Chapter 533 Has a backer
Life and death are between a thought, this is the cruelty of the battlefield.

Any action during this millisecond is a test of life and death.

With his back completely covered, Ling Tian slammed his left hand toward his arms, letting the blood that was pierced through his throat splash all over him.

At the same time, he exerted force on his waist, twisted it abruptly, and exerted strength with one arm, which should have thrown the militant who weighed more than 100 kilograms behind him.


There was a sudden sound of gunfire, and it was still the sound of a large-caliber pistol. In this narrow space, pistols were naturally more flexible than automatic rifles.

The bullet hit the corpse, and Ling Tian, ​​who was separated from the corpse, felt an extremely powerful force.

The impact caused Ling Tian, ​​who was not on his feet firmly, to fall backwards together with the corpse. Ling Tian felt a stabbing pain in his lower abdomen, but fortunately, the pain was not too severe.

Falling to the ground, Ling Tian pushed the corpse with both hands, and knocked the corpse directly towards the person who came. At the same time, he kicked the back of the corpse with both feet, and he used the one hundred kilograms corpse as a weapon.

The sneak attacking ronin also used ears instead of eyes, so his movements were a bit slow, and he rushed forward and was directly hit by the corpse.

Hastily pushed the corpse aside with his left hand, but it was too late when he raised his right hand again.

After Ling Tian stepped out of the corpse, he took advantage of the momentum of a carp to stand up and stand up. Listening to the sound, he kicked the opponent's wrist with his right foot, and the large-caliber pistol was immediately kicked away.

Without the pistol, Ling Tian grabbed a sharp blade with his right hand and threw it out. The sharp blade pierced through the air with incomparable arrogance.


The opponent was definitely not weak either. After the pistol was kicked away, he had already picked up the bulletproof black umbrella with his left hand. It was so hard that even bullets could not penetrate it, and he just blocked the deformed sharp blade.

For a moment, the two men without guns immediately started a hand-to-hand fight in the dark.

In the darkness where no one can see who, by virtue of the other's breathing, footsteps and the sound of waving wind, both of them can feel the other's attack.

Ronin mustered all his strength, constantly waving that heavy black umbrella and pounced towards Ling Tian.

This black umbrella can be bulletproof after opening, and the canopy of the umbrella is as thin as a sharp blade, which is also a means of killing, especially on the top of the mountain, there is still a sharp blade.

Combining cold weapons and modern warfare, this ronin is really smart.

As for Ling Tian here, the sharp blade in his hand couldn't pierce through the opponent's defense at all, and the stabbing knife was not suitable for chopping, so all the blades curled up after a few hard fights.

Backing back again and again, taking advantage of his familiarity with the terrain, Ling Tian kept dodging the opponent's fierce attacks.

After the last fight, Ling Tian objectively assessed the strengths and weaknesses of himself and the opponent.

In terms of reaction, he and the other party are evenly divided, and in terms of martial arts mastered, Chinese martial arts is his ancestor.

But as the most basic physical fitness, I am afraid that he is less than one-third of the opponent, and this is what annoys him the most.

Although this period of time has also improved, but the body that has been lying still for half a year is no longer the steel and iron frame it was before.

Coupled with the fact that the opponent is a pervert, and his physical fitness is as rough as a primitive beast, Ling Tian will definitely suffer a lot after a long time.

And all the way along the way was fighting for power, Ling Tian consumed a lot of physical energy, and the opponent was waiting for work, so he couldn't take advantage of the fight like this.

Fortunately, they killed all their cannon fodder. Although it was impossible to win, relying on the familiar terrain, the opponent couldn't hold him for a while.

Fisting and kicking, the two fought inextricably, Ling Tian was at a disadvantage, but still kept swimming by relying on the vegetation.

"Not right!"

After fighting for about 2 minutes, although Ling Tian suffered a lot of scratches, they were not serious.

But at this moment, he suddenly realized that something was wrong, because there were obviously two ronin, but why did they fight for so long, but no one came.

The sound of the two fighting was not weak, it was impossible for the other party's ears to fail to find their location for so long.

If the support is delayed, there are only two possibilities. One is to hide in the dark and prepare to hit him with one blow, and the second is that he is not ready to participate.

Thinking of this, Ling Tian couldn't help screaming in his heart, the biggest possibility is that the ronin was not prepared to participate in the battle from the beginning.

His target was not Ling Tian, ​​but Tang Xinyi and Shi Shi who escaped with Ling Tian.

If the two women were caught by them, they would have no choice but to let them go.

"Boy, it's still too late to surrender, or your woman will be in trouble!"

The other party noticed that Ling Tian's fists were a bit slack, and it seemed that he had already noticed the conspiracy.

"This matter has nothing to do with them!"

Avoiding the footsteps of the opponent, Ling Tian rolled on the ground, and tried to break through his blockade to grab the gun several times, but he blocked it.

"Hahahaha, if you kill my brother, I will definitely make you pay the price, and your woman can't escape either!"

Ronin spoke that jerky Chinese, his tone seemed to be skinning Ling Tian.

"I'm telling you, don't think about my woman, or I will make you die a miserable death!"

As soon as he stretched out his hand and overturned a table to cover the opponent, Ling Tian rushed forward at the same time in the direction of the corpse.

As long as he gets the gun, everything can be reversed, and this is his only chance of victory.

"Hahaha, I'm so scared as you said, I'm really scared, hateful guy, I will skin your women and make them sleep with male dogs!"

Kicking towards Ling Tian and blocking him again, one can imagine the distorted expression on his face from the obscene voice in the darkness.

"Don't worry, you can only sleep with bitches for the rest of your life!"

Shaking his numb arm, Ling Tian didn't want to make the last move, after all, this place is really beautiful.

But watching the time pass by every minute and every second, if he can't grab the gun, he can't stop the opponent at all.

But when Ling Tian was still thinking, there was a sudden scream, it was the screams of Tang Xinyi and Shishi.

At the same time, the ronin who had been searching in the dark with his ears showed a lewd smile.

As he approached quickly, he already smelled the smell of a woman in the air, and rubbing his hands, he walked towards the back of the bar.

"Little beauty, don't hide, come out quickly!"

The rogue's voice came, but Tang Xinyi had already spotted him before he found the two girls.

Tang Xinyi and Shishi, who were holding the gun tightly in their hands, leaned against the inside of the bar, listening to the guy approaching step by step, feeling extremely nervous.

"Tang Xinyi, shoot!"

In the distance, screams let Ling Tian know that the two women had been found.

Although he was unwilling, he still yelled, and he was prepared to leave the last grenade to Tang Xinyi.


Tang Xinyi agreed, and the carbine that had been standing on the ground had already been loaded, and as she pulled the trigger, the grenades roared out.

(End of this chapter)

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