finally ready to do something while hiding in the dark.

Death enveloped Ling Tian's body, and life and death were decided in milliseconds. At this moment, Ling Tian's actions were all instinctive.

(End of this chapter)

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