Chapter 534

Gunshots sounded over the arc-shaped aquarium, and the 40mm grenades were powerful.

With the explosion of the grenade, the arc-shaped glass of the aquarium immediately shattered.

Hundreds of tons of sea water poured down, like a waterfall above the aquarium located at a depth of more than 30 meters under the sea.

The huge amount of water shattered the entire piece of glass. Fortunately, the tempered glass that seemed to be one piece in the sky was actually divided into more than ten pieces.

Each piece is independently supported, so not all the ceiling is broken, but the broken opening is more than four meters wide and six meters long.

This kind of feeling is really like the sky falling and the ground sinking. Seeing the tons of sea water flowing down, the ronin who was fighting Ling Tian immediately turned around and fled.

"Where to go!"

In a blink of an eye, the sea water was knee-deep, and countless schools of fish were washed by the current and fell down.

Because of the backflow of sea water, the lights that originally illuminated the sky also became messy due to the change of water flow, so there was also some light in the restaurant at this time.

Seeing that ronin turn around and run away, Ling Tian certainly wouldn't let him get away like this.

After stepping to catch up, he directly threw a chair towards him.

"You lunatic!"

The ronin who always regarded himself as a lunatic turned around and looked at Ling Tian angrily.

He who has been fighting in the dark is the first time he saw Ling Tian's true face.

"Wonders are not afraid of death! I want to see if you are afraid today!"

On land, Ling Tian might not be his opponent, but seeing this fellow panicked, Ling Tian had a smile on his face.

It can be seen that he is very afraid of water. Could it be that this guy can't swim? If so, how could Ling Tian miss the golden opportunity to kill him.

The sea water was still pouring back, but this time it was Ling Tian who was biting him hard. The water level that originally reached the calf soon submerged to the thigh, and it was still rising at an extremely fast speed.

The downward passage is several hundred meters long, and once the entrance with a height of only three meters is covered by sea water, it will become Heze.

The ronin, who was naturally afraid of water, tried his best to get rid of Ling Tian, ​​but Ling Tian kept throwing tables and chairs at him.

"Don't come and help!"

The ronin, who couldn't escape for a while, hurriedly shouted at the other guy.

In a blink of an eye, he touched the sea water on his waist, making his face pale.

The black in his hand weighed more than 30 kilograms, and as he swung it up and down, his movements became slower and slower.

The ronin in the distance also had a look of panic, but he stopped suddenly after rushing a few steps forward.

In just a few steps, the sea water reached his chest. Seeing the smaller and smaller exit, he grabbed a floating table and rowed desperately towards the exit.

"Come back! Come back!"

On the ceiling, due to the change in the pressure of the sea water, glass was broken one after another. In less than a minute, the water level was about to submerge the ronin.

Seeing his companion fleeing in panic, the ronin shouted desperately, but the man grabbed the wooden table and rowed out without looking back.

"It's finally my turn this time. Didn't you just say that you want to tear my woman apart? Today I'm going to flood the little devil!"

The water level kept rising, and Ling Tian, ​​who had been prepared for a long time, was not worried about the two girls. Firstly, Shishi knew water, and secondly, he found some floating objects for Tang Xinyi in order to prevent damage to the place.

The water grew higher and higher, while Ling Tian stepped on the water, looking at the ronin holding a wooden table with a smile on his face.

He was no match on the ground, but now he was a lamb to be slaughtered.

One hand kept waving the heavy black umbrella, while the other hand was clutching the wooden table in embarrassment, and Ronin's face had already begun to become distorted.

But the water level was still rising, his feet could no longer touch the ground, and Ling Tian, ​​who was five meters away from him, had his chest hugged on the surface of the water.

Ling Tian, ​​who can move freely just by treading water, is not in a hurry to kill him now, because he is at least 20 meters away from the ceiling, so he can play slowly.

Out of the corner of his eye, he looked at the two women floating up in another corner, as long as they were safe and sound, he would be relieved.

The rising water level made Ronin no longer dare to hold the heavy black umbrella, and he floated up while holding onto the wooden board with both hands, looking at the leisurely Ling Tian with horror on his face.

Ling Tian, ​​who is excellent in water skills, suddenly made a face at the ronin, then took a deep breath, and he sank directly into the water.

The lights flickered, and the diving lights that use seawater to automatically generate electricity illuminate the entire restaurant.

Ronin kept looking left and right, looking for the disappeared Ling Tian, ​​he knew that here he was the God of Death.

The ronin kept kicking, but he didn't know that the god of death would appear from there and attack him.

"Come on, I'll take you to hell!"

Suddenly, Ling Tian jumped out of the water from behind the ronin, and with his hands outstretched, he directly hugged the rogue's neck.

Leaning back, he kicked the board in his hand to pieces, and the two of them immediately sank rapidly.

In a blink of an eye, the water level had risen to a depth of more than ten meters. Ronin was pulled into the water, and at first he held his breath trying to break free.

But Ling Tian was like an iron chain, tightly locked his body, his feet clasped his waist, and his hands hugged his arm from the armpit.

The heavy weight made it impossible for the ronin to float up. With his eyes wide open, he kept twisting his body, and his terrified eyes were full of threats of death.

Holding the opponent's body tightly, Ling Tian didn't need to do anything, the gushing sea water could take his life.

Looking at the ronin's limbs becoming more and more stiff and slow with a smile on his face, Ling Tian knew that he was completely finished this time.

Spurting out in one breath, the ronin who couldn't bear it any longer struggled violently at the end, his beast-like body forced Ling Tian away.

Pushing on the water with both feet, Ling Tian swam away directly, watching the ronin who kept trying to float but sinking more and more, Ling Tian did not forget to wave his hand at the ronin who was struggling frantically.

From now on, he will be buried in the sea, and his corpse will also be turned into the delicacy of those fishes.

Although one ran away, Ling Tian didn't care. Ling Tian, ​​who stepped on the water and surfaced, breathed a sigh of relief.

Using all fours to swim towards the two girls in the distance, Ling Tian, ​​who is excellent in water, soon came to Shi Shi and Tang Xinyi's side.

Holding on to the floating object, Tang Xinyi and Shishi looked at Ling Tian who was swimming over, seeing that he was safe, the two girls were relieved.

"How do we get out now?"

The exit had been sealed by sea water, and it might be difficult to swim out of the several hundred meter channel, at least for Tang Xinyi.

"Just go from here!"

Pointing to the hole like the Nine Heavens Waterfall, Ling Tian had long thought of a way to evacuate, and the next step was to wait.

(End of this chapter)

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